frivolous adj.1.輕佻的。2.瑣碎的,無意義的。adv.-ly...
adj. 1.輕佻的。 2.瑣碎的,無意義的。 adv. -ly ,-ness n. “a frivolous portrayal“ 中文翻譯: 形容猥瑣“frivolous and cunning“ 中文翻譯: 佻巧“frivolous behaviour“ 中文翻譯: 舉止輕薄; 輕浮的舉動“frivolous cupid“ 中文翻譯: 多情的丘比特“frivolous lola“ 中文翻譯: 不知不覺愛上你; 不知不覺誘惑你“frivolous manner“ 中文翻譯: 輕浮的態度“frivolous; undisciplined“ 中文翻譯: 佻脫“the frivolous professor“ 中文翻譯: 假正經“a frivolous empty hearted woman“ 中文翻譯: 一個輕浮而無頭腦的女人“extremely frivolous behavior“ 中文翻譯: 輕狂的舉動“frivolous or vexatious claims“ 中文翻譯: 瑣屑無聊或無理纏擾“frivolity“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.輕佻,輕浮。 2.輕薄的話[舉動]。 “frivolit“ 中文翻譯: 梭結花邊工藝“frivoli“ 中文翻譯: 弗里沃利“frivol“ 中文翻譯: vt.,vi. (〔英國〕 -ll-)〔俚語〕浪費時間 (away), 閑混,做無聊的事。 “friville-escarbotin“ 中文翻譯: 弗里維爾埃斯卡博坦
frizette |
A fair number of words are therefore labeled as frivolous , vulgar , obsene , or at least inconsiderate when used in communication 在人們交流的場合中,有相當一部分詞語顯示的是輕浮的、粗俗的、或至少是使人難堪的意思。 |
My grandfather had twice been mayor and had a frivolous idea of money , but he traveled in second class only if he was with a female relative 當有人問他為何乘坐三等車廂時,他會如此回答: “因為沒有四等的。 ” |
She has been allowed to dispose of her time in the most idle and frivolous manner , and to adopt any opinions that came in her way 家里縱容她,讓她盡過些輕浮浪蕩的日子,讓她隨便遇到什么事情都是輕信盲從。 |
A portrait of an ordinary family that turns unstable when their frivolous son shuji returns home after a long absence 影片描繪了一個三代同堂的和睦家庭由于離家出走多年的長子突然歸來而發生巨變的故事。 |
Conditional fees will work against this fundamental principle of determining vexatious , frivolous and unmeritorious claims 按條件收費則與此項終止無理纏擾瑣碎無聊及并無成功機會申索的基本原則相悖。 |
They do live more in earnest , more in themselves , and less in surface change , and frivolous external things 他們確實更認真,更自顧自的過著日子,不太顧及那些表面變化的和瑣碎的外界事物。 |
When he tried to make a little joke , the judge warned him not to give frivolous replies to the lawyer ' s questions 當他試著開一點玩笑時,法官警告他不要對律師的問題給予玩世不恭的答覆。 |
In her estimation to be mirthful was to be profane ; to be cheerful was to be frivolous - she drew no distinctions 在她看來,歡笑就是褻瀆神明,高興就是輕薄, - -她看不出其間有什么區別。 |
This whimsical magic item is often used to impress children in frivolous gatherings otherwise known as birthday parties 這奇怪的魔法物品可以在一般聚會和生日晚會等場合取悅兒童。 |
You no more deceive me with that false calmness than i impose upon you with my frivolous solicitude 你不要再用那種假鎮定來騙我,我也不用再對你裝出兒戲式的關懷。 |
F it is still a least currently the most frivolous model , and the store capacity is also the biggest 它還是目前最小最輕薄的機種,而且儲存容量也是最大的喔! |
On the whole she is generous and friendly except that she is a little frivolous from time to time 總得來說,她是個大方友善的人,只不過偶爾有點輕狂。 |
It is not in our best interest to be frivolous with our words ; after all , they have power 對語言輕佻不會給我們帶來最大好處;畢竟,語言是有力量的。 |
To discourage abusive and frivolous claims , we have stepped up our visa and entry controls 為防止酷刑聲請被濫用,我們已加強簽證及入境的管制。 |
His criticisms were always captious and frivolous , never offering constructive suggestions 他的評論一向輕率并愛吹毛求疵,從不提出有建設性的建議。 |
He shrugged his shoulders behind prulliere s back - a pretty fellow , to be sure , but a frivolous 普律利埃爾是個漂亮小伙子,但他不夠嚴肅。 |
It may seem frivolous to begin this pastoral letter writing about the easter egg 恐怕有些失敬吧,在寫這篇復活節牧函時我想從復活蛋講起。 |
Frivolous talk is hurtful talk ; besides , it is unbecoming to be chatterbox 輕浮的談話是有害的;而且,做一個喋喋不休的人實在很不體面。 |
I think there is a kernel of truth in these otherwise frivolous comments 我認為在這些本來是無關緊要的評論中含有一定的真實性。 |