gabble vt.喋喋不休地講;急促不清地說。vi.1.嘮叨。2.(...
vt. 喋喋不休地講;急促不清地說。 vi. 1.嘮叨。 2.(鵝、鴨等)發出咯咯聲。 n. 1.急促不清的話;無意義的話。 2.(雞鴨等發出的)咯咯聲。 n. -bler “boundary gabble“ 中文翻譯: 邊界“gabble over“ 中文翻譯: 急促朗讀“gibble-gabble“ 中文翻譯: n. = gabble. “gabbioneta“ 中文翻譯: 加比奧內塔“gabbride“ 中文翻譯: 輝長巖類“gabbidon“ 中文翻譯: 加比登“gabbrielli“ 中文翻譯: 加布里埃利“gabbiati“ 中文翻譯: 加比亞蒂“gabbrite“ 中文翻譯: 淡輝長細晶巖“gabbiani“ 中文翻譯: 加比亞尼“gabbro“ 中文翻譯: n. 【地質學;地理學】輝長巖。 gabbroic adj. “gabbianelli“ 中文翻譯: 加比亞內利
“ no you wont , you ll start now ; and don t you lose any time about it , neither , nor do any gabbling by the way “不,你不用等,你現在就得動身。你千萬別耽誤時間,一路上也不準你隨便亂說。 |
“ no you wont , you ll start now ; and don t you lose any time about it , neither , nor do any gabbling by the way “不,你不用等,你現在就得動身。你千萬別耽誤時間,一路上也不準你隨便亂說。 |
gabbro |
Aristotle s phrase formed itself within the gabbled verses and floated out into the studious silence of the library of saint genevieve where he had read , sheltered from the sin of paris , night by night . by his elbow a delicate siamese conned a handbook of strategy 在急促而咬字不清的朗誦聲中,亞理斯多德的名言自行出現了,飄進圣熱內維艾芙圖書館那勤學幽靜的氣氛中他曾一夜一夜地隱退在此研讀21 ,從而躲開了巴黎的罪惡。 |
You do not assume , indeed , the solemnity of the pulpit , or the tone of stage - declamation ; neither are you at liberty to gabble on at a venture , without emphasis or discretion , or to resort to vulgar dialect or clownish pronunciation 當然,你無須像在教堂里講道或在舞臺上朗誦那樣拿腔作勢;然而,你也不可不分輕重,不講分寸,信口哇啦哇啦,再不然就乞靈于粗俗方言和油腔滑調。 |
For a long time , though i certainly did my best to listen i could hear nothing but a low gabbling ; but at last the voice : began to grow higher , and i could pick up a word or two mostly oaths , from the captain 很長一段時間,盡管我竭力地聽,卻除了低低的嘰哩咕嚕聲之外什么也聽不清,但是聲音終于開始大了起來,我能聽到一句兩句了,多半是船長的咒罵。 |
So thats how they talk french , said the soldiers in the line . now then , you , sidorov . sidorov winked , and , turning to the french , he fell to gabbling disconnected syllables very rapidly “你看,法國話多棒, ”散兵線上的士兵說道, “喂,西多羅夫,你說一句給我聽聽。 ” |
The stranger thus presenting himself was probably a person who , like franz , preferred the enjoyment of solitude and his own thoughts to the frivolous gabble of the guides 他大概也是一個象弗蘭茲這樣的游客,喜歡獨自欣賞,不愿那喋喋不休的向導來打擾他的思緒。 |
To complete his strange appearance , captain flint sat perched upon his shoulder and gabbling odds and ends of purposeless sea - talk 最能體現他這副怪模樣的是,鸚鵡弗林特船長蹲在他肩上,無意義地學著水手談話,不時發出片言只語來。 |
Gabbles of geese . they swarmed loud , uncouth about the temple , their heads thickplotting under maladroit silk hats 他們成群結隊地圍著神殿75轉,高聲喧噪,粗魯俗氣,戴著不三不四的大禮帽,腦袋里裝滿了陰謀詭計。 |
They bundled their books away , pencils clacking , pages rustling . crowding together they strapped and buckled their satchels , all gabbling gaily 他們把鉛筆弄得咯吱咯吱響,紙頁? ? ? ? ,將書胡亂塞進書包。 |
“ no you wont , you ll start now ; and don t you lose any time about it , neither , nor do any gabbling by the way “不,你不用等,你現在就得動身。你千萬別耽誤時間,一路上也不準你隨便亂說。 |
The two women gabbled away twenty to the dozen while the waitress noisily cleared the table - cloth and all 兩個女人喋喋不休地談天說地,而女招待則重手重腳地清理桌子連臺布等都撤下去了。 |
Such talk was really the gabbling of an idiot . he no longer knew what he was talking about 這種談話是白癡的囈語,她再也不知道他在說著什么了。 |
The announcer gabbled some incomprehensible message over the public address system 播音員透過有線廣播嘰哩咕嚕地說了一些難懂的訊息。 |
Don ' t gabble , lucy , i can ' t understand when you run your words together 不要說得那么急,露西,你說話象連珠炮似的,我聽不懂。 |
The guests in the dining room were gabbling away when the clock struck ten 時鐘已敲十點,餐室里的客人們還嘰哩咕嚕地談個不停。 |
Don ' t gabble , mary . i can ' t understand when you run your words together 不要說得那么急,瑪麗,你說話像連珠炮似的,我聽不懂。 |
The gabble of excited children could be heard coming from the classroom 可以聽到激動的孩子們從教室里傳出的嘰哩咕嚕說話。 |
Their gabbling was feverish - things said to quiet their own minds 他們狂熱地喋喋不休-說的話是為了使自己的頭腦安靜下來。 |