
galactic adj.1.乳的,乳汁的;【醫學】催乳的。2.【天文學】...

galactic circle

Or perhaps there is a galactic ethic of noninterference with backward or emerging civilizations 或者可能有一個銀河系的倫理規范,不干涉落后的或者先進的文明社會。

Automated spectral classification of broad - line and narrow - line active galactic nuclei based on k - nearest neighbour 近鄰方法的窄線與寬線活動星系核的自動光譜分類

Andromeda , our nearest large galactic neighbor , is actually moving toward us , not away 事實上,最鄰近我們的大型星系仙女座星系,就是朝著我們移動,而非遠離。

Astronomers do not understand clearly how galactic spirals evolved and why they still exist 天文學家并不是很清楚銀河旋臂是如何演化的以及它們為什么會存在。

The cosmic shaman of galactic culture returned from the sky on july 11 , 1991 to signal the time 極大文化的宇宙薩滿教從天空回歸,時間標記是1991年7月11日。

Image of the jet streaming from the galactic center of the galaxy m87 taken with the hubble space telescope 哈勃太空望遠鏡所拍攝由m87星系中心噴出的噴流。

Has swept into the republic capital and kidnapped chancellor palpatine , leader of the galactic senate 攻進共和國首都,綁架了銀河議院的領袖議長帕爾帕廷

On the other hand , galaxy - mass black holes are found in active galactic nuclei ( agn ) 另一種有星系質量大小的黑洞常發現存在于活躍的星系核心( agn ) 。

Galactic radiation has higher energy and is therefore the dominant component of cosmic radiation 銀河輻射因能量較高,故此是宇宙輻射的支配組分。

Galactic peace international hotel : jiangxi hotels - china hotel jiangxi hotel reservation 嘉萊特和平國際酒店:江西飯店-中國飯店江西飯店訂房網

The galactic center lies some 26 , 000 light - years away , toward the constellation sagittarius 銀河中心位在人馬座內,離我們約有二萬六千光年遠。

I close my eyes and girl it s true on a psychedelic space machine , galactic sugar high 明天你還會在這但你的夢想卻已不在了我怎么跟你解釋當我

Evidence of dark matter has been confirmed through the study of galactic rotation curves 通過銀河系自旋軌跡的研究已經證實暗物質存在的證據。

The galactic center lies some 26 , 000 light - years away , toward the constellation sagittarius 銀河系中心位于人馬座,距離我們約26000光年。

Unfortunately , before the fight even reaches the tree evils , she is defeated by the galactic forces 可惜未見樹妖,已被外星兵團打敗。

Proto - galactic cloud 原星系云

Close - up image of the galactic center m82 taken with the chandra x - ray observatory 錢德拉x射線天文臺所拍攝m82星系中心的特寫。

Proto - galactic object 原星系天體

Active galactic nuclei 活動星系核