
galactose n.【化學】半乳糖。

Results : it was about genomic polymorphism analyses of 5 parts of brain ( brain regions ) , composed of cortex , hyppocampus , sriatum , hypothalamus and cerebellum , in variety of the sd - rats . 1 , it was showed that special genomic rapds were different between the sd - rats at ages of 3 months old , 6 - 8 months old , 18months old and 24 months old , and there was some correlation between sd - rat “ ages of months old adding up and increase of brain regions with special rapds . 2 , special genomic rapds of the brain aging sd - rat at the age of 24 months old was the same as that of the brain aging sd - rat induced by - d - galactose from the age of 3months old 結果對不同生理狀態( 3月齡, 6 - 8月齡, 18月齡, 24月齡)下的腦皮層、海馬、紋狀體、下丘腦、小腦等五腦區進行基因組dna多態性分析,發現:不同月齡大鼠腦區的基因組特異性rapd分子標記不同,月齡的增長和腦區基因組特異性rapd分子標記的增多呈一定的相關性;對不同實驗處理( - d -半乳糖致腦衰老,花粉、復方氨基酸、吡拉西坦抗腦衰老)后的五腦區進行基因組dna多態性分析,發現: - d -半乳糖致腦衰老與24月齡自然腦衰老腦區的基因組特異性rapd分子標記相似,花粉、復方氨基酸、吡拉西坦抗均不同程地改變了- d -半乳糖致腦衰老腦區基因組特異性rapd分子標記。

Results : it was about genomic polymorphism analyses of 5 parts of brain ( brain regions ) , composed of cortex , hyppocampus , sriatum , hypothalamus and cerebellum , in variety of the sd - rats . 1 , it was showed that special genomic rapds were different between the sd - rats at ages of 3 months old , 6 - 8 months old , 18months old and 24 months old , and there was some correlation between sd - rat “ ages of months old adding up and increase of brain regions with special rapds . 2 , special genomic rapds of the brain aging sd - rat at the age of 24 months old was the same as that of the brain aging sd - rat induced by - d - galactose from the age of 3months old 結果對不同生理狀態( 3月齡, 6 - 8月齡, 18月齡, 24月齡)下的腦皮層、海馬、紋狀體、下丘腦、小腦等五腦區進行基因組dna多態性分析,發現:不同月齡大鼠腦區的基因組特異性rapd分子標記不同,月齡的增長和腦區基因組特異性rapd分子標記的增多呈一定的相關性;對不同實驗處理( - d -半乳糖致腦衰老,花粉、復方氨基酸、吡拉西坦抗腦衰老)后的五腦區進行基因組dna多態性分析,發現: - d -半乳糖致腦衰老與24月齡自然腦衰老腦區的基因組特異性rapd分子標記相似,花粉、復方氨基酸、吡拉西坦抗均不同程地改變了- d -半乳糖致腦衰老腦區基因組特異性rapd分子標記。


Results : it was about genomic polymorphism analyses of 5 parts of brain ( brain regions ) , composed of cortex , hyppocampus , sriatum , hypothalamus and cerebellum , in variety of the sd - rats . 1 , it was showed that special genomic rapds were different between the sd - rats at ages of 3 months old , 6 - 8 months old , 18months old and 24 months old , and there was some correlation between sd - rat “ ages of months old adding up and increase of brain regions with special rapds . 2 , special genomic rapds of the brain aging sd - rat at the age of 24 months old was the same as that of the brain aging sd - rat induced by - d - galactose from the age of 3months old 結果對不同生理狀態( 3月齡, 6 - 8月齡, 18月齡, 24月齡)下的腦皮層、海馬、紋狀體、下丘腦、小腦等五腦區進行基因組dna多態性分析,發現:不同月齡大鼠腦區的基因組特異性rapd分子標記不同,月齡的增長和腦區基因組特異性rapd分子標記的增多呈一定的相關性;對不同實驗處理( - d -半乳糖致腦衰老,花粉、復方氨基酸、吡拉西坦抗腦衰老)后的五腦區進行基因組dna多態性分析,發現: - d -半乳糖致腦衰老與24月齡自然腦衰老腦區的基因組特異性rapd分子標記相似,花粉、復方氨基酸、吡拉西坦抗均不同程地改變了- d -半乳糖致腦衰老腦區基因組特異性rapd分子標記。

Conclusions ( 1 ) subacute senile mouse model can be used in immunosenesence reseach . ( 2 ) cd 137 may be an marker of aging . ( 3 ) the protection to aicd of cd137 decreased , indicate the function of cd137 was unusual . ( 4 ) the effect of d - galactose can modelling the different stage of aging . ( 5 ) the decrease of cd 137 expression on t cell from subacute senile mouse model and the aging mouse were due to the declining of their mrna . ( 6 ) the expression of cd 137 on t cells from from subacute senile mouse model and the aging mouse have a time dependently derease and the peak of cd 137 expression appeared earlier while the aging keep going on 結論( 1 ) d -半乳糖致亞急性衰老小鼠模型t細胞cd137分子表達變化規律與自然衰老小鼠相似,造模兩個月后的大劑量組小鼠即可用于衰老個體cd137分子的相關研究。 ( 2 )模型小鼠cd137分子表達隨衰老的發生發展呈規律性變化,提示該分子可能為t細胞衰老的分子標志。 ( 3 )即使在衰老狀態下,機體對cd137分于的表達依然具有調控作用,提示兔疫系統的代償能力仍然存在。

