gaga adj.1.糊涂的;愚蠢的。2.狂熱的。n.低級的觀眾。
adj. 1.糊涂的;愚蠢的。 2.狂熱的。 n. 低級的觀眾。 “agouna gaga“ 中文翻譯: 阿古納加加“agouna-gaga“ 中文翻譯: 阿古納加加“el gaga“ 中文翻譯: 賈杰“gaga el“ 中文翻譯: 賈杰“go gaga“ 中文翻譯: 瘋瘋癲癲“ezbet el gaga“ 中文翻譯: 賈杰莊園“gag-straightening machine“ 中文翻譯: 壓力矯直機“gagaifomauga dist“ 中文翻譯: 加蓋福毛加區“gag-pol蛋白“ 中文翻譯: gag-pol protein“gagaimol“ 中文翻譯: 日蘿苷元“gag-pol protein“ 中文翻譯: gag-pol蛋白“gagaku“ 中文翻譯: 日本雅樂; 雅樂“gag-onc蛋白“ 中文翻譯: gag-onc protein“gagal“ 中文翻譯: 加加爾“gag-onc protein“ 中文翻譯: gag-onc蛋白
“ caroline , i believe , and simonne and gaga without doubt . one never knows exactly , does one ? on such occasions one expects the party will number twenty , and you re really thirty . “我想還有卡羅利娜西蒙娜,可能還有加加究竟確切人數有多少,誰也不知道,在這些場合,大家以為來二十人,實際上會來三十人。 ” |
“ i got some horrified looks . i think they thought : she ' s old , she doesn ' t know any better , she ' s gone a bit gaga , “ said the 81 - year - old , who suffers from diabetes 我看到一些受到驚嚇的表情。我想他們認為:她老了,不知道任何更好的東西,有點老糊涂了,這位為糖尿病所苦的八十一歲老太太說。 |
Gaga had known her ! the idea filled them all with respect for that far - off past . “ dear me , i was young then , “ continued gaga 加加早就認識伊爾瑪德昂格拉斯,大家都感到驚訝,這是遙遠的往事了,她們對加加不禁肅然起敬。 |
And when gaga did her best to quiet him : “ it s a nuisance , “ he murmured , “ my initials and my coronet are worked in the corner 他嘟噥道, “手帕的一個角上,還繡著我的姓氏的第一個字母和我的冠冕丟了我就糟啦。 ” |
“ i think gaga s doing you out of your hector . “ a good riddance , so far as i m concerned , “ replied the actress “你瞧, ”旺德夫爾對克拉利瑟喃喃說道, “我看加加正在搶你的埃克托爾呢。 ” |
“ it s gaga , “ was fauchery s simple reply , and as this name seemed to astound his cousin , he added 表弟聽了這個名字似乎覺得驚訝,于是他又說道: “你不認識加加嗎? |
“ by gum , it s less hot here , “ said gaga with a slight shiver as she entered the dining room “哎喲!這里倒不怎么熱。 ”加加走進餐廳,微微打了一個哆嗦,說道。 |
“ caroline , i believe , and simonne and gaga without doubt . one never knows exactly , does one ? on such occasions one expects the party will number twenty , and you re really thirty . “我想還有卡羅利娜西蒙娜,可能還有加加究竟確切人數有多少,誰也不知道,在這些場合,大家以為來二十人,實際上會來三十人。 ” |
“ i got some horrified looks . i think they thought : she ' s old , she doesn ' t know any better , she ' s gone a bit gaga , “ said the 81 - year - old , who suffers from diabetes 我看到一些受到驚嚇的表情。我想他們認為:她老了,不知道任何更好的東西,有點老糊涂了,這位為糖尿病所苦的八十一歲老太太說。 |
Gaga had known her ! the idea filled them all with respect for that far - off past . “ dear me , i was young then , “ continued gaga 加加早就認識伊爾瑪德昂格拉斯,大家都感到驚訝,這是遙遠的往事了,她們對加加不禁肅然起敬。 |
And when gaga did her best to quiet him : “ it s a nuisance , “ he murmured , “ my initials and my coronet are worked in the corner 他嘟噥道, “手帕的一個角上,還繡著我的姓氏的第一個字母和我的冠冕丟了我就糟啦。 ” |
“ i think gaga s doing you out of your hector . “ a good riddance , so far as i m concerned , “ replied the actress “你瞧, ”旺德夫爾對克拉利瑟喃喃說道, “我看加加正在搶你的埃克托爾呢。 ” |
