
from 短語和例子from above [below] 自上[下...


Someone stole a painting from the museum . 有人從博物館盜走了一幅畫。

The scene cuts from the shop to the street . 鏡頭從商店轉換到街道。

A dissentient opinion came from the aunt . 姑媽卻提出不贊同的意見。

He is recording music from the radio . 他正錄下無線電廣播中的音樂。

She had wormed from him his secret . 她從他那兒一步步探出了他的秘密。

His limbs were paralysed from the hips . 他的腿從屁股以下全麻木了。

Isn't this a nice thought from stevenson ? 史蒂文生這個看法不錯吧?

The trust is separated from the company . 信托基金會與公司沒有關系。

Impish eyes peered from the doorway . 門口有雙頑皮的眼睛在朝里張望。

He exculpated himself from stealing the money . 他自行辯白沒有偷錢。

Why, jon, where did you spring from ? 怎么,喬恩,你從哪兒鉆出來的?

Jones will be missing from the team line-up . 球隊陣容中將沒有瓊斯。

You have omitted my name from your list . 你的名單上遺漏了我的名字。

These claims were later departed from . 這些請求后來又被自動放棄了。

The eyes are often retracted from dehydration . 眼睛常因脫水而凹陷。

The economy slid from recession to depression . 經濟由退縮進入蕭條。

Dodo walked out from the adjoining room . 多多從隔壁房間里走了出來。

We will number them from one to ten . 我們將給這些東西編為一至十號。

Infants were rent from their mother 's arms . 嬰兒從母親手里被搶走。