
fruitless adj.1.不結果實的。2.無效[結]果的;無益的。ad...


Sir alex ferguson revealed last week that chief executive david gill is doing his utmost to seal a deal for hargreaves , but hoeness insists gill ' s efforts will prove fruitless 弗格森曾泄露上星期曼聯首席執行官大衛.吉爾在盡最大的可能達成這筆買賣.但是赫內斯聲稱吉爾只會白費力氣

It would be fruitless to attempt to explain ; but there is a point on which i have long endured painful doubt , and i can go nowhere till by some means that doubt is removed “解釋也是徒勞的,在這一點上我長期忍受著痛苦的疑慮,不通過某種辦法來解除疑團,我什么地方也不能去。 ”

I happen to think this claim is somewhat dubious , and i believe that it has siphoned much energy from the xml community towards a fruitless obsession with data types 我懷疑這種聲明的可信性,但相信它花費了xml社區的很多精力,讓該社區成員致力于不會有結果的數據類型妄想。

Agents have been searching a suburban detroit farm for two weeks based on a tip , but a prosecutor says police told him the fruitless search is ending 聯邦探員們根據一份舉報已經在底特律郊外的農場搜尋了兩周,但這名舉報人說警方告訴他毫無結果的搜尋已將結束。

In the first fright and horror of her situation , miss pross passed the body as far from it as she could , and ran down the stairs to call for fruitless help 普洛絲小姐被這情況嚇了一跳,怕得要命。她先是往樓下跑,想離那尸體遠遠的,去找其實找不到的人幫忙。

While you are in the act of summoning your energies , focus on a plan . don ' t exhausted yourself with fruitless excursions into any and all possibilities 當要全身心投入工作的時候,請集中精力在一個計劃上,而不要讓無的放矢,把精力耗費在所有的可能上面。

Industry insiders point to three factors that set the xugong deal apart from many other fruitless attempt by buy - out funds to break into china 業內人士指出了三個因素,這些因素使徐工交易與收購基金進軍中國的其它眾多不成功收購企圖有所不同。

To head off anglo - french military action , eisenhower and his secretary of state ensnared the europeans in a fruitless round of talks and conferences 為了阻止英法的軍事行動,艾森豪威爾和他的國務卿誘使英法到毫無成效的一系列會談和會議上。

It was a fruitless , harassing round , and left him in a queer mood to deal with the proposition he had in the presence of carrie 但是這樣反復考慮仍然毫無結果而且令人煩惱,弄得他在面對嘉莉實行自己的計劃時,都有些神經兮兮的了。

Thus did they persist in their quest for god . though their efforts were not completely fruitless , they did not find peace of mind and contentment 就這樣,他們持續努力地追尋上帝,雖也有所收獲,但總無法感到安心與滿足。

He had just come from a fruitless interview with the pawnbroker , from whom he had tried to wring an additional loan on his wheel 他剛剛和一個當鋪的老板談判下來。他想從他當掉的自行車再擠出幾個錢來,卻沒有成功。

To educate men so that this piece of coal may become a diamond and this fruitless tree may be engrafted and yield the sweetest most delicious fruits 教育人使煤炭變成鉆石。對不結果的樹進行嫁接,結出甘甜的果實。

As a beautiful flower that is full of hue but lacks fragrance , even so fruitless is the well - spoken word of one who does not practice it 只說好話而沒有實行是毫無結果的,這好比一朵美麗的花,徒具顏色而沒有芳香。

As a beautiful flower that is full of hue but lacks fragrance , even so fruitless is the well - spoken word of one who does not practise it 就像色彩斑斕的花朵,失去了芳香;口齒伶俐的人只說不做也一樣收不到成果。

I trust my prayers will not be fruitless , as i am asking for their happiness and yours , should it be at the cost of my own life 我相信我的祈禱不會得不到回音,因為我不惜用生命換得您的親人還有您自己的幸福。

For eight years residents of hongwei have been waging a fruitless struggle to find the cause of high rates of serious illness in their midst 在八年中,宏偉的居民苦苦尋找嚴重疾病高發的原因,但始終無果。

Third , any attempt at economic development will be fruitless without the voluntary and active participation of the people 第三,任何一個經濟建設的事業,沒有廣大人民自愿地積極地參加,都是得不到結果的。

B : oh boy ! that kind of love is fruitless . his heart may be set on yoko , but she really is an unobtainable prize 噢,這種愛情是沒有結果的。對方是洋子的話,對他來說只能是朵高山上的雪蓮,可望而不可及。

She was too calculating to jeopardize any advantage she might gain in the way of information by fruitless clamour 她太工于心計,不愿意讓無謂的大吵大鬧暴露出自己的疑心。那樣會聽不到消息,占不了上風。