
full adj.1.充滿的,裝滿的。2.充分的,豐富的;擠滿的;...

full age

She had a liberal, full rimmed mouth . 她的嘴巴寬闊,嘴唇豐厚。

It was the full period of the spring . 這時正是春天的黃金時期。

The party was in full swing when we arrived . 我們到達時恰值聚會的高潮。

I'm as full of notes as a bird now ! 俺這陣兒和鳥兒一樣,滿肚子的小曲兒。

He had the full realization that he was guilty . 他充分認識到他是有罪的。

The afternoon was full of lark's singing . 晌午時刻,鶯啼鳥鳴。

Nevertheless, he is full of perceptive comment . 然而,他的批評極有見解。

You can return home with your pockets full . 你就可以滿載而歸。

We haven't got the full reports yet . 我們還沒有得到全部的報告。

I saw they were full of stupid admiration . 我看見他們都笨拙地贊嘆不已。

Her speech was superficial and full of generalities . 她的發言內容浮泛。

The measure of his degradation was not yet full . 他出丑還沒有出到頂點。

He is in the full conviction that he will be promoted . 他確信他能高升。

She was full of jealousy and agitation . 她心里充滿了嫉妒和不安。

That is a poem full of precious images . 那是盡是挖空心思的意象的詩篇。

The ground was full of cracks in the summer .. 夏天地上都是裂痕。

He was full of maxims for boys . 他一肚子教訓小伙子們的道德箴言。

His car ran full tilt against the tree . 他的車以全速撞到了樹上。

Clara was full of a sombre preconception . 克拉拉心中充滿了模糊的成見。