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future shock 未來休克〔對于迅速變化客觀環境的不能適應〕。

A . toftler who is the american famous futurologist firstly brought forward the mass customization concept in the future shock in 1970 , which he said that mass production would be substituted by new production mode called “ none - large scale “ Toffler ) ,他在1970年出版的著作《未來的沖擊》一書中就提到大規模定制生產將是未來生產的新趨勢。他把這種生產方式稱為“非大量化” ,該觀點引起了許多企業經營管理者和學者的關注。

In each case , tighter monetary policy increases risk by reducing financial buffers or otherwise increasing the vulnerability of individuals or firms to future shocks to the economy 在任一情況下,進一步緊縮銀根都降低財政儲備或/和個人或企業抵御未來經濟沖擊的能力,從而會增加風險。

It is advisable for people to face up to the future challenges by bettering themselves , because the future shock is independent of man ' s will 應用:人們最好通過完善自我來面對未來的挑戰,因為未來的沖擊不是以人的意志為轉移的。

Future shock arises from the superimposition of a new culture on an old one 未來沖擊來自新文化與舊文化的重疊。