
frieze n.起絨粗呢。vt.使(布上)起絨毛。

frieze flannel

Dundrum , south , or sutton , north , both localities equally reported by trial to resemble the terrestrial poles in being favourable climates for phthisical subjects , the premises to be held under feefarmgrant , lease 999 years , the message to consist of 1 drawingroom with baywindow 2 lancets , thermometer affixed , 1 sittingroom , 4 bedrooms , 2 servants rooms , tiled kitchen with close range and scullery , lounge hall fitted with linen wallpresses , fumed oak sectional bookcase containing the encyclopaedia britannica and new century dictionary , transverse obsolete medieval and oriental weapons , dinner gong , alabaster lamp , bowl pendant , vulcanite automatic telephone receiver with adjacent directory , handtufted axminster carpet with cream ground and trellis border , loo table with pillar and claw legs , hearth with massive firebrasses and ormolu mantel chronometer clock , guaranteed timekeeper with cathedral chime , barometer with hygrographic chart , comfortable lounge settees and corner fitments , upholstered in ruby plush with good springing and sunk centre , three banner japanese screen and cuspidors club style , rich wine - coloured leather , gloss renewable with a minimum of labour by use of linseed oil and vinegar and pyramidically prismatic central chandelier lustre , bentwood perch with a fingertame parrot expurgated language , embossed mural paper at 10 - per dozen with transverse swags of carmine floral design and top crown frieze , staircase , three continuous flights at successive right angles , of varnished cleargrained oak , treads and risers , newel , balusters and handrail , with stepped - up panel dado , dressed with camphorated wax , bathroom , hot and cold supply , reclining and shower : water closet on mezzanine provided with opaque singlepane oblong window , tipup seat , bracket lamp , brass tierod brace , armrests , footstool and artistic oleograph on inner face of door : ditto , plain : servant s apartments with separate sanitary and hygienic necessaries for cook , general and betweenmaid salary , rising by biennial unearned increments of 2 , with comprehensive fidelity insurance annual bonus , and retiring allowance based on the 65 system after 30 years service , pantry , buttery , larder , refrigerator , outoffices , coal and wood cellarage with winebin still and sparkling vintages for distinguished guests , if entertained to dinner evening dress , carbon monoxide gas supply throughout 一截彎木上棲著一只馴順得能停在手指上的鸚鵡它吐字文雅,墻上糊著每打價為十先令的壓花壁紙,印著胭脂紅色垂花橫紋圖案,頂端是帶狀裝飾一連三段櫟木樓梯,接連兩次拐成直角,都用清漆涂出清晰的木紋,梯級登板起柱欄桿和扶手,一律用護板來加固并涂上含樟腦的蠟浴室里有冷熱水管,盆湯淋浴,設備俱全。位于平臺246上的廁所里,長方形窗子上嵌著一塊毛玻璃,帶蓋的坐式抽水馬桶,壁燈,黃銅拉鏈和把手,兩側各放著憑肘幾和腳凳,門內側還掛有藝術氣息濃厚的油畫式石版畫。另外還有一間普通的廁所廚師打雜的女仆和兼做些細活的女傭的下房里也分別裝有保健衛生設備仆役的工錢每兩年遞增兩英鎊,并根據一般忠誠勤勞保險,每年年底發獎金一英鎊,對工滿三十年者,按照六十五歲退職的規定,發退職金餐具室配膳室食品庫冷藏庫主樓外的廚房及貯藏室等堆煤柴用的地窨子里還有個葡萄酒窖不起泡亮光閃閃的葡萄酒,這是為宴請貴賓吃正餐身穿夜禮服時預備的。

Look , do look ! bezuhov , said natasha , putting her head out of the carriage window and staring at a tall , stout man in a coachmans long coat , obviously a gentleman disguised , from his carriage and gait . he was passing under the arch of the suharev tower beside a yellow - looking , beardless , little old man in a frieze cloak 娜塔莎說,同時從車窗里探出頭來,看著一個穿馬車夫長褂子的高大臃腫的人,從步態和氣派來看,顯然是化了裝的老爺,他正同一個黃臉無須穿粗呢大衣的小老頭一道,來到蘇哈列夫塔樓的拱門下邊。

