
funny adj.1.有趣的,好笑的,滑稽的。2.有病的,不舒服的...

funny business

The funny thing is, what's impossible for some people becomes possible for velia . 有意思的是,在別人是不可能的事,到西莉亞這兒就成了可能的了。

In spite of national differences , certain funny situations have a universal appeal . 盡管有民族差異,但某些可笑的情景還是有普遍感染力的。

To the telling of a really funny situation the chinese can be relied on to respond . 對于講述一件真正奇妙的事情,中國人總是會予以反應的。

I wish you would repeat chevy chase as you did yesterday: it was extremely funny . 但愿你再念一遍獵歌,象昨天念的那樣,真是太可笑了。

His mother would hear he had been there, of course, and might think it funny . 當然,他母親會聽說他到過那里,可能會覺得蹊蹺。

He cracks me up. i do n't think i 've met anybody so funny in my whole life . 他常逗我發笑,我一生中還沒有見過這樣有趣的人。

In a word, as steiner put it, it was all a very funny kettle of fish . 總而言之,正象史坦那所說的,這件事簡直是亂七八糟。

He looked at me in a very funny way that night after nimrod went away . 那天晚上,尼姆羅德走后,他怪模怪樣地看著我。

I get a funny feeling when i think of how big the whole works is . 有時候我一想到手里的攤子有那么大,心里就直發慌。

Hob will keep interrupting the lessons to tell his funny stories . 霍布總要打斷講課,來講他那些希奇古怪的故事。

The lady was dressed in a blue coat and a large , funny hat . 那婦女穿著一件藍大衣,戴著一頂大而滑稽的帽子。

What was meant to be a funny story fell completely flat . 原欲使之成為有趣的故事,結果完全變得索然寡味。

Don't get funny with me . 別騙我。

Thank goodness, i can always find something funny to keep me up . 謝天謝地,我總想得開,還能樂觀向上。

Yes, a funny four years. and inside himself he is straining . 是啊,這四年過得有趣。心里卻在頂牛兒。

She was awfully funny . 她真有意思。

He had included a large number of funny stories in the speech . 他在講話時加進了許多逗人發笑的故事。

She always feels a bit funny if she looks down from a height . 她從高處往下看,總覺得有點不舒服。

The cross talk is funny . 這段相聲真哏。