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fur seal 海狗;海獺。


Includes all species in the following groups which are not already in appendix i : primates , cats , otters , bears , whales , birds of prey , parrots , tortoises , crocodiles , monitor lizards , pythons , giant clams , orchids and cacti as well as many other species , such as fur seals , birds of paradise , birdwing butterflies and stony corals 包括以下并未列入附錄一的物種的所有品種:靈長目動物貓科動物水獺熊鯨猛禽鸚鵡鱷魚巨蜥蟒蛇蛤蚌蘭花仙人掌及其他物種,包括海豹極樂鳥黃扇蝶及石珊瑚。

London reuters - choosy antarctic female fur seals go to great lengths to find the right mate . while males prefer to stay put and wait to be chosen , females are more selective and prepared to travel to find an ideal , genetically diverse partner to father their pups 據路透社2月7日報道,雄海狗在擇偶過程中處于被動地位,它們等著被雌海狗挑選而雌海狗在擇偶時更加積極主動,它們會盡力找到最理想基因最優良的雄性作為孩子的父親。

“ the behaviours that we observe will impact upon the genetic diversity of fur seal populations and may have helped them recover so successfully from near extinction only 100 years ago , “ said hoffman 霍夫曼說: “我們觀察到的海狗行為將影響海狗基因的多樣性,這也可能是它們在100年前瀕臨滅絕又重新繁盛的原因。

Cape fur seals are common on south african shores and many have become accustomed to humans . they are a popular tourist attraction and can be viewed playing in the sea by cape town ' s waterfront 站在開普敦的海濱地帶,你可以看到它們在大海里縱情戲水的歡快場面,海豹也為該國吸引了大量的游客。

“ so it ' s not only remarkable to find that female fur seals are choosy , but this also suggests that female choice may be more widespread in nature than we previously thought . 研究不但發現了雌海狗在擇偶時的主動性,也預示著自然界雌性動物在擇偶時遠比人們想象的積極。 ”

Fur seal populations here have rebounded to merely modest levels after a hunting bloodbath in the early 19th century brought the subspecies to the brink of extinction 在19世紀初期,這里的海狗曾遭到大肆捕殺,幾乎滅絕,目前海狗的數量也僅有所適當回升。

A male animal that does not mate during the breeding season , especially a young male fur seal kept from the breeding territory by older males 尚未交配的小雄獸在繁殖季節中未交配的雄性動物,特別指被較年長的雄性拒于交配領地之外的年輕的雄性海豹