
gaia Gaia = Gaea.

From the stories of nuwa , xihe , jingwei and chang e , we can find enough elements that ( 1 ) rank with the “ gaia hypothesis “ in western ecology , and ( 2 ) contribute to the modern eco - ethics through a revisit to the chinese concept of “ sheng ji ( life ) “ 從女媧、羲和、精衛到后來的嫦娥,她們的故事皆潛藏著若干元素,足以(一)與西方生態學例如大地女神“蓋亞假設”相提并論, (二)向整個現代生態倫理提供另一“生機”思考體系。

“ gaia “ is a term that encompasses the blue planet , “ earth , “給未來的孩子們一個美麗的地球” 。

From the stories of nuwa , xihe , jingwei and chang e , we can find enough elements that ( 1 ) rank with the “ gaia hypothesis “ in western ecology , and ( 2 ) contribute to the modern eco - ethics through a revisit to the chinese concept of “ sheng ji ( life ) “ 從女媧、羲和、精衛到后來的嫦娥,她們的故事皆潛藏著若干元素,足以(一)與西方生態學例如大地女神“蓋亞假設”相提并論, (二)向整個現代生態倫理提供另一“生機”思考體系。

“ gaia “ is a term that encompasses the blue planet , “ earth , “給未來的孩子們一個美麗的地球” 。


In the application of agent development methodology , especially under the guidance of gaia method , role types were drought from the bid evaluation activity . then the blackboard - oriented role communication mode and principle statements expressed in kqml were designed . eventually , a deliberative agent adopted in bid evaluation was figured out by using analogy method 在系統的設計中,應用agent開發方法學,并具體是在gaia方法的指導下,抽取評標活動中的角色類型,設計了以黑板為中心的角色通信方式和用kqml語言表示的通信原語,并得出評標系統框架,最后采用類比方法,設計了用于標書評價的慎思agent 。

After experiment and analyzing in object tracking arithmetic of autonomous mobile robot , we based on the intelligent mobile robot flat gaia - 2 as developing instrument and proposed a kind of robot object localization and tracking arithmetic suitable for robot vision system with v3 image processing board 在以智能移動機器人平臺gaia - 2為開發工具,對移動機器人目標跟蹤算法進行了實驗與分析后,提出了一種適用于基于v3圖像處理板的機器人目標定位與跟蹤算法。

From the stories of nuwa , xihe , jingwei and chang e , we can find enough elements that ( 1 ) rank with the “ gaia hypothesis “ in western ecology , and ( 2 ) contribute to the modern eco - ethics through a revisit to the chinese concept of “ sheng ji ( life ) “ 從女媧、羲和、精衛到后來的嫦娥,她們的故事皆潛藏著若干元素,足以(一)與西方生態學例如大地女神“蓋亞假設”相提并論, (二)向整個現代生態倫理提供另一“生機”思考體系。

As gaia ' s warriors are on the verge of being overwhelmed by the onslaught of wyrm and weaver , those who still believe in the divine right of the silver fangs see this time as their last chance to reward that trust 當在妖蛆和秩者的沖擊下大地母親的斗士已經在覆滅邊緣時,那些相信天賜王權的銀牙們覺得是時候抓住最后的機會報答蓋亞的信任了。

The galactic confederation of light is here with an enormous fleet of ships known as the fleet the first contact that surrounds all this solar system and specially gaia and its lunar space station 這里是光之銀河系聯邦的一個龐大的艦隊,知道艦隊船只第一次聯系,全部環繞著這太陽系統而且特別是蓋亞和它的月亮空間站。

Each ticket set comes with three die - cut tickets , featuring ultraman tiga , dyna and gaia , as well as a collectible ultraman plush toy , in order to commemorate the 35 紀念套票包括三張不同款式的車票,分別以超人?加、帝拿及佳亞為主題,紀念超人誕生三十五周年。

Gaia : you have freed prometheus from the torment of the gods . his flesh has tainted the fires of olympus and embodied it with power of the titans 蓋亞:你已經把普羅米修斯從神的折磨中解救出來了,他的肉體已經玷污了奧林巴斯山的圣火,這也體現了泰坦的力量。

It doesn ' t matter what you do , gaia will deliver this renaissance energy to an empty planet if that is the case , and would have been 它不會對你做什么造成麻煩,如果情況需要,蓋婭(指地球靈魂)將會把這股復興的能量傳導到一個空的行星,或者那將已經如此。

“ well i want to finish with gaia and you with jess and have our relationship open with our family and friends … … … . if that ' s what you want 是的,我像要我們各自跟女友分手,然后向我們家庭、朋友公開我們的關系. . . . . . . ,如果這是你要的。

Talons boast that it is a badge of honor from gaia , showing her approval for the only tribe willing to advocate putting humans back in their place 魔爪們把這個自夸為大地母親的榮譽勛章,體現了母親對唯一一個提倡把人類趕回去的部族的承認。

Get of fenris : they ' d be easy to dismiss if we didn ' t know that when they say they ' re ready to die to the last to save gaia , they mean it 如果我們不知道當他們說他們已經準備好為救蓋亞的最后一搏而獻身的時候他們想的是什么,他們容易四散。

This paper discusses and summarizes the exist methodology of agent - oriented analysis and design , then propose an extended methodology based gaia methodology 論文第4章給出在objectpascal基礎上擴展的一種面向agent編程語言。

Long before written history , a secret clan of sorcerers protected a book of the world ' s most powerful spells , the gaia za 在有歷史記載以前很久,有個秘密的南巫部族保護著一本寫有世界上最強大魔法的書? ? 《蓋亞扎》 。

I , lady gaia , am overseeing this event and request that all that feel called to support me to join me if you can 我,蓋婭女士,正在監管這一活動,并要求感到受召喚來支持我的所有人如果能的話,加入到我的行列之中。

What it is needed to do here in gaia is very attainable and most of the transformation will take approximately about nineteen months 它是需要做的,在這里蓋亞是真正的可達到的而且大部分的轉化大約將需要十九個月。