
frisian adj.1.法里孫群島的。2.法里孫人的。3.法里孫語的...

frisian islands

Old english , or anglo - saxon , was a mix of the dialects brought from the european continent to britain by some old germanic tribes , the angles , the saxons , the jutes and the frisians 古英語,也叫盎格魯撒克遜語,是歐洲大陸一些古日耳曼部族(盎格爾人、撒克遜人、朱特人和弗里斯人)陸續遷移到不列顛島,帶來的各自的方言融合而成的語言。

East frisian islands 東弗里西亞島

The language most closely related to english is the west germanic language frisian 與英語有著最密切的聯系的是西德語言。