
fuehrer n.〔德語〕 = Führer.


The weird party soon became so noisy that word was sent from the fuehrer ' s quarters requesting more quiet 怪誕的舞會不久變得吵吵嚷嚷,以至于元首的住處傳出話來,要大家安靜一些。

Martin niemoeller preached a sermon later entitled “ christ is my fuehrer , “ and he spent time in dachau prison for that sermon 這一次,彼得感到為難他說:耶穌,我當然愛您。

The fuehrer is not a patient man 希特勒不是耐心的人

What about your boss , der fuehrer 那你的上司希特勒呢

L ' m sure your fuehrer would approve 我確信你的元首會同意

Then your fuehrer has no prize 那你們的元首就拿不到戰利品了

Only our mission for the fuehrer matters 元首給我們的任務最重要

The german pilots followed the beam as the german people followed the fuehrer . 德國駕駛員之追隨射束,一如德國人民之追隨他們的元首。

The deputy fuehrer found himself in eclipse . 這位副元首覺得自己已黯然失色。