
furosemide n.【藥學】速尿(靈),腹胺酸,利尿磺胺。


Other studies have demonstrated that albumin and furosemide therapy may be beneficial in hypoproteinemic patients with lung injury , though data on outcomes is still lacking 其他的研究論證了在低蛋白血癥合并肺損傷的病人白蛋白和速尿治療或許是有益的,但是仍然缺乏有關預后的數據。

Stubborn ascites resulting from hepatocirrhosis was treated with back transfusion of ascites plus dopamine and furosemide in 36 patients 腹水靜脈回輸聯合多巴胺及呋塞米治療肝硬化頑固性腹水36例

The woman was treated with furosemide and mannitol , but remained comatose with a glasgow coma scale of 6 給予速尿和甘露醇治療,但這位婦女仍然昏迷,格拉斯哥昏迷評分為6分。

Each 2ml contains 20mg furosemide 主要成分呋塞咪。