“ it s gaga , “ was fauchery s simple reply , and as this name seemed to astound his cousin , he added 表弟聽了這個名字似乎覺得驚訝,于是他又說道: “你不認識加加嗎? |
“ by gum , it s less hot here , “ said gaga with a slight shiver as she entered the dining room “哎喲!這里倒不怎么熱。 ”加加走進餐廳,微微打了一個哆嗦,說道。 |
gage |
And labordette appeared , towing five women in his rear , his boarding school , as lucy stewart cruelly phrased it . there was gaga , majestic in a blue velvet dress which was too tight for her , and caroline hequet , clad as usual in ribbed black silk , trimmed with chantilly lace . lea de horn came next , terribly dressed up , as her wont was , and after her the big tatan nene , a good - humored fair girl with the bosom of a wet nurse , at which people laughed , and finally little maria blond , a young damsel of fifteen , as thin and vicious as a street child , yet on the high road to success , owing to her recent first appearance at the folies 她們當中有加加,她穿著藍色天鵝絨長裙,裙子緊緊裹在身上,神態很莊重有卡羅利娜埃凱,她總是穿著一件鑲著尚蒂伊網眼花邊的黑緞裙有萊婭德霍恩,她像平常一樣,身上穿得怪模怪樣的有胖子塔唐內內,她是一個善良的金發女郎,胸部發達得像個奶娘,人們常常嘲笑她最后是瑪麗亞布隆,她是一個十五歲的女孩,長得很瘦,脾氣很壞,像個小淘氣鬼,是游藝劇院初次登臺的明星。 |
Count de vandeuvres placed himself between lucy and clarisse ; fauchery between rose mignon and caroline hequet . on the other side of the table hector de la faloise had rushed to get next gaga , and that despite the calls of clarisse opposite , while mignon , who never deserted steiner , was only separated from him by blanche and had tatan nene on his left 桌子的對面,埃克托爾德拉法盧瓦茲不顧對面克拉利瑟的召喚,匆匆忙忙坐到加加旁邊寸步不離斯泰內的米尼翁與斯泰內之間只隔著布朗瑟,他左邊是塔唐內內,再過去一個位置上就是拉博德特。 |
In front of them la faloise , who was very amorous and could not get at gaga s apoplectic neck , was imprinting kisses on her spine through her dress , the strained fabric of which was nigh splitting , while amelie , perching stiffly on the bracket seat , was bidding them be quiet , for she was horrified to be sitting idly by , watching her mother being kissed 在他們前面的車子里,多情的拉法盧瓦茲,因為嘴巴夠不到加加的挺直的后頸,就隔著她那繃得緊緊的裙子,去吻她的脊梁。這時坐在折疊座位上的阿梅莉,眼看著別人吻她的母親,自己卻垂手一旁,心里很惱火,對他們說別這樣子。 |
Then came gaga , filling up a whole seat and half smothering la faloise beside her so that little but his small anxious face was visible . next followed caroline hequet with labordette , lucy stewart with mignon and his boys and at the close of all nana in a victoria with steiner and on a bracket seat in front of her that poor , darling zizi , with his knees jammed against her own 接下來的兩輛車里是卡羅利娜埃凱和拉博德特,呂西斯圖華和米尼翁以及他的兩個兒子,最后一輛是四輪敞篷馬車,里面坐著娜娜和斯泰內,娜娜前面有一張折疊座位,上面坐著可憐的小寶貝治治,他的膝蓋被夾在娜娜的膝蓋當中。 |
Did people take them for light women ? gaga , in the meantime , had once more caught la faloise and had almost hoisted him upon her knees while clarisse was disappearing from view between two gentlemen , shaking with nervous laughter as women will when they are tickled 不過,加加卻抓住拉法盧瓦茲不放,幾乎把他拉到自己的膝蓋上而克拉利瑟則夾在兩個男人中間,大家幾乎看不見她,她神經質般地笑得身子直動,像一個被人胳肢的女人。 |