gaiter n.1.鞋罩,綁腿。2.高幫松緊鞋,綁腿式長統靴。短語和...
n. 1.鞋罩,綁腿。 2.高幫松緊鞋,綁腿式長統靴。 短語和例子be ready to the last gaiter button 有充分準備,已準備完畢。 “asbestos gaiter“ 中文翻譯: 石棉腳蓋“gaiter cloth“ 中文翻譯: 鞋罩呢“gaiter strap“ 中文翻譯: 高統鞋搭扣帶“hose gaiter“ 中文翻譯: 水帶包布“gaiter full length and short“ 中文翻譯: 長短綁腿雪鞋“gaitenbein“ 中文翻譯: 蓋滕賓“gaiteiro“ 中文翻譯: 蓋特羅“gaited“ 中文翻譯: adj. 有…步伐的。 heavy-gaited步履沉重的。 “gaitero“ 中文翻譯: 蓋特羅“gaite“ 中文翻譯: 蓋特“gaiters“ 中文翻譯: 鞋罩“gaitas“ 中文翻譯: 蓋塔斯
gaitskell |
But , by degrees , watch - chains , necklaces , parti - colored scarfs , embroidered bodices , velvet vests , elegantly worked stockings , striped gaiters , and silver buckles for the shoes , all disappeared ; and gaspard caderousse , unable to appear abroad in his pristine splendor , had given up any further participation in the pomps and vanities , both for himself and wife , although a bitter feeling of envious discontent filled his mind as the sound of mirth and merry music from the joyous revellers reached even the miserable hostelry to which he still clung , more for the shelter than the profit it afforded 但漸漸地,表鏈呀,項圈呀,花色領巾呀,繡花乳褡呀,絲絨背心呀,做工精美的襪子呀,條紋扎腳套呀,以及鞋子上的銀搭扣呀,都不見了,于是,葛司柏卡德魯斯,既然不能再穿著以前的華麗服裝外出露面了,就和他的妻子不再到這些浮華虛榮的場合去了,但每聽到那些興高采烈的歡呼聲以及愉快的音樂聲傳到這個可憐的客棧的時候,傳到這個他現在還依戀著的只能算是一個庇身之所,根本談不上賺錢的小地方的時候,他的心里也未嘗不感到嫉妒和痛苦。 |
It may be supposed , then , franz did not wait for a repetition of this permission , but took off the handkerchief , and found himself in the presence of a man from thirty - eight to forty years of age , dressed in a tunisian costume - that is to say , a red cap with a long blue silk tassel , a vest of black cloth embroidered with gold , pantaloons of deep red , large and full gaiters of the same color , embroidered with gold like the vest , and yellow slippers ; he had a splendid cashmere round his waist , and a small sharp and crooked cangiar was passed through his girdle 這當然是很容易想象得到的:弗蘭茲無須這種許可再說第二遍,就立刻解開了他的手帕,他發現自己已站在了一個年約三十八至四十歲的男子面前。那人穿著一套突尼斯人的服裝,那是一頂紅色的便帽,帽上垂下一長綹藍色的絲穗,一件繡金邊的黑色長袍,深紅色的褲子,同色的扎腳套,扎腳套很寬大,也象長袍一樣是繡金邊的,一雙黃色的拖鞋他的腰部圍著一條華麗的絲帶,腰帶上插著一柄鋒利的小彎刀。 |
But they got no further in speech just then . they crept and crept , the hem of her petticoat just touching his gaiter , and his elbow sometimes brushing hers . at last the dairyman , who came next , could stand it no longer 不過當時他們沒有多說別的話,他們彎著腰不停地搜尋著,苔絲的裙邊正好碰到克萊爾的綁腿,克萊爾的胳膊肘有時也碰著了苔絲的胳膊。 |
The apartment and furniture would have been nothing extraordinary as belonging to a homely , northern farmer , with a stubborn countenance , and stalwart limbs set out to advantage in knee breeches and gaiters 要是這屋子和家具屬于一個質樸的北方農民,他有著頑強的面貌,以及穿短褲和綁腿套挺方便的粗壯的腿,那倒沒有什么稀奇。 |
Under his linen milking - pinner he wore a dark velveteen jacket , cord breeches and gaiters , and a starched white shirt . without the milking - gear nobody could have guessed what he was 他在麻布圍裙里面穿一件深色天鵝絨夾克衫,配一條燈芯絨褲子,扎著皮綁腿,里面穿一件漿洗過的白襯衫。 |
Then only was he permitted to be seen , spectacularly poring over large books , and casting his breeches and gaiters into the general weight of the establishment 那時他已在神氣十足地研讀著巨大的帳本,并把他的馬褲和套鞋熔鑄進那個機構,以增加它的分量。 |
She made out the gun and gaiters and baggy jacket - it would be oliver mellors , the keeper . yes , for there was the dog nosing around like a shadow , and waiting for him 是的,因她的狗兒在那里,好象一個影子似地東聞西嗅著,等著它的主人呢! |
He was a man in dark green velveteens and gaiters . the old style , with a red face and red moustache and distant eyes 這人穿著深綠色的線絨衣,帶著腳絆老式的樣子,紅潤的臉孔,紅的髭須,和冷淡的眼睛。 |
Protective clothing for users of hand - held chain saws - part 8 : test methods for chain saw protective gaiters ; german version en 381 - 8 : 1997 手提式鏈鋸使用者保護服.第8部分:護腿檢驗方法 |
To enter gaiter , i strapped on a head - mounted display and a flak jacket , as well as forearm and shin guards 進入測步者之前,我先戴上頭部顯示器,并且穿上防彈衣,為前臂與小腿戴上護具。 |
Components for containment enclosures . part 2 : gloves , welded bags , gaiters for remote - handling tongs and for manipulators 密封罩組件.第2部分:機械手和遙控操作抓手用手套,焊接袋,鞋罩 |
Protective clothing for users of hand - held chain saws - part 9 : requirements for chain saw protective gaiters ; german version en 381 - 9 : 1997 手提式鏈鋸使用者保護服.第9部分:護腿要求 |
Protective clothing for users of hand - held chain - saws - test methods and performance requirements for protective gaiters 手持式鏈鋸使用者的防護服.防護綁腿的試驗方法和性能要求 |
En 381 - 8 protective clothing for users of hand - held chain saws . part 8 : test methods for chain saw protective gaiters 手提式鏈鋸使用者保護服.第8部分:防鏈鋸綁腿試驗方法 |
Protective clothing - footwear and gaiters for use in molten metal foundries - requirements and test methods 防護服裝.熔態金屬鑄造車間中使用的鞋靴和護腿.要求和試驗方法 |
En 381 - 9 protective clothing for users of hand - held chain saws . part 9 : requirements for chain saw protective gaiters 手提式鏈鋸使用者保護服.第9部分:防鏈鋸綁腿要求 |
Protective clothing for users of hand - held chain saws - test methods for chain saw protective gaiters 手提式鏈鋸使用者保護服.第8部分:鏈鋸保護高腰松緊鞋的試驗方法 |
Protective clothing for users of hand - held chain saws - requirements for chain saw protective gaiters 手提式鏈鋸使用者保護服.第9部分:鏈鋸保護高腰松緊鞋的要求 |
He wore a pair of gaiters the night that first we met . his lovely shirt was shining beneath his what 我們初次見面的那個晚上, 84 ,他穿了雙高幫松緊靴。 |