full stop [point] 句號,句點。
[point] 句號,句點。 “full“ 中文翻譯: vt. 【紡織;印染】蒸洗,漂洗〔使毛織品緊密〕;縮絨, ...“stop“ 中文翻譯: vi. (stopped , 〔詩〕 stopt; st ...“the full stop“ 中文翻譯: 句號“come to a full stop“ 中文翻譯: 完全停止“full auto stop“ 中文翻譯: 全自動停機“full-bobbin stop motion“ 中文翻譯: 滿管自停裝置“full-can stop motion“ 中文翻譯: 滿筒自停裝置“full-cap stop motion“ 中文翻譯: 滿管自停裝置“full-hank stop motion“ 中文翻譯: 滿絞自停裝置“automatic full beam stop motion“ 中文翻譯: 滿軸自停裝置“full can automatic stop motion“ 中文翻譯: 滿管自停裝置“no stop“ 中文翻譯: 直接擊回來球“no-stop“ 中文翻譯: 不停的; 直達的“stop“ 中文翻譯: vi. (stopped , 〔詩〕 stopt; stopping ) 1.停止;停下來做某事 (to do sth.)。 2.〔口語〕逗留,歇宿,(偶然)過訪。 3.躊躇。 4.被塞住。 5.【音樂】壓住弦或孔以改善音調。 vt. 1.止住,堵住,塞住,填塞,蓋。 2.阻止,阻攔;截斷,斷絕。 3.停止(工作、吃飯等);妨礙;停付(支票等);扣留,扣除;阻止。 4.止住(傷口)出血;打落(飛鳥等)。 5.【航海】系緊(船纜等)。 6.加標點。 7.【音樂】壓(樂器的弦、孔,以改變音調)。 8.〔美運〕打敗(對手)。 9.【航海】(用繩子)扎住,扎緊。 10.【園藝】摘心,打頂。 stop to rest 停下休息。 stop to think (把某事)停下來,轉而進行思考。 stop thinking 停止思考。 It has stopped raining. 雨停了。 stop the traffic 斷絕交通。 What is to stop me from coming 我為什么不能來? S- thief! 截住強盜! a badly stopped letter 標點錯亂的信。 stop a bottle with a cork 用軟木塞把瓶子蓋上。 The bank stopped his check. 銀行拒付他的支票了。 We'll stop at a hotel for the night. 我們將在旅館過夜。 I'll stop at no expense to obtain it. 我將不惜一切花費來得到它。 I'm stopping with my uncle. 我暫時住在叔父家。 stop a bullet [shell] 〔俚語〕中彈陣亡[受傷]。 stop a cheque (通知銀行)止付支票。 stop a clock [the clock, the train] 〔美俚〕樣子不好看[丑陋]。 stop a gap 修補;彌補,補空;代理。 stop a packet 受重傷;挨臭罵。 stop at 住宿(旅店)。 stop at no (sacrifices) 不惜(一切犧牲)。 stop at nothing 什么也做得出,肆無忌憚;勇往直前。 stop at nothing in committing evils 無惡不作。 stop away 外宿。 stop by 〔美國〕順便到(某處)訪問 (He'll stop by on his way home. 回家途中他將前來訪問)。 stop cold 〔美口〕使呆住。 stop dead 突然停止。 stop down 【攝影】把光圈收小。 stop in 順便過訪某人。 stop off 中途下一下車;用砂填塞(鑄模的一部);〔英口〕進監牢。 stop sb.'s breath 悶死人。 stop sb.'s clock 〔美國〕殺人。 stop one's ears 塞住耳朵,不聽 (to against)。 stop sb.'s way 攔住某人路;反對某人。 stop out 遮斷(風、日光等);外宿;扣除 (The cost was stopped out of my salary. 那一筆費用已經由我的薪水中扣除了。);【攝影】置于停影液中。 stop over 中途下車;暫留,暫住;住在海外 ( Many motorists were forced to stop over in that town because of floods. 由于洪水泛濫,許多汽車駕駛人員不得不在該城鎮中途停留)。 stop short 猛然停止,停止;使(談話等)停止;【劍術】擋住,回擊。 stop short of 差點兒,險些兒,幾乎。 stop the show (cold) 〔美劇〕因某一節目演出精彩,觀眾多次要求重演以致耽誤繼續表演。 stop to look at a fence (在障礙前,在困難前)躊躇不前。 stop up 醒著,沒有睡;熬夜;塞住(洞口)。 stop with a friend 住在朋友處。 n. 1.中止,停止,停車。 2.停留處,車站,站;飛機場。 3.逗留,歇宿,停留,停靠,停泊。 4.終結;終止。 5.〔英國〕句號;標點;間斷。 6.填塞;妨礙,阻礙。 7.【音樂】(以手指壓弦、孔)調整音調;〔轉義〕說法,語調,調子。 8.【機械工程】制子,制楔,制動器,檔;銷;斷流閥。 9.【音樂】風琴的音栓;六弦琴的柱。 10.【語音】閉塞音〔t, d, k, b 等〕。 11.【攝影】光圈;【物理學】光闌。 12.【滑雪】遽止。 13.【建筑】門閂。 14.【航海】掣,掣索。 15.【劍術】擋架。 a bus stop 公共汽車站,巴士站。 a full stop 句點。 You've four stops before you get to the station. 你到火車站以前還有四個公共汽車站。 I told him to put a stop to the practice. 我已經告訴他不要搞那個了。 Every sentence should have its proper stop. 每句話都應有適當的句點。 It's entirely groundless that you put on the sarcastic stop. 你發出諷刺的調子是毫無根據的。 bring to a stop 使停止,制止。 