
frizzle n.卷發,小卷結,卷曲的狀態。vt.,vi.= friz...


From the palace of the tuileries , through monseigneur and the whole court , through the chambers , the tribunals of justice , and all society except the scarecrows , the fancy ball descended to the common executioner : who , in pursuance of the charm , was required to officiate frizzled , powdered , in a gold - laced coat , pumps , and white silk stockings 從杜伊勒麗宮大人宮廷樞密院法庭,到整個社會都是一場化裝舞會衣衫襤褸者除外,連普通的劊子手也要參加。劊子手行刑也得按靈符的要求“卷發撲粉身穿金邊外氅白色長統絲襪和輕便無袢鞋” 。

If the day of judgment had only been ascertained to be a dress day , everybody there would have been eternally correct . such frizzling and powdering and sticking up of hair , such delicate complexions artificially preserved and mended , such gallant swords to look at , and such delicate honour to the sense of smell , would surely keep anything going , for ever and ever 他們的頭發是那么鬈曲,那么高聳,又撲了那么好看的發粉他們的皮膚受到那么精心的保養和彌補,看去那么鮮艷嬌嫩他們的佩劍是那么瀟灑風流他們的鼻官受到那么精妙的款待,凡此種種都將億萬斯年地繼續下去。

For example , the signal transduction of g protein - coupled receptor is mediated by g protein and can generate intracellular messages ; there exist some transmembrane proteins in the membrane of endoplasmic reticulum , and some of them are related with the synthesis and transportation of some proteins , while others are related with substance metablism , such as glucose - 6 - phosphatase ( g6pase ) . in addition , after binding with the 7 - tm receptors affiliated to frizzled protein family , wnt can activated disheveled protein in cytoplasm which is essential to embryonic development 如g蛋白偶聯受體通過g蛋白介導產生胞內信使( camp , cgmp , dg , ip _ 3 )將胞外信號傳遞到胞內,從而引起生物學效應;內質網上也存在著一些跨膜蛋白,其中一些與蛋白質的合成及運輸有關,一些與物質代謝有關,如葡萄糖- 6 -磷酸酶。

And who among the company at monseigneur s reception in that seventeen hundred and eightieth year of our lord , could possibly doubt , that a system rooted in a frizzled hangman , powdered , gold - laced , pumped , and white - silk stockinged , would see the very stars out 在我主一干七百八十年的大人這場招待會中又有誰能料想到一個以卷發撲粉金邊大氅無袢便鞋和長統白絲襪的劊子手為基礎的制度會有一天看到自己的星宿消逝呢!

As she looked round durbeyfield was seen moving along the road in a chaise belonging to the pure drop , driven by a frizzle - headed brawny damsel with her gown - sleeves rolled above her elbows 她回過頭去,看見德北菲爾德正坐著純酒酒店的馬車沿道而來,趕車的是一個滿頭鬈發體格健壯的姑娘,兩只袖子卷到了胳膊肘以上。

Really a rare frizzle lion head grip . the copper wrapped slurry seems to be old . this piece is just left to experts on copper ware to date 果然是個少見卷毛獅頭柄頭,銅質包漿看來年份不淺,這件獅頭還是留給專業銅器專家來斷代吧!

Two little nigger boys sitting in the sun ; one got frizzled up , and then there was one 兩個小黑人坐在太陽下;一個熱死,只剩一個。

Expression and distribution of frizzled in spinal cord of the embryonic mouse 不同品系小鼠胚胎玻璃化冷凍保存的比較研究

The bacon is all frizzled up 腌肉都煎糊了

I forgot about the oven and the roast has frizzled up 我忘了看爐火,結果把烤肉全烤干了。

The intense heat of the sun frizzled everything up 熾熱的陽光把一切東西都曬干了。

She watched the paper curl and frizzle and burn; and presently they were ashes . 她注視著紙片卷曲、焦枯、燃燒;轉眼間它們變成了灰燼。