
gabled adj.有山墻的,人字形的。

Gabled frames are widely used in industry and civil engineering , it ' s web plates “ local buckling calculated formula in the technical specification for steel - structure of one - storey light - weight buildings with gabled frames ( cecs102 : 98 ) are based on the rectangular plates “ and did n ' t consider the interaction of the fringe plate . so , there are some different between the actual members and the prescript of the specification , and the post - buckling strength ' s calculated formula is based on the local buckling ' s , it must have some unreasonable 楔形門式剛架廣泛地應用于工業與民用建筑中, 《門式剛架輕型房屋鋼結構技術規程》 ( cecs102 : 98 )中楔形腹板局部屈曲的計算公式來自矩形板,并且沒有考慮翼緣的相關作用,因此,規程中的規定與構件的實際工作狀況有一定的差異,且屈曲后強度的計算公式也是以局部屈曲系數為基礎的,勢必有其不合理性。

Gabled frames are widely used in industry and civil engineering , it ' s web plates “ local buckling calculated formula in the technical specification for steel - structure of one - storey light - weight buildings with gabled frames ( cecs102 : 98 ) are based on the rectangular plates “ and did n ' t consider the interaction of the fringe plate . so , there are some different between the actual members and the prescript of the specification , and the post - buckling strength ' s calculated formula is based on the local buckling ' s , it must have some unreasonable 楔形門式剛架廣泛地應用于工業與民用建筑中, 《門式剛架輕型房屋鋼結構技術規程》 ( cecs102 : 98 )中楔形腹板局部屈曲的計算公式來自矩形板,并且沒有考慮翼緣的相關作用,因此,規程中的規定與構件的實際工作狀況有一定的差異,且屈曲后強度的計算公式也是以局部屈曲系數為基礎的,勢必有其不合理性。


Finally , with caparisons of that three parapets properties cantilevered parapets has been adopt to the steel structure of light - weight buildings with gabled frames , numerical simulations have been carried out with that buildings , results of simulations show that device can also significantly reduce the area - averaged coefficient of wind pressure and high negative suction peaks on zones susceptible to wind pressure . formula has been proposed about the height of that parapet 最后通過三種女兒墻的性能比較確定對門式剛架設置懸挑女兒墻進行數值模擬,結果同樣表明懸挑女兒墻能明顯地降低門式剛架屋面風荷載敏感區的負壓峰值及屋面風荷載體型系數,并給出了女兒墻高度限值公式。

In the actual ( ( code for steel structure design } ) ( gbj 17 - 88 ) and for the ( ( technical specification for steel structure of light - weight buildings with gabled frames ) ) ( cecs 102 : 98 ) , the calculation method for the stability of the members is : obtaining the axial force through the analysis of the linear - elastic inner force of the whole structrue , then checking the stability inside and outside the plane respectively on the foundation of the yielding rule of the edge 我國現行《鋼結構設計規范》 ( gbj17 - 88 )和《門式剛架輕型房屋鋼結構技術規程》 ( cecs102 : 98 )對構件的穩定計算方法是:先對構件進行整體線彈性內力分析,得到構件的軸力和彎矩;再根據邊緣屈服準則對構件分別進行平面內和平面外穩定驗算。

Gabled frames are widely used in industry and civil engineering , it ' s web plates “ local buckling calculated formula in the technical specification for steel - structure of one - storey light - weight buildings with gabled frames ( cecs102 : 98 ) are based on the rectangular plates “ and did n ' t consider the interaction of the fringe plate . so , there are some different between the actual members and the prescript of the specification , and the post - buckling strength ' s calculated formula is based on the local buckling ' s , it must have some unreasonable 楔形門式剛架廣泛地應用于工業與民用建筑中, 《門式剛架輕型房屋鋼結構技術規程》 ( cecs102 : 98 )中楔形腹板局部屈曲的計算公式來自矩形板,并且沒有考慮翼緣的相關作用,因此,規程中的規定與構件的實際工作狀況有一定的差異,且屈曲后強度的計算公式也是以局部屈曲系數為基礎的,勢必有其不合理性。

