
frolicsome adj.〔廢語〕嬉戲的,愛鬧著玩的。adv.-ly ,-...


There was a special companionship in it , an observable inclination on the part of every one to join some other one , which led , especially among the luckier or lighter - hearted , to frolicsome embraces , drinking of healths , shaking of hands , and even joining of hands and dancing , a dozen together 其中倒有一種獨特的伙伴感情,一種明顯的逗笑取樂的成份。這種傾向使較為幸運和快活的人彼此歡樂地擁抱祝酒握手,甚至使十多個人手牽著手跳起舞來。

None of your spoilt beauties , flora macflimsy sort , was cissy caffrey . a truerhearted lass never drew the breath of life , always with a laugh in her gipsylike eyes and a frolicsome word on her cherryripe red lips , a girl lovable in the extreme 她是位世上罕見的心地純正的少女:一雙吉卜賽人式的眼睛總是笑吟吟的,熟櫻桃般的紅唇5 ,隨口說著逗人的話,真是再可愛不過了。

Diana , who chanced to be in a frolicsome humour she was not painfully controlled by his will ; for hers , in another way , was as strong , exclaimed - st . john 黛安娜正好在開玩笑的興頭上她并沒有痛苦地被他的意志控制著,因為從另一個意義上說她的意志力也很強,便大叫道。

The lucky stars reunite again . having the new members joined in , they are playful and frolicsome as usual . this time , their mission is to investigate 是回他們奉命偵查一宗國際軍火交易,一面是挾鉆石賊臟的日本黑社會,另一方是擁大量強力軍火的神秘

Having the new members joined in , they are playful and frolicsome as usual . this time , their mission is to investigate 是回他們奉命偵查一宗國際軍火交易,一面是挾鉆石賊臟的日本黑社會,另一方是擁大量強力軍火的神秘

“ whose frolicsome black fables portray the forgotten face of history 其嬉戲之中蘊含悲劇色彩的寓言描摹出了人類淡忘的歷史面目

Having the new members joined in , they are playful and frolicsome as usual 五福星再度重組,這次有新手加入,仍然瘋狂搞笑。

One that is playful or frolicsome 嬉戲的或開玩笑的人