come to a (full) stop (完全)停止。 make a stop 停止,休息,停留。 put a stop to 使…停止,使…終止。 put on the pathetic stop 用悲傷的語調說。 without a stop 不停,不停留,不停車。 “stop by“ 中文翻譯: 過來一會; 順便到…,順便拜訪; 順便訪問; 順便看望“stop to“ 中文翻譯: 停下來而; 停下做“t-stop“ 中文翻譯: 丁字形停止“to stop“ 中文翻譯: 攔住“to stop for“ 中文翻譯: 為...而停留“www stop“ 中文翻譯: 停止“stop! stop! stop! virgos“ 中文翻譯: 圣女天團“at the full“ 中文翻譯: 在充滿的時候“be full of“ 中文翻譯: 布滿; 充滿的; 充滿,裝滿; 充滿了; 充滿他; 充滿著; 滿是; 用; 有很多的; 指“充滿”。表示主語所處的狀態。其后接裝在容器或空間里的事物的名詞。如:“full“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.充滿的,裝滿的。 2.充分的,豐富的;擠滿的;(吃、喝等)盡興的, 3.(精神)飽滿的。 4.完全的,完美的;(資格)正式的;最高度的;(花)盛開的。 5.又胖又圓的,(臉)豐滿的;(衣服)寬松的,多皺褶的。 6.(光線)強烈的;(顏色)純正的;(聲音)洪亮的。 7.(酒)醇厚的。 8.同父同母的。 9.詳盡的,完備的。 He that is full of himself is very empty. 〔諺語〕人若十分自恃,必定十分無知。 F- Admiral 〔美國〕海軍上將。 full charge 【軍事】全裝(彈)藥。 full daylight 大白天。 full experience 豐富的經驗。 full blood 純種;同父母,同胞。 a full figure 又圓又胖的身體。 F- General 〔美國〕四星上將。 a full har-vest 豐收。 a full life 經歷豐富的一生。 a full man 完人。 full marks 滿分。 full maturity 完全成熟,壯年。 a full meal 豐盛的一餐。 a full member 正式會員。 a full mile 整整一英里。 full pay 全薪。 full professor 〔美國〕正教授。 a full report 詳細的報告。 full score 【音樂】總譜。 a full size 原尺寸,原大。 full speed 全速。 full speed [steam] ahead 【航海】全速前進。 a full stomach 滿腹。 full strength 全力【軍事】滿員。 full summer 盛夏。 My heart is too full for words. 我激動得說不出話來。 a full voice 洪亮的嗓音。 a full bust 豐滿的胸部。 eat till one is full吃飽肚子。 as full as an egg is of meat =〔美國〕 as full as a tick 塞得滿滿的。 at full length 手腳充分伸直地;盡量詳盡地。 be full of 充滿…(的)。 be full of one's own affairs = be full of oneself 只為自己打算。 be full of vigour and vitality 朝氣蓬勃,精力充沛。 be full of years and honours 德高望重。 full to overflowing 滿得不能再滿。 full up 〔俚語〕 1. 客滿;吃飽;裝滿。 2. 激動得要流淚。 in full activity [blast, chisel, play, swing] 正達到極點,正起勁。 in full feather [fig] 盛裝;穿著全套禮服;精神飽滿;很有錢。 turn (it) to full account 充分利用。 n. 1.充分,完全,全部。 2.極盛時,極點。 I cannot tell you the full of it. 我不能完全告訴你。 at (the) full 在達到最高點,在完滿狀態中。 in full 詳細地(填寫姓名等);全部地(payment in full全付,付足)。 the full of the moon 滿月時。 to the full 充分地,十足地。 adv. 1.充分地,完全地。 2.恰恰,直接地。 3.極其,十分。 full six miles 整整六英里。 hit sb. full on the nose 正打在某人鼻子上。 full and by 〔美國〕扯滿篷。 full as useful as 完全同…一樣有用。 full fain 非常喜歡,極想。 full many 〔詩〕很多的。 full out 以最大能量;最快地。 full soon 立即。 full well 很,充分地。 vt. 把(衣服)裁寬大些,把(裙子)縫出皺褶。 vi. 滿;(衣服)寬大;〔美國〕(月)圓。 vt. 【紡織;印染】蒸洗,漂洗〔使毛織品緊密〕;縮絨,縮呢。 fulling clay 漂土,漂泥。 a fulling mill 漂洗機。 “full and by“ 中文翻譯: 船首逼風但保持滿帆滿帆順風; 滿帆順風
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To add “ although “ after “ that , “ ; to delete “ and “ after “ all over the world , “ ; to delete “ has all along supported “ after “ the sar government “ and substitute with “ still needs to strengthen its support for “ ; to add “ in view of the difficult business situation of the industry , allocating more resources to promote monument sponsorship , green ecology and local customs , and setting a timetable for