According to the above formula , the initial rigidity and ultimate moment is calculated by developed program to several kinds of gabled frames end - plate connection joint with different types ( such as end - plate connection horizontally placed , vertically placed and inclinedly placed ) , different end - plate thickness , different bolt diameter . the different result is compared with different end - plate thickness , the different force arm in joints , different bolt diameters and strength grades 按推導的公式編程計算了不同形式(端板外伸式、端板平齊式、端板斜接、柱腹板加勁) 、不同端板厚度、不同螺栓直徑的門式剛架梁柱端板節點的初始剛度、節點極限彎矩,并比較了不同端板厚度、不同節點力臂、不同螺栓直徑和強度等級、不同連接形式下初始剛度和極限彎矩的變化。

This paper analyzes the feasibility and theory evidence as additional load according to code for seismic design of buildings and load code for the design of building structures . the paper puts forward a kind of predigest account method aiming at these problems by the feasibility analyzes of the gabled frames as additional load and defining a magnified coefficient through analyzing the level earthquake force at the floor of this building according to the code for earthquake this force is in the total building and the gabled frames as additional load multiply a certain magnified coefficient 本文針對目前出現的問題,參照建筑抗震設計規范和建筑荷載規范通過對上部結構作為附加荷載的可行性分析,分析整體計算樓層的底部水平地震力和把加層部分作為附加荷載乘以放大系數來計算樓層的底部水平地震力,當兩者相等或接近時,即可確定放大系數,從而提出簡化計算方法。

Bloted end - plate connections are being widely used in gabled frames , because of the geometry complexity of it , the strength models presented in the past few decades can not predict the ultimate strength and distortion of end - plate connection . at the same time there has n ' t existed mature method on the end - plate connection 目前國內端板連接計算方面還沒有設計規范,理論方面仍在探討研究中,有關的規程對節點的規定主要是傳統的設計方法,它對節點的簡化和假設不能充分反映端板連接節點的受力性能。

The two kinds of joint connection half - rigidity characteristic about gabled frames are discussed . the criterion among rigid connection , zero rigidity connection , half rigidity connection is determined ; the joint ' s moment and rotation angle curve is analyzed ; the calculation method about joint initial rigidity is brought forward ; the ultimate moment ' s calculation formula is deduced ; the result calculated by the formulas is compared to one calculated by the norm ' s formulas 探討了門式剛架兩種端板節點連接的半剛性特性,確定了節點剛接、鉸接和半剛接劃分的標準;分析了節點受力時的彎矩轉角曲線關系;提出了節點的初始剛度的計算方法;提出了節點極限彎矩的計算公式,并與規范關于節點抗彎承載力計算的結果進行了比較。

The gabled brick , tile , and freestone houses had almost dried off for the season their integument of lichen , the streams in the meadows were low , and in the sloping high street , from the west gateway to the medieval cross , and from the medieval cross to the bridge , that leisurely dusting and sweeping was in progress which usually ushers in an old - fashioned market - day 那些帶有用磚砌的山墻和蓋有屋瓦的石頭房子,外面的一層苔蘚已經因為干燥的季節差不多曬干脫落了草場上溝渠里的水變淺了,在那條斜坡大街上,從西大門到中古十字路,從中古十字路到大橋,有人正在不慌不忙地清掃大街,通常這都是為了迎接舊式的集市日子。

In this paper , the general situation and virtue or disadvantage about light - steel structure abroad and at home is concluded systematically . the design method , steel characteristic in the connection , the bolt strength , welding line characteristic and the joint connection model about gabled frames structure is introduced 本文系統地歸納了國內外輕鋼結構的發展概況及其優缺點,介紹了輕鋼結構門式剛架節點的設計方法、節點鋼材的性質、螺栓的強度、焊縫的特性以及連接的形式。

