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fundamental particle 【物理學】基本粒子 (= elementary part...

fundamental star

Despite several decades of trying , scientists have failed to fit einstein ' s general theory of relativity , which describes how gravity holds big objects together , with the quantum mechanics he pioneered , which describes the tiny fundamental particles of which matter consists and the forces by which they interact 盡管經歷了數十年的刻苦鉆研,科學家們仍然無法將愛因斯坦的廣義相對論與他所開拓過的量子理論統一在一起? ?這兩個理論前者是描述引力如何將大型天體維系在一起,后者則是描述組成物質的微小基礎粒子以及粒子之間的相互作用力。

The exact abundances of the three lightest elements are an important test of the so - called standard model of physics ? the list of fundamental particles found so far and the forces that link them 物理標準模式理論中有一項極為重要的試驗,該試驗檢測的是宇宙空間中3中質量最輕元素的確切豐度,即需要列出到目前所發現的基本粒子與將它們融合起來的各種作用力。

One interpretation of why we have such a quirky list of fundamental particles is because they all result from different facets of the strange symmetries of e8 有一個解釋為什么我們有如此奇特的基本粒子,這是因為它們來自于e8不同的對稱的層面。

One proposal is that it is some kind of weakly interacting massive particle wimp . is dark matter really some exotic fundamental particle 有科學家猜想它們是一些作用力很弱但質量非零的粒子,究竟暗物質是否一些很特別的基本粒子呢?

Fundamental particles have an intrinsic mass known as their rest mass ( those with zero rest mass are called massless ) 基本粒子有個稱為靜止質量的內在質量(靜止質量為零的粒子稱為無質量粒子) 。

To understand what will happen before that , we have to study the constituents of atoms : the fundamental particles 要了解宇宙更早期的情況,我們必須研究組成原子的基本粒子。

Depends on different counting methods , there are about 18 types of fundamental particles 基本粒子大約有十八種,不同的計算方法可能出現不同的數目。

It is known that inside neutrons and protons there are more fundamental particles called quarks 中子和質子是由一種更基本的粒子夸克所組成。

The physics of fundamental particles has been a recognized field of research only in the past 40 years . 基本粒子物理學,僅僅在最近四十年才成為被承認的一個研究領域。