
fussy adj.1.愛大驚小怪的,愛小題大做的;過分操心的。2....


Some babies ' fussy periods come so regularly that parents can set their clocks by it 有些寶寶哭鬧的時間非常準時,父母能夠準確地知道他會在什么時間哭鬧。

Charlie : i have this little sister lola . she is a very fussy eater , and she never eats peas 蘿拉不喜歡吃豌豆,但這不是豌豆,這可是綠色王國內下的綠雨滴!

“ she ' s fussy about her food , so i don ' t think she ' ll accept the invitation to your dinner . “她對飲食過分著意,所以我想她不會接受邀請去參加你的晚宴的。

Charlie : i have this little sister lola . she is a very fussy eater , and she never eats a tomato 蘿拉不喜歡吃蕃茄,但這不是蕃茄,這可是會噴水的月亮!

The computation of the lognormal fussy reliability about vehicle parts with parabola ' s subordinate 隸屬函數為拋物線時的汽車零部件對數模糊可靠度計算

Design method of fussy - control about wood dry keil temperature based on single chip computer 基于單片機的木材干燥窯溫度模糊控制器的設計方法

No fussy lines . just a sleek and smooth contour with an evolutionary single - touch open hinge 憑藉俐落流暢的線條,營造一觸式通訊新風格。

He ' s very fussy about his food ; if it isn ' t cooked just right , he won ' t eat it 他對他的食物非常講究,如果不是烹調的剛好,他就不會吃。

Don ' t be so fussy 別挑剔了!

Why are browsers so fussy about xml ? they were more accepting with html 為什么瀏覽器對xml的處理如此嚴格,而對html則較容易接受?

Dont be so fussy 別那么挑剔好不好

Don t be so fussy 別那么挑剔好不好

Don - ' t be so fussy 別那麼挑剔好不好

Underwater target recognition based on multiple sensors with fussy neural network 基于多傳感器模糊神經網絡的水下目標識別

The great renaissance artists were fussy about their raw materials 文藝復興時期偉大的藝術家們總是為他們的原材料而擔憂。

Fussy about trifles , careless about big things . penny wise , pound foolish 小的扣緊,大的放松,池子里捕魚,太湖里放生。

In contrast , easterners prefer french country or more “ fussy “ styles 相對的,東部人喜歡法國鄉村或是更漂亮的形式。

Don ' t be so fussy with your food . it ' s nutritious and it will do you good 別這樣挑食。這很有營養,對你很有好處的。

Babies are often very fussy when they are going through growth spurts 當寶寶經歷快速成長期時也常常哭鬧地比較多。