developing hong kong s cultural characteristics of the east meeting the west under one country , two systems , thereby improving the hardware and software of the industry s business environment on a broader level ; restructuring the hong kong tourism board and travel industry council of hong kong to enhance their representation and further include the participation of trade union representatives ; further promoting good labour relations in the industry , comprehensively perfecting the employment system and formulating reasonable employment conditions including basic salaries , employees compensation insurance , mandatory provident fund , medical benefits and holidays , etc , improving the employee - employer and staff - management communication mechanisms and promoting cooperation between the employees and employers in order to create a win - win situation for both sides , so that both sides can join hands in promoting the development of the industry ; through commending trustworthy shops and tourist guides and employees in the industry who are professional , sincere , friendly , hospitable and make tourists feel welcomed , establishing quality brand names and goodwill of local tour reception agencies to improve the image of the local tourism industry ; “ after “ which include : “ ; to delete the original “ and substitute with “ ; to delete the original “ and substitute with “ ; to delete “ , eliminating uneven distribution of interests “ after “ internal conflicts in the industry “ ; and to add “ , so as to foster a sustainable and healthy development in the local tourism industry “ immediately before the full stop 王國興議員動議下列修正案:在“香港“之前加上“雖然“在“國際城? , “之后加上“但“在“特區政府“之后刪除“一向亦“ ,并以“仍必須加“代替在“大力“之后加上“度“在“包括“之后加上“一鑒于業界經營困難,增撥資源推動認養古跡綠色生態及人文風俗,并訂定時間表,以發展香港在一國兩制下中西交匯的文化特色,從而在更廣的層面改善業界經營環境的軟件和硬件二重組香港旅游發展局和香港旅游業議會,以增加其代表性,并進一步吸納工會代表的參與三進一步推動業界建立良好的勞資關系,全面完善聘用制度和制訂合理聘用條件包括底薪勞保強積金醫療及假期等,改善勞資及管職的溝通機制,促進勞資合作,達致勞資兩利,使雙方能共同手促進業界發展四透過表彰誠信經營的商號,以及專業誠信親善好客及使旅客賓至如歸的導游和從業員,樹立本地旅游接待單位的優質品牌和信譽,以改善本地旅游業界的形象“刪除原有的“一“ ,并以“五“代替刪除原有的“二“ ,并以“六“代替在“業內矛盾, “之后刪除“消除不平衡的利益分配, “及在緊接句號之前加上“ ,促進本地旅游業界持續及健康發展“ 。 |
[ guangzhou hsc advisory stem cell site ] in october 2006 by the organization of the broad masses of netizens spontaneously love qianxinan union formally established , which has experienced many ups and downs , and countless days and nights of hard work , sweat , and in september 2007 draw a full stop , because jerry laoshushi to a union 99 % of the data suffer 2006年10月在由廣大網友自發組織的黔西南州愛心聯盟正式成立,其間經歷了很多風風雨雨,無數個日日夜夜的辛勞和汗水,在2007年9月劃上了句號,因為某幾粒老鼠屎讓聯盟99 %的數據遭殃。 |
