
furious adj.1.暴怒的,狂怒的。2.狂暴的,猛烈的。3.喧鬧...


But now i also had grown furious - at a child 而此時我也變得狂怒了? ?對一個孩子。

You ' re furious because we thought of it first 你會生氣是因為這是我們最先想到的

It was followed by a stillness apparently as deep as if the waters had been checked in their furious progress, at such a horrid and unusual interruption . 接著是一片死一般的靜寂,靜得仿佛連洶涌澎湃的激流,也因這突如其來的奇怪可怕的叫聲而停止。

Each act of the abominable drama, which was carried on in perfect silence, being rounded off and finished with a furious and very revolting dance about the supposed victim . 這部令人生厭的無聲劇的每一幕始終都圍繞著一個假設的犧牲品在狂舞亂跳。

John was staring at the door that held back the music; towards which, with an insistence at once furious and feeble, his hands were still outstretched . 約翰還在目不轉睛地看著那扇把音樂聲隔開的門,兩只小手仍然猛烈而無力地非要朝著門口伸過去。

She did not know how to answer her mother's shrill, meaningless questions, put with the furious affectation of maternal concern . 她不知怎樣回答母親帶著一種極為虛假的母愛向她提出的那些哀哀切切、一點意思也沒有的問題。

John walked over to the sofa, holding himself as proudly beneath his father's furious eyes as a prince approaching the scaffold . 約翰驕傲地挺起胸脯,象王子走向斷頭臺一樣,在父親憤怒的目光下,向沙發走去。

When germany defeated england in the quarterfinal of the 1970 world cup soccer tournament, grandpa was furious . 在一九七年世界杯足球邀請賽分組決賽中,德國隊擊敗了英國隊,祖父為此感到十分惱怒。

Toil-worn women grew furious as they thought of the wicked socialists who were trying to bring ruin upon them . 勞累不堪的婦女們,一想到那些惡毒的社會黨人要給她們帶來毀滅,就感到怒不可遏。

The chief petty officer was furious at me for making such a dive, at my age, and in not very good condition . 海軍上士因為我的年紀已大并且在這種不利的條件下去進行這樣的潛水而發愁。

The doctor was furious with the little fool, looking at him with innocent, cheerful grey eyes . 醫生很生氣,生氣這個小傻瓜,這個小傻瓜卻用天真無邪的,歡樂的灰眼睛看著他。

In my viewing the sea from that hill where i stood, i perceived a strong, and indeed, a most furious current . 從我所站的小山上放眼望去,我看見有一股很強很猛的急流。

This was not the sort of thing country boys did when they played at fisticuffs and jack was furious . 這不是鄉下小伙子斗毆時的那種搞法,杰克火冒三丈了。

Kennedy who read the story in the sunday newspapers out at camp david, was briefly furious . 肯尼迪在戴維營從星期天的報紙上讀到了這報道,一時大為生氣。

To my astonishment , he threw out the book and screamed at me with a furious look on his face . 令我驚訝的是他把那本書丟出去,并滿臉怒色的對我尖叫。

Bertha clenched her hands, furious because the flush of shame would not leave her cheeks . 伯莎握緊了雙手,為那恥辱的紅暈不肯從雙頰上消退而躁怒。

Some were wounded, one and all were furious at their ill-success and long exposure . 有幾個受了傷,大家對這一次的失敗和整天暴露在天外,感到憤怒。

I was furious with edgar allan poe for writing so accurately about this . 愛德加愛倫坡把這個問題寫得如此深切細微,我真對他大發雷霆了。

One rancher after another delivered himself of a torrent of furious words . 農莊主人們一個接一個的發表一段放連珠炮似的氣勢洶洶的講話。