gabelle n.〔法語〕 〔古語〕1.稅,國稅。2.法國大革命前的鹽...
n. 〔法語〕 〔古語〕 1.稅,國稅。 2.法國大革命前的鹽稅。 “gabelli“ 中文翻譯: 加貝利“gabellah“ 中文翻譯: 加貝拉; 賈巴拉“gabellieri“ 中文翻譯: 加貝列里“gabella“ 中文翻譯: 加貝拉; 加韋利亞“gabellini“ 中文翻譯: 加貝利尼“gabell“ 中文翻譯: 加貝爾“gabellone“ 中文翻譯: 加貝洛內“gabeliya“ 中文翻譯: 加別利亞“gabelman“ 中文翻譯: 加貝爾曼“gabeling“ 中文翻譯: 加貝林
In ming dynasty , the system of the kaizhong of salt was spoke highly of , “ kaizhong is the best system of the ming gabelle “ 鹽課開中制度在明代是頗受人稱道的, “有明鹽法,莫善于開中” 。 |
In ming dynasty , the system of the kaizhong of salt was spoke highly of , “ kaizhong is the best system of the ming gabelle “ 鹽課開中制度在明代是頗受人稱道的, “有明鹽法,莫善于開中” 。 |
gaberdine |
Probably , monsieur gabelle passed a long night up there , with the distant chateau for fire and candle , and the beating at his door , combined with the joy - ringing , for music ; not to mention his having an ill - omened lamp slung across the road before his posting - house gate , which the village showed a lively inclination to displace in his favour 加伯爾先生在屋頂度過了一個漫長的黑夜。他很可能是把遠處的府第當作了蠟燭,把打門聲和快活的鐘聲當作了音樂的。至于搖晃在他那驛站門前街道邊的不祥的路燈就更不用提了,村里人曾大呼小叫要拿他去跟路燈交換地位呢。 |
Monsieur gabelle had held the impoverished and involved estate on written instructions , to spare the people , to give them what little there was to give - such fuel as the heavy creditors would let them have in the winter , and such produce as could be saved from the same grip in the summer - and no doubt he had put the fact in plea and proof , for his own safety , so that it could not but appear now 加伯爾先生按照他的書面指示處理了他那衰敗困頓的莊園財產。他要加伯爾體恤百姓,能給的都給他們冬天給他們還了高利貸后留下的柴禾,夏天給他們還了高利貸后留下的農產品。加伯爾先生為了自己的安全毫無疑問早已提出過這些事實和證據為自己辯護,現在只好把這一切公諸于世了。 |
Not only that ; but the village , light - headed with famine , fire , and bell - ringing , and bethinking itself that monsieur gabelle had to do with the collection of rent and taxes - though it was but a small instalment of taxes , and no rent at all , that gabelle had got in those latter days - became impatient for an interview with him , and , surrounding his house , summoned him to come forth for personal conference 這還不夠,被饑饉大火和鐘聲沖昏了頭腦的村子想起了加伯爾先生還要收租稅,便急于要跟他談判,盡管加伯爾先生近來只收了一點分期交納的賦稅,而地租房租則分文未收。他們包圍了他的房子,傳喚他出來當而交談。 |
A trying suspense , to be passing a whole summer night on the brink of the black ocean , ready to take that plunge into it upon which monsieur gabelle had resolved but , the friendly dawn appearing at last , and the rush - candles of the village guttering out , the people happily dispersed , and monsieur gabelle came down bringing his life with him for that while 他在黑漆漆的死亡的邊緣整整度過了一個夏夜,隨時準備照既定的決心栽下去!那提心吊膽的滋味是很考驗入的。可是友善的黎明終于到來,村型的燈心草蠟燭也噼噼啪啪地熄滅了,人們快活地分散開去。 |
