
freely adv.1.自由地,隨意地。2.直率地,不客氣地。3.慷...


At the same point on the earth's surface all bodies fall freely with the same acceleration g . 在地球表面的同一位置上,任何物體都以同一速度g自由下落。

Two or more cutters, rotating freely on ball-bearings, are set in the head of the bit . 可在鉆頭上安裝兩個或更多的支在滾珠軸承上自由旋轉的切削刀具。

The linkage from the diaphragm to the chock-valve lever rides freely in a slot in the lever . 由膜片到阻風門擺臂的連桿可在擺臂內的槽中自由活動。

The cap and rod have bearings which permit the crankpin to rotate freely within the rod . 軸瓦蓋和連桿中有軸瓦,它允許連桿內的曲柄鎖自由地轉動。

Charles breathed more freely in paris when he saw that there was a part he could play there . 查理眼看自己可以成個角色,在巴黎更覺得如魚得水了。

We freely exchange opinions and ideas around here, regardless of rank relationship . 我們在這里可以自由地交換觀點和想法,用不著考慮上下級關系。

And the chinese people themselves did not freely welcome journalists from other lands . 同時,中國人民自己也不是無條件地歡迎任何外國新聞記者。

A compass is essentially a magnetized needle mounted in such a way that it can swing freely . 實質上,指南針就是一個支起來能自由擺動的磁針。

On his knees, he put his head on his folded hands and let his mind float freely . 他的肘子擱在膝蓋上,用手托著頭,讓思想在腦海中自由馳騁。

As wine had somewhat opened my heart, i very freely acknowledged the robbery . 酒力似乎敞開了我的心懷,我就直言不諱地承認了那次的盜竊。

If paper is freely available, people will not be so interested in buying too much of it . 如果紙張敞開供應,人們就不愿意買得太多。

The pollen flows freely without sticking to the sides of a glass storage container . 花粉在玻璃容器內能自如滑動而不會貼著于器壁。

The air did not circulate very freely in this place, and the rays of the sun never reached it。 這里空氣很不流通,終年不見陽光。

I repeat i freely consent to go with you as your fellow-missionary . 我再說一遍,我爽爽快快地同意跟你去,作為你的傳教士的同事。

Curley's wife joins him and begins to talk freely about herself . 柯利的妻子來到他身邊,開始毫無顧忌地談起她自己來。

The trustees of the future could not freely ride off in all directions . 未來的受托管理人無法任意背離其方向。

He had noticed on this trip that she liked to drink rather freely . 在這次旅行中他已經注意到她喜歡隨意喝酒。

Photons can be created freely as long as energy is available . 只有要足夠的能量,光子隨時隨地都可以產生。

He was sweating freely from the walk and he felt very depressed . 他走得大汗淋漓,只覺得打不起一點勁。