
fury n.1.憤怒,狂怒。2.(病狀,天氣等的)兇險,猛烈。3...


As the woman ' s fury becomes too great to contain 女人的憤怒積聚讓她無法控制自己

He exploded with rage , fury , jealousy , etc 他勃然大怒、暴跳如雷、妒火中燒等

It was followed by the swift flashes of the rifles, which sent their leaden messenger across the rock in volleys, as though the assailants would pour out their impotent fury on the insensible scene of the fatal contest . 緊接著,火光閃閃,槍彈越過雙方之間的巖石,成排地飛射過來,仿佛他們要把自己無可奈何的憤怒,全都發泄在進行這場殊死搏斗的這片無知無覺的土地上似的。

These villains were submitting to their fate with an air of sulky indifference which accorded ill with the baffled fury that gleamed in their sombre eyes . 這些家伙帶著一種冷漠的表情屈從了他們的命運,但是他們陰郁的眼睛中卻閃耀著一種壓抑不住的憤怒。

When he spoke of courage, their looks were firm and responsive; when he alluded to their injuries, their eyes kindled with fury . 當他講到他們的勇敢時,他們的目光變得堅定而又嚴峻。當他提到他們所受的創傷時,大伙的眼睛中都激起了憤怒。

This is, of course, the reason why a sonic boom hits us with all its fury from a supersonic aircraft but not from a subsonic one . 當然,這就是為什么音爆從超音速飛機上以它的全部力量向我們沖來,而音速飛機上則沒有音爆傳來。

Once again we must fight for life and honour against all the might and fury of the valiant disciplined, and ruthless german race . 我們再一次為了生存和榮譽,奮起反抗日爾曼這個勇敢的、有紀律的卻又殘酷的民族的一切瘋狂暴力。

He moved backward down the shining street, looking at his father-his father who moved toward him, one hand outstretched in fury . 他一邊看著父親,一邊順著閃閃發光的街道后退著--父親伸出一只手,怒氣沖沖地朝他一步步逼過來。

She was hatless and white faced and her long grey hair streamed down her back as she lashed the horse like a fury . 她頭上沒戴帽子,面孔雪白。她狠狠地抽著那匹馬,灰色的長頭發在背脊上飄漾。

He had an impulse to kneel and plead for forgiveness. but a bitterer red anger burned up to fury in him . 他一陣沖動想跪下來請求寬恕,可苦澀的憤恨此時在他胸中已燃燒成了狂怒。

As in the days of hezekinh, so today is god using the fury of the barbarians to execute his fierce anger . 正如希西家那個時代,如今上帝也是借野蠻人的兇焰來體現上天的憤怒。

The russian dropped the shell to the ground and sprinted out of the park as if pursued by the furies . 那個俄國人把炮彈扔到地上,拔腿沖出公園,好象有洪水猛獸在追他一樣。

It was crucial that our negotiating record be above reproach to withstand the domestic fury ahead . 關鍵的是,我們的談判記錄必須是無可指責的,能頂得住今后國內的憤怒。

It was crucial that our negotiating record be above reproach to withstand the domestic fury ahead . 關鍵的是,我們的談判記錄是無可指責的,能頂得住今后國內的憤怒。

All the fury of her tempestuous soul fell, as the sea falls under -a lapse of wind . 她那狂暴的靈魂發出的一切憤怒都在平息了,如同大海在風暴之后的平靜一樣。

His thin face and large eyes were wrought into an expression of frantic, powerless fury . 他的瘦臉和大眼睛都現出一種瘋狂無力的憤怒表情。

Khan, tamerlans in the fury of conquest exterminated all who resisted them . 成吉思汗,塔馬蘭在狂熱的開疆拓土中消滅了所有反抗他們的人。

She had seen him smash his hat and yell with fury when he had missed his aim . 每逢他沒有擊中目標,她總看到他一邊甩帽子一邊大聲怒罵。

He turned away in a fury from them, and began blundering out apologies to miss amory . 他在憤怒中離開他們,匆匆忙忙向艾默里小姐道歉。