
fungal adj.= fungous.


Compound benzoic acid ointment is used in the treatment of fungal infections of the skin 復合苯甲酸酸軟膏被使用在皮膚的真菌感染的治療。

Groups should be assigned an order to kill spores for the fungal bloom debuff 小隊成員必須安排一個順序來擊殺孢子來獲得真菌爆發的效果。

Effects of inoculation with three arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal on the growth of peach palm seedlings 桃棕苗期接種叢枝菌根菌效應研究

Round and sawn timber . terminology . part 10 : terms relating to stain and fungal attack 鋸開的圓木.術語.第10部分:品種和真菌侵害術語

Preliminary screening of fungal strain decomposing the thatch of turfgrass zoysia matrella 降解溝葉結縷草枯草層的真菌菌株的初選

Identification of helminthosporioid fungal pathogens on gramineous weeds from henan province 河南省禾本科農田雜草蠕形菌病原鑒定

Mechanism of fungal pathogenesis in insect and strain improvement by gene engineering 昆蟲病原真菌致病寄主的機制和基因工程改良

A low humidity environment has been shown to inhibit fungal and bacterial growth 在這樣乾燥的環境下,菌類和細菌均難以滋長。

Journal of fungal research 菌物研究

Isolation and identification of apple common fungal pathogenes in northern shaanxi 陜北蘋果常見真菌病害病原菌的分離鑒定研究

Fungal corneal ulcer 真菌性角膜潰瘍

Ventilation has been advocated for centuries as an inhibitor of fungal growth 幾個世紀來,人們都認為通風可以抑制霉菌生長。

Round and sawn timber - terminology - terms relating to stain and fungal attack 圓木和鋸木.術語.有關斑漬和真菌侵害的術語

Studies on taxonomy of pathogenic fungal of botryosphaeria and its anamorphs causing tree canker 屬及相關無性態分類研究

Test method for efficacy of slimicides for the paper industry - fungal slime 造紙工業用殺粘菌劑效力的試驗方法-真菌粘菌

Databases of fungal collections 采集地:

An attempt to use rrna secondary structure characters in fungal systematics 二級結構序列用于真菌系統學研究的方法初探

Fungus identification and drug resistance : analysis of 155 fungal infection cases 155例臨床真菌感染及耐藥性統計分析

Study on anti - fungal activity of arnebia euchroma pigment of fulvia fulva 紫草色素對番茄葉霉病菌的室內抑菌活性研究