
friendly adj.(-lier; -liest)1.友好的;朋友似...

friendly action

I mean that i hope you may be induced on to arrange in a friendly manner . 我的意思就是希望你能和和氣氣地安排一下。

She detected a note of condescension in the friendliest advances . 別人與她善意交談時,她也覺得話里含有蔑視的味道。

He put his hand on the girl's thigh and squeezed it in a friendly way . 他伸只手放在女郎的大腿上,友好地擰了一下。

Their reception was bleak and discussions not at all friendly . 他們受到的接待是冷淡的,會談中絲毫沒有友好的氣氛。

A friendly hollander from new york nudged ben's arm . 一個從紐約來的和善的荷蘭人用胳膊肘輕輕地推了一下本的胳膊。

I had just left a country of wide lawns and friendly trees . 我剛剛離開一個有寬闊的草坪和一片宜人的樹林的地方。

The subject was one that demanded solitude and a friendly discussion . 要講的事情是需要一種私下單獨的友好談話。

“ tubby “ is often used in a friendly way of people who are also short . “tubby”常用以指矮胖的人,含親切感。

It doesn't pay to be friendly to a stranger from another part of the country . 犯不著對一個從外地來的人熱情。

A friendly critic might have called his heaviness weighty . 善意的評論者甚至能把他的笨重舉止說成是穩重沉著。

That christmas zaehner sent me a friendly christmas card . 那年圣誕節,扎納送給我一張表示良好祝愿的圣誕卡。

You did not come out to support [remained aloof]. that was a friendly attitude . 你對此事沒有表態,夠朋友。

Heath wrote us a letter friendly in tone, sparse in content . 希思給我們寫了一封語調友善、內容空泛的信。

He was very friendly to you when the treachery would come . 當他要出賣你的時候,他對你表示非常的友好。

This was altogether a splendid time for friendly persuasion . 這全然是一個友好地進行游說的絕妙時刻。

They were two jewish kids; i was friendly with both of them . 他們是兩個猶太小孩;我同他們都很要好。

There was nan li, a chinese, short, correct, friendly . 一個是李南,中國人,小個兒,有禮貌,很友好。

The friendly atmosphere set the tone for the rest of the visit . 這種友好氣氛為后來的停留定了調子。

The attitude of the confident and friendly husband was gone . 過去他裝扮的信任而友善的丈夫全完了。