
funeral n.1.葬禮;送喪行列 (= funeral proce...

funeral home

You ' ve had your hero ' s funeral , gibbons 你已經得到你那個英雄式的葬禮了吉本斯

Mo , i swear , he has a black one for funerals 莫,我發誓他還有件黑色的是葬禮穿的

Speaking at funerals is something of a specialty 在葬禮上講話也算我一個專長了

We let her and her choir sing at the funeral 我們就讓她和她的唱詩班在葬禮時唱唱

The funeral of john blackburn , kunming , china 約翰?布萊克本在中國昆明的葬禮。

He has an absolute horror of attending funerals 他對參加喪禮有一種絕對的恐懼。

Roger : i have to attend my great aunt ' s funeral 羅杰:我必須參加我姨婆的喪禮。

So the funeral ' s this weekend . it ' s . it ' s in oregon 葬禮是這個周末在.在俄勒網

On the night before the funeral he was as drunk as ever; and it was shocking, in that house of mourning, to hear him singing away at his ugly old sea song . 在葬儀的頭天晚上,他喝得象通常一樣爛醉,在這所居喪的房屋里聽到他唱他那古老的航海謠,真叫人毛骨悚然。

I sat in the other room burning tobacco and listening to the pouring rain and meditating on the many vicissitudes that come to a man during the seventy years or so immediately preceding his funeral . 我坐在另一間屋子里抽煙,聽著傾盆雨聲,思忖著人生在世七十年中,在葬禮之前,有多少變化莫測的事情。

Not many days after john barton's funeral was over, all was arranged respecting jem's appointment at toronto, and the time was fixed for his sailing . 約翰巴頓安葬以后,隔了沒有幾天,杰姆在托倫托地方的職業已經全部接洽就緒,行期也已經決定了。

Whether because he had been to a funeral or not, the peculiar forsyte build of his face was seen to the best advantage this afternoon . 不管是不是因為送殯回來的緣故,總之,今天下午,他臉上那種特有的福爾賽相貌看上去非常順眼。

Sometimes, it seemed to mrs. crich as if her husband were some subtle funeral bird, feeding on the miseries of the people . 有時克里奇夫人覺得她的丈夫似乎是某種狡猾的食尸鳥,靠食用人們的不幸活著。

On the day of the funeral a lawyer came down from london and followed my poor friend's remains to the grave . 舉行葬禮的那天,一位律師從倫敦趕來,跟在我那可憐的朋友的遺體后面走到墓地。

I read the letter from the young woman who went to the funeral of her best friend and couldn't shed a tear . 我讀了那個年青婦女的信,她去為她最好的朋友送葬,卻哭不出一滴眼淚來。

I read the letter from the young woman who went to the funeral of her best friend and could not shed a tear . 我讀了那封去為最好的朋友送葬的年輕婦女的信,卻哭不出一滴眼淚來。

The thompsons sat there with their eyes down and their faces sorrowful, as if they were at a funeral . 湯普森一家坐在那里低垂著眼睛,滿面憂傷,仿佛他們在參加一次喪禮。

What cared she for the silly, the abominable convention that sought to prevent her from going to the funeral ? 難道她還會管那些阻止她參加葬禮的愚蠢的,討厭的習俗嗎?

When, after the fashion of the time, he put the funeral garlands on the boy, he wept aloud . 當他按照當時的風尚把悼念的花圈放在幼子的尸體上時,他放聲痛哭起來。