
freighter n.1.租船人;裝貨人,貨主;承運人。2.貨船,運貨機。


It takes a new type of 2700 container freighter as model ship and made a simplified design for its ship power station and its electricity system . then a ship power station training system is built on the base of these assumptions 本文是該船舶電站模擬器研制工作的一部分,以某新型2700箱集裝箱船為母型船,對其船舶電站及電力系統進行簡化設計。

9 xiaoshan jiangdong wharf the wharf is built as a loading and unloading habour for 5000 - ton freighter , which has the capacity of handling 1500 to 2000 tons of freight annually 8 3蕭山江東出海碼頭碼頭擬建規模為5000噸裝載貨輪的靠離裝卸場地,年貨物吞吐量為1500 - 2000萬噸。目標為杭州及周邊地區國際生產資料的航運中心。

Xiaoshan jiangdong wharf the wharf is built as a loading and unloading habour for 5000 - ton freighter , which has the capacity of handling 1500 to 2000 tons of freight annually 3蕭山江東出海碼頭碼頭擬建規模為5000噸裝載貨輪的靠離裝卸場地,年貨物吞吐量為1500 - 2000萬噸。目標為杭州及周邊地區國際生產資料的航運中心。

In 1941 and 1942 german u - boats and surface raiders sank 2 , 963 allied ships , while the u . s . built 863 to replace them ( not many freighters were built elsewhere ) 在1941 1942年德國的u艇和水面襲擊艦一共擊沉盟國2963艘各類船只,而同期美國只完成了863艘船來彌補這一巨大的損失,并且在建的貨船數量也不夠多。

This week a french naval frigate was praised by the un ' s world food programme for escorting two freighters loaded with food aid through pirate - infested waters to somalia 本周,法國海軍護衛艦護送經過海盜橫行的索馬里海域的載滿糧食援助的兩艘貨輪,受到聯合國世界糧食計劃署的稱贊。

Established in 1985 , the airline now operates a fleet of 14 a330 - 300s , six a321s and 10 a320s , in addition to four boeing 747 - 200 / - 300 freighters and two 747 - 400 boeing converted freighter 港龍航空于一九八五年成立,采用三十架客機和六架貨機提供服務。

An entomologist at britain ' s natural history museum said it was likely that the centipede hitched a ride aboard a freighter , probably with a shipment of fruit 英國自然歷史博物館的昆蟲學家說,這只蜈蚣很可能是搭乘運送水果的貨船飄洋過海來到這里的。

Hamburg owes its nickname , “ the gateway to the world “ to its port , with docking facilities for 70 ocean - going and river freighters 漢堡“通往世界的大門”這個稱號歸功于她的港口。這個世界級的港口擁有70多個可停靠遠洋輪和內河船的港位。

Other information such as the expected date of departure , the name of the freight vessel or the flight number of the freighter ( if applicable ) 其他資料,例如預計貨物離港日期、運載貨物出口的船只名稱或航機編號(如適用者) 。

H other information such as the expected date of departure , the name of the freight vessel or the flight number of the freighter if applicable H其他資料,例如預計貨物離港日期運載貨物出口的船只名稱或航機編號如適用者。

Edward boarded the atlantic freighter offering free transport to young men willing to shovel coal in return for the month - long journey 愛德華搭上了一艘大西洋貨船,貨船專門為愿意無償為貨船鏟煤的年輕人提供一個月的免費旅行。

The u . s . was highly concerned over the heavy losses of freighters and other ships in the north atlantic , all victims of german u - boats 美國高度關注著那些受到重大損失貨船和其他在北大西洋的船只,所有德國u型艇的受害者。

In fact it is one of the few places in the world that can undertake the conversion of a b747 from a passenger aircraft to a cargo freighter 事實上,香港國際機場是全球少數可以將波音747型飛機由客機改裝為貨機的地方。

He manages a desperate escape in a boat no larger than a dory and is picked up by a portuguese freighter bound for brazil 然而他靠了一條不比魚劃子大多少的小船冒死逃脫,得到一艘駛往巴西去的葡萄牙貨船的搭救。

A . general cargo - time to complete the breakdown of general cargo on passenger freighter after flight actual time of arrival A .一般貨物-于客機貨機的實際抵達時間后至完成拆卸貨物所需時間。

Mr lo highlighted that the modification of the passenger aircraft to freighter was performed by taeco in xiamen 羅崇文指出,今次改裝工程由位于廈門的廈門太古飛機工程有限公司進行。

The boeing 747 - 200 freighter is used on cathay pacific s freighter routes between hong kong , europe , japan , and korea 波音747 - 200貨機主要用于來往香港歐洲日本及韓國的貨運航線。

There are all - container ships , cargo ships , liquefied - gas tankers , icebreakers and multi - purpose freighters 有集裝箱船、貨船、液化氣運輸船、破冰船和多用途貨船。

This freighter can carry a 50000 - ton cargo direct to any port along the coast of the pacific 這艘貨輪能夠裝載五萬噸貨物直接航行到太平洋沿岸的任何一個港口。