
funereal adj.喪葬似的;悲哀的;陰森的,嚴肅的。 funere...


The parisians , always curious , always affected by funereal display , looked on with religious silence while the splendid procession accompanied to their last abode two of the number of the old aristocracy - the greatest protectors of commerce and sincere devotees to their principles 巴黎人永遠是好奇的,看見大出喪老是很愛激動,他們帶著宗教的虔敬,目送著那壯觀的行列陪伴著這兩個老貴族到他們最后的安息地去。

His thoughts , and the discontent they engender , blast him free from years of emotional paralysis , and soon he makes a cheerful announcement at the funereal dinner table : “ i quit my job , told my boss to - - - - himself and blackmailed him for $ 60 , 000 . “ has he lost his mind 他對現實不滿的想法使他喪失了多年的情感生活,很快,他在喪禮似的晚餐時歡快地宣布: “我向老板辭職了,還勒索了6萬塊錢。 ”

From the belfries far and near the funereal deathbell tolled unceasingly while all around the gloomy precincts rolled the ominous warning of a hundred muffled drums punctuated by the hollow booming of pieces of ordnance 喪鐘從遠遠近近的鐘樓里不停地響著,教堂幽暗的院子周圍,一百面聲音悶啞的大鼓發出不祥的警告,不時地被大炮那甕聲甕氣的轟鳴所打斷。

Where is that child s funeral disappeared to ? a team of horses passed from finglas with toiling plodding tread , dragging through the funereal silence a creaking waggon on which lay a granite block 從芬格拉斯93那邊來了一群馬,吃力地邁著沉重的步子,拖著一輛載有龐大花崗石的大車,發出的嘎嘎響聲打破了葬禮的沉寂,走了過去。

But there was no whispering in the house ; only the funereal rustling of dresses as the women gathered to their seats disturbed the silence there 可是教堂里除了女人們走向座位時衣服發出凄慘的沙沙聲外卻沒有人竊竊私語。

It was a large , dark room , furnished in a funereal manner with black horsehair , and loaded with heavy dark tables 那是一間陰暗的大屋,像喪禮一樣擺著黑色馬毛呢面的家具和沉重的黑色桌子。

The scent is what i object to , he said . it s a little funereal “恰恰是那味道我不愛聞,我覺得有些殯葬的味道。 ”

The mood of the music was almost funereal 音樂的調子幾乎像哀樂。