
full-scale adj.1.照原物尺寸的,足尺的。2.極大限度的;完全徹...


The umw executed full-scale campaigns in 1900 and again in 1902 to organize the state and failed . 美國礦工聯合會曾經在一九年和一九二年發動全面運動以便在該州組織工會,但是他們的一切努力都失敗了。

Ozonation shows some promise as a substitute for chlorination of cyanide waste, although it has had limited full-scale use . 臭氧化法盡管其工業規模使用還有限,但有某些可能取代氯化法處理氰化物廢水。

There are truly an immense number of small items on the full-scale ship that cannot be represented at model scale . 在模型上不能表征的真實飛機上的細小項目實在太多了。

Henry conducted nothing less than a full-scale investigation of both my business and my personal life . 亨利進行的是一次不折不扣地對我的業務工作和私人生活的全面調查。

We decided to commit ourselves and began a full-scale excavation of the site in 1977 . 我們決定全力以赴,于是在1977年開始了大規模的發掘工作。

Conversely, test made in full-scale boilers are usually difficult to reconcile . 與此相反,在工業規模的鍋爐內所做的試驗,也難于互相一致。

Conversely, tests made in full-scale boilers are usually difficult to reconcile . 與此相反,在大鍋爐內所做的試驗也難于互相一致。

The earlier revolts had just been dress rehearsals for full-scale revolution . 那些初期的反叛活動只不過是大規模革命行動的演習。

By 1954, dr. knipling was ready for a full-scale test of his theory . 1954年尼普林博士準備就他的理論進行大規模的試驗。

The range is usually limited to the full-scale deflection of the indicator . 量程通常以指針的全分度偏轉為限。

Full-scale commercialization of high-temperature cells will not be possible . 全面應用高溫電池是不可能的。

Full-scale construction is under way . 百廢俱興。

Full-scale prototypes may be “cleaned up“ . 全尺寸原型機可以得到“校驗”。