This case , with the help of the centre of pollutes victim ‘ s law to help in china university of political science & law not only to offer a free lawyer to act for outside , but also to pay some court cost and authentication cost , was brought a suit to intermediate people ‘ s court of ningde of fujian province on will it be november 7 2002 . lasting the long course of 4 years , it drew the full stop winning tentatively on april 15 , 2005 finally 該案件在中國政法大學污染受害者法律幫助中心全部提供免費的律師代理外,還幫助支付了部份的訴訟費、鑒定費,于2002年11月7日向福建省寧德市中級人民法院起訴,歷時了4個年頭的漫長歷程,終于于2005年4月15日初步畫上了勝訴的句號。 |
To add “ based on the principle of helping those who are genuinely in need , and not to consider the following three recommendations : reviewing and relaxing the requirement for elders to apply for comprehensive social security allowance on a household basis ; reviewing the arrangement for offsetting the long service payment or severance payment by the accrued benefits derived from the contribution of the employers made to his her employees in the mandatory provident fund schemes ; and considering providing a universal retirement protection for the elderly “ immediately before the full stop 在“促請政府“之后加上“基于協助真正有需要人士的原則“及在緊接句號之前加上“ ,及不應考慮下列3項建議:一檢討和放寬長者須以家庭為單位申請綜援的規定二檢討雇主根據強積金計劃為雇員作出供款所得的累算權益可用作抵銷長期服務金或遣散費款額的安排及三考慮為長者提供全民退休保障“ 。 |
100 prizes : an infantile epistle , dated , small em monday , reading : capital pee papli comma capital aitch how are you note of interrogation capital eye i am very well full stop new paragraph signature with flourishes capital em milly no stop : a cameo brooch , property of ellen bloom born higgins , deceased : 3 typewritten letters , addressee , henry flower , c o p . o . westland row , addresser , martha clifford , c o p . o . dolphin s barn : the transliterated name and address of the addresser of the 3 letters in reserved alphabetic boustrophedontic punctated quadrilinear cryptogram vowels suppressed n . igs . wi . uu 三封打字信,收信人為:亨利弗羅爾,韋斯特蘭橫街郵政局轉交發信人為:瑪莎克利弗德,海豚倉巷郵政局收轉。三信的發信人住址姓名被改寫為字母交互逆綴式附有句號分作四行的密碼元音字母略之如下: nigs wiuuoxwoksmhyim 296英國周刊現代社會297的一張剪報:論女學校中的體罰。一截粉紅色緞帶,這是一八九九年系在一顆復活節彩蛋上的。 |
To delete “ and “ after “ the level of professional services “ and substitute with “ , the quality of corporate governance and its regulatory mechanism , so as to “ ; to delete “ and “ after “ tourist guides ; “ ; and to add “ ; considering further enhancing the operation efficiency and corporate governance of the hong kong tourism board ; and considering establishing a better regulatory mechanism for the tourism industry , including reviewing the composition of the travel industry council of hong kong , to avoid conflicts of interests in the tourism industry “ immediately before the full stop 在“專業服務水平“之后刪除“和“ ,并以“企業管治質素和業界的監管機制, “代替在“專業服務質素“之后刪除“及“及在緊接句號之前加上“三研究進一步提升香港旅游發展局的運作效率和機構管治水平及四研究建立更完善的旅游業界監管機制,包括檢討香港旅游業議會的組成,避免旅游業界出現利益沖突“ 。 |
In a sport where the bullseye looks about the size of the full stop at the end of this sentence , a sport where shooters compete amid a cacophony of noise and still concentrate on firing between heartbeats , takacs “ achievement tests the imagination 在一種充滿各種刺耳噪音且靶心看上去只有句號大小的體育運動中,射擊選手們仍能聚精會神地專注于在每次心跳瞬間彎曲手指叩響扳機。塔卡克斯的成功超出了人們的想象。 |
