
gage n.1.抵押品,擔保品。2.(表示挑戰扔下的)帽子[手套...

“you're awfully nice to me,“ i said. the nurse called miss gage giggled . “你們待我真好”,我說。那個叫蓋奇小姐的護士嬌笑了一下。

“you're awfully nice to me,“ i said. the nurse called miss gage giggled . “你們待我真好”,我說。那個叫蓋奇小姐的護士嬌笑了一下。


Guide for installing bonded resistance strain gages 安裝抗粘著應變儀指南

Blood pressure gage blood pressure gage nb3002ca Fuzzy logic自動加壓設計

Calibration for ring gage , athread gage , 3 wire gage 螺絲螺帽品檢量測儀器

To handle outside gage verification or calibration 處理計量器具外部檢定或校準業務。

Poor bill , all his things are at gage 可憐的比爾,他所有的東西都當掉了。

Standard practice for analysis of strain gage rosette data 應變片花數據分析標準規范

To follow company gage control system and process 執行公司計量體系與流程。

Gages and gaging for mj series metric screw threads Mj系列米制螺紋量規和測量

Gages and gaging for unified inch screw threads 用于標準英制螺紋的量規和測量

Q9 chinese input nokia n - gage english version 九方中文輸入nokia n - gage英文版

Site where yang quyun was murdered 52 gage street -楊衢云被暗殺地點-結志街52號

Standard guide for installing bonded resistance strain gages 安裝耦合電阻應變儀

Although strain gage balances have been most useful in transonic and supersonic tunnels, they are by no means excluded from lowspeed work . 雖然,應變天平最適用于接近音速和跨超音速風洞,但絲毫不意味著不能用于低速實驗。

For very large strains, where specimen enlongations of 100 percent may be encountered, liquid-metal strain gages can be used . 若應變非常大,例如,有的試件可能遇到100的伸長,這時,可用液態金屬應變計。

The carrier material also provides electrical insulation between the gage and the component after the gage is mounted . 在應變片安裝之后,傳導體又成為應變片與零件之間的電絕緣體。

Power densities that can be tolerated by a gage are strongly related to the specimen which serves as the heat sink . 應變片所能允許的電能密度與起著散熱器作用的試件密切相關。

The gage location then marked on the specimen and the gage is positioned by using a rigid transparent type . 在試件上標出應變片位置,并用一片結實的半透明膠紙將應變片定位。