Methods subacute senile mouse model was established by injection of d - galactose . the splenic cells were isolated from mice and cultured in vitro following cona stimulation . expression of cd 137 on splenic t cells in the model and normal control groups were compared with each other by flow cytometry method at various cultural times after cona stimulation 方法取5周齡balb c雄性小鼠,頸背部皮下注射d -半乳糖,分別于造模型后一到五個月取脾臟淋巴細胞,同時取自然衰老小鼠脾臟淋巴細胞,在培養的第0 、 24 、 48 、 72 、 96 、 120 、 144h收集細胞,用流式細胞儀分析脾臟t細胞cd137的表達陽性率。

The gardenia bule withdraws by the rubiaceae plant gardenia fruit practical lukewarm water obtained assumes the color glucoside and the protein resolvent mixture , adds beta - the galactose glucoside enzyme after the fermentation , the deactivation , filters , evaporates , fine , is dry but becomes , assumes the blue color powder 梔子藍色素由茜草科植物梔子果實用溫水提取所得的呈色配糖體和蛋白質分解物的混合物,加-半乳糖苷酶經發酵、滅活、過濾、蒸發、精致、干燥而成,呈藍色粉末。

A single molecule of rta is able to depurinate 1500 - 2000 ribosomes per minute . ricin b chain ( rtb ) is a galactose - specific lectin which binds to the receptors on cell surfaces , and may enhance rta translocation by forming a pore in the membrane of intracellular organelles . ricin enters the cells by receptor - mediated endocytosis 內吞進入細胞的蓖麻毒素一部分返回到膜表面,一部分經早期內體至晚期內體,最后在溶酶體中降解,只有一小部分約5到達高爾基體,隨后逆轉運到粗面內質網,在那里rta才和rtb解離,游離出有催化活性的rta 。

Reviewing the application and development of d - galactose induced aging model , and different measurements in different records , we summarized the establishment and theory of d - galactose induced aging model , furthermore , we described the measurements from ethology , biochemstry . morphology and molecular biology in this review 鑒于該模型近年來的運用和發展,且眾文獻中的檢測指標各有側重,本文擬對該模型構建方法和原理以及檢測指標從行為學水平,生化水平,形態學水平,分子生物學水平等方面由淺入深進行綜述。

The hemagglutinating activity of amphioxus skin mucus was decreased after heating at 60 for 30 min , and was almost lost upon heating at 100 for 30 min . the hemagglutinating activity of the skin mucus remained stable in the ph range from 6 to 10 , but it was inactivated at ph above 10 or below 6 . the hemagglutinating activity in the skin mucus is inhibited by d - galactose , which is same with the hemagglut inating activity of the humoral fluids of amphioxus 在60保溫30分鐘后,凝集素的凝集活性下降,在100保溫30分鐘后,凝集素凝集活性幾乎完全消失;在ph6 - 10的范圍內,凝集素的凝集活性穩定, ph大于10小于6的條件下,凝集素的凝集活性消失;文昌魚體表粘液中的凝集素受d -半乳糖苷的抑制。

Ricin b chain ( rtb ) can specifically recognize receptors on the cell membrane , which have a terminal galactose . rtb is responsible for the binding to the cell receptors and may facilitate the translocation of rta B鏈具有凝集素活性,其本身幾乎沒有毒性,主要作用就是識別和結合細胞表面末端含有半乳糖基結構的受體,并協助a鏈進入細胞內。

Crude asp has two components , the molecular weight of component 1 was 67600 . it was composed of glucose , mannose , galactose and fructose , as well as trace fucose and xylose 黃芪粗多糖由2種組分組成,組分( aps1 )分子量為67600 ,紙色譜表明主要由葡萄糖組成,氣相色譜顯示還有甘露糖、半乳糖、果糖、木糖和巖藻糖。

Moreover , they have hi common the localization in the golgi apparatus , the topology of type ii membrane proteins , and the transfer of galactose from udp - galactose onto the c4 - hydroxyl group of glcnac residues 用iptg誘導表達的獲得- 1 , 4 - gt與gst (谷胱甘肽轉移酶)的融合蛋白,經westernblot驗證與預想的一致。

Saccharide : glucose , mannose , xylose and galactose and so on are included . this kind of amylose can improve human immunity , and acts on the prevention and cure of cancer and aids 糖類:包括葡萄糖、甘露糖、木糖、半乳糖等。這類多糖對提高人體免疫功能,對癌癥和艾滋病的防治有一定作用。

Dried milk , dried ice - mixes and processed cheese - determination of lactose content - enzymatic method utilizing the galactose moiety of the lactose 奶粉干冰混合物和加工的奶酪.測定乳糖含量.利用乳糖中半乳糖含量的酶催化方法

Effect of electroacupuncture on changes of amino acid neurotransmitters in the hippocampus of rats with spatial learning and memory impairment induced by d - galactose 半乳糖所致空間記憶障礙大鼠海馬氨基酸遞質改變的影響

Effect of chinese drug lishi no . 5 on the ultrastructure of hippocampal neurons and expression of insulin receptor substrate in d - galactose induced aging mice 半乳糖老化小鼠海馬超微結構及胰島素受體底物表達的影響

Influence of d - galactose on rat spatial learning memory behavior as well as cerebral hippocampal electrophysiology and synaptic morphology 半乳糖對大鼠空間學習記憶行為與腦海馬結構電生理以及突觸形態學的影響

Effect of active component of four types of chinese herbs on aldose reductase activity and non - enzymatic protein glycation in d - galactose induced rats 半乳糖誘導大鼠醛糖還原酶活性和蛋白非酶糖化的作用

Effects ofpolygala tenuifolia willd on sod activity of rbc and gsh - px activity of liver tissue inaging mouse caused by d - galactose 肝組織谷胱甘肽過氧化物酶活性影響的實驗研究