The chairman of the committee of army regulations is a friend of minem . magnitsky , he said , articulating fully every word and every syllable , and , if you wish it , i can make you acquainted with him . he paused at the full stop “軍事條令委員會主任是我的一位好朋友馬格尼茨基先生, ”他說,他把每個音節和每個詞都說得清清楚楚, “若是您愿意,我可以領您去和他認識一下。 |
In a sport where the bullseye looks about the size of the full stop at the end of this sentence , a sport where shooters compete amid a cacophony of noise and still concentrate on firing between heartbeats 在一種充滿各種刺耳噪音且靶心看上去只有句號大小的體育運動中,射擊選手們仍能聚精會神地專注于在每次心跳瞬間彎曲手指、扣響扳機。 |
Whether the witch had read the minister s thoughts , or no , she came to a full stop , looked shrewdly into his face , smiled craftily , and - though little given to converse with clergymen - began a 不管那妖婆是否看出了牧師的想法,反正她一下子停住了腳步,機靈地盯著他的面孔,狡詰地微笑著,并且開始同她從不打交道的牧師攀談了起來。 |
The earth carried us and moved round the sun once , at the speed of 30km per second , drawing a beautiful full stop in the great universe , declaring the end of 2006 and the beginning of 2007 地球馱著我們以30千米每秒的速度繞太陽轉了一圈,在浩渺的宇宙里畫了一個美麗的句號,宣布了2006年的結束和2007年的到來。 |
Three sharks use their flexible bodies to lay out a comma , a full stop and a question mark during a public performance at an aquatic park in fuzhou , south china ' s fujian province december 30 , 2006 12月30日,在福州市水族公園的一場動物表演中, 3只鯊魚用它們柔韌的身體擺出了“逗號” 、 “句號”和“問號” 。 |
Then zhang yingying , the minister of technology part , made a good summary she reviewed the past and prospected the club ' s braw foreground , drew a satisfactory full stop for this pageant 而由技術部部長張瑩瑩做的總結,回顧過去的輝煌,展望未來俱樂部美好的前景,將此次盛會劃畫上了一個圓滿的句號。 |
But inadequate illumination also ranks high : headlights provide about 50 meters of visibility on a dark road , but it takes nearly 110 meters to come to a full stop from 100 kilometers per hour 當汽車以時速100千米行駛時,如果遇到突發事件需要緊急剎車,汽車大約需要滑行110米才能完全停下來。 |
Rogara s special serivce was won the clients certification and trust , and draw a satisfactory full stop for every company contract 路嘉納公司的這一特色服務,得到廣大客戶的認可和信賴,同時也為公司每批合同的結束劃了一個圓滿的句號。 |
The british tend to use a comma for each line of the address until it reaches an end with a full stop , while americans write without punctuation 英國人往往在每一行都用一個逗號,直到寫完地址用句號,而美國人則不用任何標點符號。 |
Twenty minutes later the gloucester , hit by several bombes , was brought to full stop , badly on fire , and with her upper deck a shambles 二十分鐘后, “格羅斯特”號連中炸彈數枚,立即停航,艦上烈火熊熊,上層甲板尸骸枕藉。 |
This brought me to a full stop , and if fortune had not again particularly favoured me , i should have had to abandon my design 一想到這兒,我就停了下來,如果不是幸運之神再次垂青于我,我可能會干脆放棄原來的打算。 |
In a lane not far from the cross - roads where the traffic had come to a full stop , there were shops and a house on fire 離停車的十字路口不遠的一條胡同里,一處住宅和幾家店鋪在著火,但火快要燃盡。 |