
frye n.弗賴伊〔姓氏〕。


With the application of northrop frye ' s theory of archetype , this paper attempts to analyze the various characters in uncle tom ' s cabin , such as uncle tom , little eva , eliza , pious christian mothers , ligree , sambo and qimbo and etc . . it aims at revealing the christianity in this novel , and thus furthers our understanding of the classic novel from a new perspective 摘要本文采用加拿大著名文學批評家諾斯羅普?弗萊的原型理論,從圣經原型的角度出發,分析《湯姆叔叔的小屋》中的各類人物形象,以揭示這部小說中的基督教理念,幫助讀者從新的角度來欣賞這部經典之作。

Says smith again ; here they are : says he , here s our captain , and fifty men with him , have been hunting you this two hours ; the boatswain is kill d , will frye is wounded , and i am a prisoner ; and if you do not yield , you are all lost 他們在這兒, “他說。 “我們船長就在這兒,帶了五十個人,已經搜尋你們兩小時了。水手長已給打死了。

On saturday , team usa ' s big three struggled to get any offensive flow when they scrimmaged against a select team that included andre iguodala , channing frye , jason kapono and al jefferson 星期六,他們對陣美國2隊, 2隊有伊戈達拉、弗萊、卡波諾和杰弗森。加時賽跳球后美國隊拼命想打出流暢的進攻。

Brown blames the putrid record on his heavy reliance on young players , such as rookies nate robinson and channing frye and second - year man jackie butler 布朗指責他非常信任的新人技術統計不好,包括內特羅賓遜,錢寧菲爾,和二年級新生杰克巴特勒。

[ frye , northrop . anatomy of criticism : four essays . trans . chen hui , yuanxianjun and wu weiren . tianjin : baihua literature and art publishing house , 1998 諾思羅普?弗萊: 《批評的剖析》 ,陳慧袁憲軍吳偉仁譯。天津:百花文藝出版社, 1998年。

Robert d . denhhan , northrop frye on culture and literature , chicago : the university of chicago press , 1978 , p . 33 卡爾?博格斯: 《知識分子與現代性危機》 ,李俊等譯,江蘇人民出版社, 2002年,第235頁

Jacobson , matthew frye . whiteness of a different color : european immigrants and the alchemy of race . 1998 《不同膚色族群的白化:歐洲移民和族群的融合》 1998

N . frye ' s ideas of literary anthropology 弗萊的文學人類學思想

A review of northrop frye ' s holistic cultural criticism 弗萊整體性文化批評觀的生成與向度

And jack frye is out there lobbying everybody in town 杰克弗賴也在幫他到處游說

And jack frye is out there iobbying everybody in town 杰克弗賴也在幫他到處游說