Using the general finite element programming package of ansys10 . 0 , the study of gabled frames beam - column end - plate connections is made , considering synthetically nonlinear ( material , geometry and contact ) , bolt pretension forces and ratio of axial compression stress to strength . elastic - plastic finite element analyses are carried out among 28 species of 3 series under monotonic loads , in order to discuss the influence of parameters including stiffness of end - plate , bolt diameter , friction coefficients and so on 本文使用通用有限元軟件ansys10 . 0綜合考慮了三重非線性(材料非線性、幾何非線性以及狀態非線性)的影響,同時考慮了螺栓預拉力的影響,對考慮端板厚度、端板加勁肋的設置、螺栓直徑、摩擦系數等參數不同的3個系列(端板系列,螺栓直徑系列,摩擦系數系列) 28個試件進行了有限元數值模擬,對連接節點的性能進行了分析研究。

Steel structure of light - weight buildings with gabled frames is a widely used steel structural style in china at present . this paper starts with the deficiency of the specificaion in calculating the effective length factors of gable portal frames . when the gable portal frame subjected to the vertical uniform loading , it conducts the arch effect ? 1 . rafter axial force is large when the slope of rafter is big 門式剛架輕型房屋鋼結構體系是目前廣泛應用的一種結構形式,本文從規范中門式剛架柱的計算長度系數取值的不足出發,針對山形門式剛架在豎向均布荷載作用下產生的拱效應? ? 1 、斜梁傾角較大時產生較大的梁內軸力; 2 、產生跨變效應; 3 、高跨比較小的山形門式剛架會發生躍越失穩,采用整體分析的方法對山形門式剛架的穩定進行了分析。

The experiment procedure and analysis result about exteriorly extended end - plate connection with high strength bolt are introduced primarily ; each sample ' s dimension is given . the adding load equipment , measuring apparatus placed , measuring point established is detailed . adding load measure load and m - curve is produced ; the single span gabled frames horizontal displacement formula is deduced when the horizontal concentrated force is applied to it 重點介紹了外伸端板高強螺栓連接的實驗過程及實驗分析結果,介紹了各組試件的形狀尺寸、加載裝置、測量儀器安放、測點的布置等;給出加載方式及測出的m -曲線;計算出試驗節點的初始剛度;推導水平集中力作用下單跨門式剛架考慮節點半剛性的側移計算公式。

The frames deflection and moment at the center point of the span about different kinds of gabled frames , different highness and rigid connection column feet is got when horizontal force at the top of a column and equal linear load through a beam is applied 選取不同跨度、不同高度、柱腳剛結的一組門式剛架,計算了其在柱頂水平集中力、豎向均布荷載作用下節點剛度與梁柱線剛度之比對跨中撓度及彎矩的影響。

There are many buildings about adding a story gabled frames to 6 stories masonry structure in urumqi area . but there are many problems on the design of the building , such as without uniform codes and standards for design and lack the theory for design 但對于這種結構形式的結構計算,目前沒有統一的設計規范和相應的設計標準,一些設計人員采用的簡化計算方法也存在一些問題,缺乏理論依據。

Recently , with the development of economy and our country ’ s enhanced in the output and quality of the steel , gabled frames have been widely used in industrial and civil structures 端板連接節點是門式剛架輕鋼結構中普遍采用的連接形式,由于其構造上的特點,端板連接節點具有非線性性能。

The main scopes of this paper includes : ( 1 ) the species almost have good ductility , the major factors with gabled frames are same as steel structure ( 4 )單獨改變螺栓直徑來提高承載能力,使梁柱連接的延性降低,塑性轉角減小,而承載能力并沒有大的提高。

Finite - element analysis of end - plate connections in light weight steel structure with gabled frames 門式剛架輕鋼結構端板連接節點承載性能的有限元分析