
gabon n.加蓬(加彭)〔非洲〕。


Ivory coast , who beat gabon 5 - 0 in their last meeting in october 2006 and also beat madagascar 5 - 0 in the beginning of june this year , are currently at the top of group 1 with three wins in three games 科特迪瓦和加蓬上次的交手是在2006年10月,當時科特迪瓦5 : 0橫掃對手,今年6月初他們對陣馬達加斯加再次上演5 : 0 ,如今他們三場比賽全勝位居第一小組首位。

The first area to be created is ougoue - lekiti national park in the southwestern part of the country . the park will adjoin gabon ' s bateke national park , which wcs helped establish in 2002 即將建成的第一塊區域是噢格來克提國家公園,位于剛果西南部。這個國家公園毗鄰加篷的巴提克國家公園,巴提克是在wcs的協助下于2002年建成的。

But for the moment , the examples discovered in gabon remain unique windows on possible changes in fundamental physical constants and on how buried nuclear waste migrates over time 不過現階段而言,要研究基礎物理常數可能的變化以及埋藏的核廢料如何隨時間遷移,加彭的例子仍是我們唯一的窗口。

China is the biggest importer for manganese ore in the world . the main exporters to china are south africa , gabon , australia , india , brazil , ghana , ivory coast , and indonesia 中國是世界最大的錳礦進口國,出口中國錳礦的主要國家有南非,加蓬,澳大利亞,巴西,印度,加納,科特迪瓦,印尼等。

The world is rich in manganese ore , yet which is contagiously distributed . the main countries with manganese ore are south africa , ukraine , gabon , australia , india , brazil , and china 世界錳礦資源豐富,但分布不均勻,錳礦儲量主要分布在南非、烏克蘭、加蓬、澳大利亞、印度、巴西,中國。

Since being kept under the care of the keepers , the gorillas have thrived and look set to be freed alongside wild - born gorilla orphans in the gabon later this year 在接受飼養員的精心照料后,兩只大猩猩茁壯成長起來。今年年底,它們將和其它的野生大猩猩孤兒一同被送回非洲加蓬的森林里。

The product service has been extended to 500 enterprises inside the country ; and the products sold to japan , gabon , syria , ethiopia , egypt and various countries in southeast asia 產品服務于國內500家企業,并銷往日本、加蓬、敘利亞、埃塞俄比亞、埃及和東南亞各國。

On the morning of sep . 8th , the president of republic of gabon was honored honorary professor of pku . president of pku xu zhihong met the visitor 9月8日上午,加蓬共和國總統哈吉.奧馬爾.邦戈.翁丁巴閣下北京大學名譽教授授予儀式隆重舉行。北京大學校長許智宏會見來賓。

The patient , who came from gabon of africa , attended the accident and emergency department of ruttonjee hospital this morning and blood smear was positive for malaria 該名來自非洲加蓬的4 8歲男病人今早前往律敦治醫院急癥室求診,其血液測試對瘧疾呈陽性反應。

The patient , who came from gabon of africa , attended the accident and emergency department of ruttonjee hospital this morning and blood smear was positive for malaria 該名來自非洲加蓬的歲男病人今早前往律敦治醫院急癥室求診,其血液測試對瘧疾呈陽性反應。

Three decades ago french scientists discovered that parts of a uranium deposit then being mined in gabon had long ago functioned as natural fission reactors 30年前法國科學家發現,當時正在開采的加彭鈾礦中,有某些部份在很久以前曾經是天然的核分裂反應堆。

Initial investigation revealed that the patient came from gabon to hong kong on december 12 and had onset of fever since december 10 before arrival to hong kong 初步調查顯示,病人于十二月十二日從加蓬抵港,但在十二月十日抵港前病人已出現發燒。

In 1999 , the total imports of wood and article of wood accounted for us 125 million . the main sources come from malaysia , indonesia , gabon , usa and china 1999年,本港入口的木材及木制品主要來自馬來西亞印尼加蓬美國及中國,總值1 . 25億美元。

Ivory coast won their first african cup of nations qualifier by an impressive 5 - 0 on sunday . gabon were the country made to suffer 周日,科特迪瓦隊以大比分5 : 0完勝,成為了第一支入選非洲杯的球隊。加蓬國家隊是他們的下一個對手。

Petronas is also involved in upstream activities in algeria angola chad cameroon gabon niger sudan south africa tunisia and lybia 還在阿爾及利亞安哥拉乍得喀麥隆加蓬尼日利亞蘇丹南非突尼斯利比亞從事上游活動。

1st round 10 - 12 march 2006 / 24 - 26 march 2006 , 2nd round 21 - 23 july 2006 / 4 - 6 august 2006 , final tournament september 2006 in gabon 兩個階段的預選賽于06年3月和7 , 8月進行,最終的決賽階段比賽于06年9月在加蓬國進行。

Nigeria host the event for the third time , having stepped in as emergency replacements when gabon pulled out earlier in the year 今年年初原定主辦國加蓬臨時退出,尼日利亞緊急頂替加蓬第三次承辦比賽。

This national geographic presentation takes a look at what gabon has to offer , and is narrated by actress glenn close 這個國家地理頻道的節目讓大家看看加蓬那里有什么,由女演員格倫?克洛斯負責旁述。

To travel to gabon . for residents outside hong kong , please consult the relevant embassyconsulate nearest to you 香港境外居民如欲查詢有關資料,請與所在地或就近的加蓬大使館或領事館聯絡。