“ a recent cleaning operation by laser revealed traces of haematite , egyptian blue and malachite - azurite green - blue on the sculptures of the western frieze , “ senior archaeologist evi papakonstantinou - zioti told afp . while archaeologists had found traces of the first two colours elsewhere on the temple years ago , the malachite - azurite colouring was only revealed in the latest restoration process , papakonstantinou - zioti said 日前她在接受法新社記者采訪時說: “最近我們在使用激光對神廟進行清洗工作時發現,神廟西部的雕刻上殘存有赤鐵礦紅色埃及藍一種含有銅鈣硅的淺藍色顏料以及孔雀石藍銅礦藍綠色的痕跡。 ”

Soldiers were scurrying to and fro before the fire ; and alpatitch saw two soldiers with a man in a frieze coat dragging burning beams from the fire across the street to a house near , while others carried armfuls of hay 士兵不斷地在火旁前后亂竄,阿爾帕特奇看見兩個士兵和一個穿厚呢子軍大衣的人從火場里拖出一段燃著的圓木,另外幾個人抱著干草到街的對面的院子里去。

Your honour , said the man in the frieze coat , it was their wish , your honour , not sparing their substance , in accord with his excellency the counts proclamation , to serve , and not to make a riot at all , as his excellency said “局座,他們, ”穿厚呢大衣的那位小官說, “局座,他們是遵照伯爵大人的通告,不顧性命,愿意效勞的,絕不是暴動,正如伯爵大人的命令里所說”

With advanced technology and high - quality material , we produce all kinds of european - style components , including roman - style column , cornice , frieze , doorcase decoration , mushroom rock , etc 本廠采用先進生產工藝和材料,直接生產各種型號、樣式的歐式配件,包括羅馬柱、檐線、腰線、門套、山花線、文化石、蘑菇石等幾十類數百種產品。

Each put on a coarse straw bonnet , with strings of coloured calico , and a cloak of grey frieze , i was similarly equipped , and , following the stream , i made my way into the open air 每個人都戴上一個粗糙的草帽,帽子上拴著用染色白布做成的帶子,同時還披上了黑粗絨料子的斗篷。我也是一付同樣的裝束,跟著人流,邁步走向戶外。

“ a recent cleaning operation by laser revealed traces of haematite , egyptian blue and malachite - azurite green - blue on the sculptures of the western frieze , “ senior archaeologist evi papakonstantinou - zioti told afp 上殘存有赤紅色埃及藍一種含有銅鈣硅的淺藍色顏料以及藍綠色的痕跡。 ”

“ that cheyne boy ' s the biggest nuisance aboard , “ said a man in a frieze overcoat , shutting the door with a bang . “ he isn ' t wanted here . he ' s too fresh . “那個夏安族男孩在船上討厭極了, ”一個穿著翻毛大衣的人“咣“得一聲關上了門說著, “這里不需要他,他太嫩了。 ”

Much of the temple ' s eastern frieze was removed in the early 19th century by agents of lord elgin , then british ambassador to the ottoman empire 神廟東部的殘存雕刻大部分后來被運往英國和法國,至今保存在大英博物館和巴黎盧浮宮等處。

By the wall of the kitay - gorod there was another small group of people gathered about a man in a frieze coat , who held a paper in his hand 在中國城的城墻附近,另有一小堆人圍著一個穿厚呢大衣的人,他手里拿著一份文件。

Mrs breen in man s frieze overcoat with loose bellows pockets , stands in the causeway , her roguish eyes wideopen , smiling in all her herbivorous buckteeth 一起低下頭去表示同意我們大多認為大概是這么回事。

“ what ' s the matter with the old man attending to him personally ? “ said a voice from the frieze ulster “一直私下里照顧他的那個老人是怎么回事? ”一個穿著寬松的粗呢長外套人發出這樣的詢問聲。

Each put on a coarse straw bonnet , with strings of coloured calico , and a cloak of grey frieze 每個人都戴上一個粗糙的草帽,帽子上拴著用染色白布做成的帶子,同時還披上了黑粗絨料子的斗篷。

Andy stands before the dais . the judge peers down , framed by a carved frieze of blind lady justice on the wall 安迪站在審判臺前,法官向下凝視著他,身后是嵌在墻上的正義女神像。

He was dressed in a frieze tunic , blue trousers and big , torn , high boots 這家伙穿一件粗呢女外衣,藍色褲子,一雙裂開了的騎兵大靴子。

The man in the frieze coat was reading the placard of the 31st of august 穿厚呢大衣的人讀起了八月三十一日的布告。

The man in the frieze coat , brandishing his arms in the air , was shouting 一個穿厚呢子軍大衣的人舉手叫喊道:

The friezes round the top of the wall are delicate 墻頂的橫條很精致。