
gab n.1.〔主

Who is , uh . “ dol . say gab - anna ? 這是什么“多切和加伯安娜” ?

Who is , uh . . . “ dol . . . say & gab - anna ? 這是什么… “多切和加伯安娜” ?

Who is , uh . “ dol . say gab - anna ? 這是什么“多切和加伯安娜” ?

Who is , uh . . . “ dol . . . say & gab - anna ? 這是什么… “多切和加伯安娜” ?

Who is , uh . “ dol . say gab - anna ? 這是什么“多切和加伯安娜” ?

Who is , uh . . . “ dol . . . say & gab - anna ? 這是什么… “多切和加伯安娜” ?

gab session

First , it reviews the opening course of the chinese banking which makes us understand the development and the characteristic of opening of the chinese banking . second , it points out the opportunities and challenges of the financial opening which makes us have an objective and correct understanding about financial opening . third , the paper makes a quantitative analysis and a qualitative analysis of the international competition capability of the chinese banking to find the gab between banking at home and abroad which eventually leads to the proposed counter measures for chinese banking 接著本文由理論分析轉入對中國銀行業的實證分析,首先通過對中國銀行業開放歷程的回顧,使人們了解到我國銀行業對外開放的進展以及其特點;然后指出金融開放給我國銀行業帶來的機遇與挑戰,使人們對金融開放有一個客觀而正確的認識;為了找出中國銀行業在國際上的差距,本文從定量和定性兩個角度對中國銀行業的國際競爭力進行了詳細分析。

Fame and fortune have enveloped the england skipper home and abroad , but now golden gab is ready to give golden balls a run for his record money 國內外的名譽和金錢早就將英格蘭隊長裹得嚴嚴實實,但是如今金嘴巴已經準備好對金球球的創記錄合同價格發起沖擊。

General agreements to borrow ( gab ) the arrangements under which the imf negotiated to borrow from the “ group of ten ” ( most important industrial nations ) 借款總安排這是基金組織為增加其資金來源,向成員國借款的一種辦法。

A natural charmer , with the gift of the gab , he can talk himself out of most situations and likes to think he ' s a ladies man 他是天生的情場高手,憑著三寸不爛之舌,總能找出理由把自己說成是個女士殺手。

Es gab in deutschland nie eine zentrale kulturmetropole vergleichbar mit paris f & 252 ; r frankreich oder london f & 252 ; r england 德國從未有過一座像法國巴黎或英國倫敦那樣的文化中心都市。

He went away with all my clothes packed in his own gabs , so i was left really up a gum tree 他把我的衣服全打到自己的包里帶走了,所以我被甩下來狼狽極了。

Monty has the gift of the gab . people enjoy listening to him and he usually gets what he wants 蒙特能說會道,人們很喜歡聽他說話,因而他通常如愿以償。

Same problems of boat grouting engineering for coal gab area are discussed in this paper 摘要文章對煤礦采空區治理工程中的鉆孔注漿問題進行了討論。

R . eine renaissance wie in italien oder frankreich gab es wohl in deutschland gar nicht 德國沒有類似于象在意大利或法國興起的文藝復興運動嗎?

Colin should make a good salesman ; he ' s got the gift of the gab and persistence 科林應該能成為一名出色的推銷員,他伶牙俐齒而且很毅力。

Oh ! stop your gab , we ' ve been listening to you for hours and we ' re tired of it 得了!別再說了!我們已經聽你講了幾個鐘頭了,實在聽膩了。

Beautiful gab games 漂亮的瞎扯小游戲

While bountifully blessed with the gift of gab , gemini are notoriously bad listeners 雙子:多嘴多舌的雙子座是最差的聽眾。