
frown n.皺眉,蹙額。 frowns of fortune 倒...


A friend ' s frown is better than a fool ' s smile 朋友對你皺眉,勝過傻瓜對你微笑

I ' m sorry . was i frowning ? - you have to relax 對不起,我皺眉頭了? -你要放松

Gambling is frowned upon by some church authorities 有些教會權力機關不許可賭博

Don ' t you see our fucking frowning serious faces 你沒看見我們一張張愁眉苦臉嗎

The frowning clown gives a flower to the cow 這個皺眉的小丑給這頭母牛一朵花。

Oh , nonsense , nonsense ! said anatole , frowning again 真是一派胡言,一派胡言! ”

And don ' t frown like that . it ' ll give you wrinkles 不要那么皺眉頭,會有皺紋的。

Inside i ' m drowning , sighing and frowning . “我在里面慢慢溺水而亡嘆息和皺眉”

She looked at her exam paper with a worried frown 她憂慮地蹙眉看著她的考試卷。

- i ' m sorry . was i frowning ? - you have to relax -對不起,我皺眉頭了? -你要放松

He frowned as he thought of their ignorance 想到他們的無知,他不禁皺起了眉頭。

In a few minutes' time we were stepping out sharply across the great cultivated plain or lake bed, framed like a vast emerald in its setting of frowning cliff . 幾分種后,我們就輕快地行走在精耕細作、象翡翠一樣鑲嵌在起伏不平的峭壁間的平原或者也可以叫做湖床的上面了。

James looked from bosinney's frowning face to irene's, and, in his agitation, spoke his thoughts aloud: “well, i can't tell what's the matter. nobody tells me anything! “ 詹姆士把波辛尼的一付苦臉望望,又望望伊琳,一氣之下,就把心里話說了出來:“哼,我真說不出是什么緣故。什么事情都不告訴我。”

The frown which had gathered around the handsome, open, and manly brow of heyward, gradually relaxed, and his lips curled into a slight smile, as he regarded the stranger . 當海沃德看到這個陌生人時,他那緊蹙著的清秀有神的雙眉,就緩緩地舒展開了,嘴角露出了一絲微笑。

That was why he looked at the young man with a speculative frowning look, not condemning him, only wary and on the alert . 他所以要蹙著眉頭,帶著探索的神情望著這個年青人,對他存著戒心,而不斥責他,也就是這個道理。

He was frowning in a way i knew all too well, and when he spoke i recognized the drunken thickening in his voice . 他皺著眉頭,那種樣子我非常熟悉,他剛一說話,我就從他的聲音里聽出濃重的醉意來。

The first three types are sporadically noted in every part of the world, where they are frowned upon by the majority . 前面3種類型在世界的任何地方都可能偶然地出現,但是會遭到大多數人的譴責。

They laughed at order and at law, but the frown of power dejected, and the eye of wisdom abashed them . 他們嘲笑秩序和法律,但是強者皺眉,會使他們沮喪,在智者的目光下,他們會窘迫不堪。

He frowned upon the existing wisdom for curing unemployment, which was to lower wages and cut everything in sight . 他當時對通過低工資和削減各種開支來控制失業人數的作法,表示不滿。