
friendless adj.沒有朋友的,無依無靠的。n.-ness


Inside that cottage her relations were calmly supposing her far away on a wedding - tour with a comparatively rich man , who was to conduct her to bouncing prosperity ; while here she was , friendless , creeping up to the old door quite by herself , with no better place to go to in the world 在那間草屋里,她家里的人都一心為她和那個相當富有的人到遠方作新婚旅行去了,以為那個人會讓她過上闊綽的生活可是她現在卻在這兒,舉目無親,這樣大的世界卻無處可去,完全是獨自一人偷偷地回到舊日的家門。

Ow full of activities and interesting people - you do this , go there , talk about this , make jokes , hang together , have a party , and have fun . then you don t have time to think too much . you do think maybe , but less intensely than when you have nothing to do , with just a boring job and boring home to come to , and you re friendless and lonely - that will kill you 請告訴那些人:只要努力跨出第一步,就沒問題了,因為萬事的起頭是最最重要的,一旦你開始做了,就會持續下去,因為你會得到各種樂趣再次感到愉快,你不會再記得那個壞習慣或許你還會記得,但因為你現在的生活充實又忙碌,接觸的都是有趣好玩的人,你每天做做這個事到那里晃一晃,找人聊聊天開開玩笑,大家聚在一起,開個派對,開心玩一玩,你就不會有時間再去想那些事。

He was a forsaken , friendless boy , he said ; nobody loved him ; when they found out what they had driven him to , perhaps they would be sorry ; he had tried to do right and get along , but they would not let him ; since nothing would do them but to be rid of him , let it be so ; and let them blame him for the consequences - why shouldn t they 他說自個兒成了無親無友被人拋棄的孩子,沒誰愛他。也許,等那些人發覺把地逼到這般田地時,他們會內疚的。他一直努力著以便不出差錯,好好向上,但人們偏偏又不讓他那樣既然他們一心要避開他,那就悉聽尊便吧就讓他們為了將要發生的事來責怪他好了他們就這德性,隨他們去!

I know that had i been a sanguine , brilliant , careless , exacting , handsome , romping child - though equally dependent and friendless - mrs . reed would have endured my presence more complacently ; her children would have entertained for me more of the cordiality of fellow - feeling ; the servants would have been less prone to make me the scapegoat of the nursery 我明白,如果我是一個聰明開朗漂亮頑皮不好侍候的孩子,即使同樣是寄人籬下,同樣是無親無故,里德太太也會對我的處境更加寬容忍讓她的孩子們也會對我親切熱情些傭人們也不會一再把我當作保育室的替罪羊了。

Violent as he had seemed in his despair , he , in truth , loved me far too well and too tenderly to constitute himself my tyrant : he would have given me half his fortune , without demanding so much as a kiss in return , rather than i should have flung myself friendless on the wide world 盡管他絕望時性情暴烈,但事實上,他愛我至深至親,絕不會變成我的暴君。與其讓我把自己舉目無親地拋向茫茫人世,他寧愿送我一半財產,而連吻一下作為回報的要求都不提。

It appears to me so very unlikely that any young man should form such a design against a girl who is by no means unprotected or friendless , and who was actually staying in his colonel s family , that i am strongly inclined to hope the best 我認為無論是哪個青年,決不會對這樣一位姑娘存著這樣的壞心眼,她又不是無親無靠,何況她就住在他自己的上校家里,因此我要從最好的方面去著想。

Mr linton was extremely reluctant to consent , but i pleaded eloquently for the friendless condition in which he lay ; and i said my old master and foster - brother had a claim on my services as strong as his own 林敦先生很不愿意答應,可是我說起死者無親無故的情況而娓娓動聽地請求著我又提到我的舊主人又是我的共乳兄弟,有權要我去為他效勞,正如有權要他自己辦事一樣。

Because you re brave enough to tar and feather poor friendless cast - out women that come along here , did that make you think you had grit enough to lay your hands on a man 難道只因為你們敢于給一些不幸的無人顧憐的投奔到此而被逐出家門的婦女涂上瀝青,粘上雞毛,你們便自以為有那個膽量,敢于在一個男子漢大丈夫的頭上動手動腳?

Charity carried the friendless thing to the house of its rich maternal relations ; it was reared by an aunt - in - law , called i come to names now mrs . reed of gateshead 慈善把這個沒有朋友的小東西,送到母親的一位有錢親戚那里。被孩子的舅媽,一個叫做這會兒我要提名字了蓋茨黑德的里德太太收養著。

Hugh lived the life of a selfish miser who increased his own wealth at the expense of others ; he ended up being a friendless alcoholic who died in the poor house 休過著一種守財奴的生活,用別人的金錢來增加自己的財富;最后他變成一個沒有朋友的酒鬼,死時一文不名。

Still indomitable was the reply - i care for myself . the more solitary , the more friendless , the more unsustained i am , the more i will respect myself 但是那回答依然是不可改變的一一“我關心我自己,愈是孤單,愈是沒有朋友,愈是無助,那我就愈是自尊。

Mr . feng had many friends when he was in a purple patch but now that he has gone bankrupt , he finds himself alone and friendless 在順境的日子里馮先生朋友很多,現在一旦破產,他發覺自己一個朋友也沒有,非常孤獨。

4 . here , homeless and friendless , after thirty - seven years of bitter captivity , perished a noble stranger , natural son of louis xiv 在這里,一個無家室無親友的高貴的陌生人,經過三十七年辛酸的幽囚終于死去了。

My friend fails to mention the long and friendless winter evenings in front of the tv - - - - virtually the only form of entertainment 我的朋友沒有提到在電視機前度過的漫長寂寞的冬夜? ?電視是唯一的娛樂形式。

My friend fails to mention the long and friendless winter evenings in front of the tv - virtually the only form of entertainment 我的朋友沒有提到在電視機前度過的溫長寂寞的冬夜- -電視是唯一的娛樂形式。

We redeemed the neglect afterwards ; but its beginning was as friendless as its end is likely to be 后來我們補償了這個疏忽!但是她剛出世時所遭遇的無依無靠和她的最后結局說不定將是一樣的。

She declares , “ the more solitary , the more friendless , the more unsustained i am , the more i will respect myself 她表明? “越是孤單寂寞?越是孑然無友?越是困苦艱難?我越是要尊重自己。 ”

There is no man so friendless but what he can find a friend sincere enough to tell him disagreeable truths 沒有一個人比找到一個“以逆耳的忠言相告的真誠朋友”的人更沒有朋友的了。

There is no man so friendless but what he can find a friend sincere enough to tell him disagreeable truth 沒有一個人比找不到一個“以逆兒的忠告相告的真誠朋友”的人更沒有朋友了。