
frivolity n.1.輕佻,輕浮。2.輕薄的話[舉動]。


Singular , communed the guest with himself , the wonderfully unequal faculty of metempsychosis possessed by them , that the puerperal dormitory and the dissecting theatre should be the seminaries of such frivolity , that the mere acquisition of academic titles should suffice to transform in a pinch of time these votaries of levity into exemplary practitioners of an art which most men anywise eminent have esteemed the noblest 客人聞訖,暗自思量: “彼等具有之神奇的輪回力實無與倫比,不同凡響。產院與解剖室均已變為輕佻話語之操練廳。然而一旦獲得學位,彼等輕浮蕩子搖身一變即成為被杰出人士譽為最高尚技藝之典范實踐者。

The ghost of beauty , the ghost of stateliness , the ghost of elegance , the ghost of pride , the ghost of frivolity , the ghost of wit , the ghost of youth , the ghost of age , all waiting their dismissal from the desolate shore , all turning on him eyes that were changed by the death they had died in coming there 美麗的幽靈莊嚴的幽靈高雅的幽靈浮華的幽靈機智的幽靈青年的幽靈老年的幽靈,全都在荒涼的河岸上聽候處置,全都向他轉過因為死亡而變了樣的眼睛他們是死了才來到這兒的。

For frivolity and jokes and spotted tights were an offense , when they intruded themselves upon a spirit that was exalted into the vague august realm of the romantic 試想一想在湯姆的潛意識中,他已隱隱約約來到了神圣而浪漫的國度,這哪能容得下小丑的那些打諢插科花花綠綠的緊身衣之類的東西。

As the festive season draws near , i hope readers will forgive a little frivolity in this column and try their hand at a light - hearted quiz on some of the world s central bank governors 圣誕將至,在這個普天同慶的日子里,我想不妨跟大家玩個競猜游戲,輕松一下。

The frivolity , frenzy and laughter soon turned into stilted postures and silence as the members of the audience tried to come to terms with what just took place 當觀眾還不知道要如何對應之下,原來的虛浮、欣狂及笑聲很快地就變僵了、靜默無語。

He wondered a little that she did not enter into these frivolities with his own zest 但是他心里有些納悶,不知道為什么她對他的嬉鬧缺乏熱情。

It is a world of luxury and leisure , of idle talk and frivolity , of music and romance 這個是充滿了奢侈?情、放蕩浮夸、以及音樂浪漫的世界。

“ no , my life has been passed in frivolity ; i wish to forget it myself . “沒有,唉!我的生活毫無意義。我希望自己能忘掉它。 ”

He did not like a mixture of frivolity with the serious business of the hunt 他不喜歡把嬉戲和打獵這件嚴肅認真的事情混為一談。

Lightness of manner or speech , especially when inappropriate ; frivolity 輕浮,輕率舉止或言談不嚴肅,尤指在不適當的場合;輕佻

Youth is always too serious , and just now it is too serious about frivolity 青年時代總是過于認真的,而時下青年則過分輕薄。

One doesn ' t expect a serious political speech to be full of frivolities 大家都沒意料到嚴肅的政治演說充滿了玩世不恭。

Deconstruction and frivolity 解構與輕佻。

Undoubtedly he ' d seen even less frivolity in his life than we had 不用說,他一生中所見的樂事比我們的還要少。

A serious political speech shall not be full of frivolity 一篇嚴肅的政治演講不該充斥著輕薄無聊的話。

I used to have time for frivolities 過去曾有段天真的時候

A serious political speech should not be full of frivolity 一次嚴肅的政治演講不應該充滿輕浮的言詞。

For a night of well - mannered frivolity .舉行一場禮儀莊重的晚會

. . . for a night of well - mannered frivolity . . .舉行一場禮儀莊重的晚會