
gainful adj.1.有利益的,有報酬的。2.唯利是圖的。adv....


To obtain an extension of stay at the end of the first 12 - month period , a person admitted under the scheme is required to provide evidence demonstrating to the satisfaction of the immigration department that he she has taken steps to settle in hong kong by taking up residence here , e . g . by securing a gainful employment or establishing a business 獲本計劃核準人士在首1 2個月逗留期限接近屆滿時申請延期逗留,須提供令入境處信納的證明文件,證明其已采取來港定居的步驟,在本港居住,例如取得支薪聘任或已建立業務。

On the work plan , mrs lau said that ird would delete 56 posts this year under the enhanced productivity programme . nonetheless , through the gainful use of information technology and business re - engineering , ird is confident that more and better services can be provided whereas the efficiency and effectiveness of tax collection can be enhanced 至于稅務局今年的工作計劃,劉麥懿明表示,該局今年在資源增值計劃下會削減五十六個職位,不過,該局一早已訂下善用資訊科技,重整工作程序的方針,確保可為市民提供更多更好的服務,以及可提高稅收工作的成效。

At the end of the first 36 months , an entrant who wishes to further extend his stay must be able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the director of immigration that he has settled in hong kong and is making contribution to hong kong such as by having obtained gainful employment in a graduate specialist senior level job , or by having established a business of a reasonable size here 在首36個月完結前,根據本計劃獲批準來港的人士如欲繼續在港居留,他們必須向入境事務處處長證明并令其信納,他們已在港定居及對香港作出貢獻,例如覓得屬于學位程度、專家水平或高級職位并有實質報酬的工作或已在港成立具合理規模的業務。

At the end of this period , entrants admitted under the scheme should be able to demonstrate that they have taken steps to settle in hong kong by taking up residence here , e . g . by securing gainful employment or establishing a business 當在首12個月完結前,根據本計劃獲批準來港的人士須證明,他們確實有采取來港定居的步驟,在香港居住,例如已覓得有實質報酬的工作或已建立業務。

He she has made contribution to hong kong , such as engaging in a graduate , specialist or senior level gainful employment or establishing a business of a reasonable size in hong kong 對香港有所貢獻,例如擔任相當于學位程度、專家水平或高級的支薪職位,或于香港建立具合理規模的業務。

It seems that the pool of people who did voluntary work in the past as a means to help them get back into gainful employment has dried up 以前參加志愿活動的人組成團體以便重新回到工作崗位的方式已漸漸消失。

The gainful use of information technology and business re - engineering are keys to enhancing efficiency and cost - effectiveness 善用資訊科技,重整工作程序是提高效率和成本效益的不二法門。

Are you in gainful employment ? 你有有報酬的工作嗎?