Whereupon , monsieur gabelle did heavily bar his door , and retire to hold counsel with himself the result of that conference was , that gabelle again withdrew himself to his house - top behind his stack of chimneys ; this time resolved , if his door was broken in he was a small southern man of retaliative temperament , to pitch himself head foremost over the parapet , and crush a man or two below 加伯爾先生只好把大門死死關閉,躲起來考慮辦法。考慮的結果是重新躲到那排煙囪背后的屋頂上去。這回他下定了決心,若是門被闖開,他便從雉堞頂上栽下去抓住一兩個人同歸于盡他是個南方人,個子雖小,復仇心卻很重。 |
The general scarcity of everything , occasioned candles to be borrowed in a rather peremptory manner of monsieur gabelle ; and in a moment of reluctance and hesitation on that functionary s part , the mender of roads , once so submissive to authority , had remarked that carriages were good to make bonfires with , and that post - horses would roast 這兒物品普遍匱乏,大家便頗不客氣地去向加伯爾先生借。那位宮員很不情愿,稍一猶豫,過去在權威面前十分恭順的補路工這時卻說: “砸了馬車燒篝火倒也好玩,驛馬也能燒烤了吃呢! ” |
Monsieur gabelle was the postmaster , and some other taxing functionary united ; he had come out with great obsequiousness to assist at this examination , and had held the examined by the drapery of his arm in an official manner 加伯爾先生是郵務所所長,也辦點稅務。他早巴結地出面來幫助盤問,而且擺出公家人的樣子揪住了被盤問者的破袖子。 |
There was spurring and splashing through the darkness , and bridle was drawn in the space by the village fountain , and the horse in a foam stood at monsieur gabelle s door 驅馬聲濺水聲穿過了黑暗,在村里的泉水邊停住了。那馬噴著白沫站在加伯爾先生的大門口, “加伯爾先生,救火呀! |
The tea is the absolutely necessarily commody , alike the salt . the ming goverment constituted similar legal systems of the tea business to the gabelle 茶與鹽一樣也是人民日常生活中必不可少的日用品,明政府在茶事方面制定了與鹽法相類似的法律制度。 |
As a living commodity , the demand quantum of salt was mortal , and the gabelle became the main source of the governmental financial income of the past dynasties 作為一種生活日用品,鹽的需求量是非常大的,鹽稅也就成為了歷代政府財政收入的主要來源。 |
The past dynasties set down very detailed law of the salt business , especially ming dynasty , the gabelle had a greater chanage and a more perfect system 歷代有關鹽事的立法都是非常詳細的,到了明代尤其如此,有關鹽法的變化更大,制度也更完備。 |
Casting his eyes over gabelle s letter , the same personage in authority showed some disorder and surprise , and looked at darnay with a close attention 那人看了看加伯爾的信,表現出幾分驚詫和意外,仔細地打量了達爾內一會幾。 |
Upon those , had followed gabelle s letter : the appeal of an innocent prisoner , in danger of death , to his justice , honour , and good name 何況還有加伯爾的信:一個無辜的囚徒,有了生命危險,要求他給予正義榮譽和切實的名分。 |
Lay hands on this stranger if he seeks to lodge in your village to - night , and be sure that his business is honest , gabelle “那個外地人今晚要是在這個村里找地方住,就把他抓起來,查查他有沒有正當職業,加伯爾。 ” |
Nothing but the production of the afflicted gabelle s letter from his prison of the abbaye would have got him on so far 若不是隨時想到受難的加伯爾從修道院監獄發出的信,他是再也沒有力量繼續前進深入重地的。 |
In ming dynasty , the system of the kaizhong of salt was spoke highly of , “ kaizhong is the best system of the ming gabelle “ 鹽課開中制度在明代是頗受人稱道的, “有明鹽法,莫善于開中” 。 |
Citizen gabelle was called to confirm it , and did so . citizen gabelle hinted , with infinite delicacy and 審訊到達這個階段,找出了那信宣讀了,又傳公民加伯爾作證。 |