
frederic n.弗雷德里克〔男子名〕。


Liberation said angry locals in the southern town of sete scrambled on the ground to scrape up the bits of 5 , 10 , 20 and 50 euro notes scattered at the july 8 nuptials . “ people chucking money away in the street for everyone to see ! “ said frederic , a resident quoted by the newspaper 解放報指出,這場拋撒碎紙幣的婚禮于7月8日在賽特鎮舉行,憤怒的當地居民事后匍匐在地上拼湊那些面值為5圓10圓20圓和50圓的歐元紙幣碎片。

The assistant postmaster general ( business development ) , mr . dan choi , in collaboration with the managing director of ebay hk & singapore , mr . frederic de bure announced today their joint efforts to foster the growth of e - commerce in hong kong 香港郵政助理署長(業務發展)蔡永祥先生與e - bay香港新加坡的執行董事穆莆理先生今日宣布攜手合作,共同促進香港電子商貿的發展。

But where there are no obstacles to a union , as in the present case , where the connection is in every point desirable , delays are frederic gives up to them , can be refitted for their reception 可是,眼下這種情況,從各方面看來這門親事都是稱心合意的,沒有什么障礙,也就沒的必要拖延了。一等弗雷德里克爵士出讓給他們的城那個地方整修好,可以接待他們了,他們就結婚。 ”

Welcome to the new “ bulk registered air mail service “ launching ceremony . today , we are very honoured to have mr . frederic de bure , managing director , ebay hk & singapore to be our officiating guest 今天我們十分榮幸能邀請到ebay香港及新加坡的執行董事穆莆理先生擔任主禮嘉賓,與我們一起啟動全新的“大量投寄掛號空郵服務” 。

This popular visitor attraction features a superlative collection of classic and contemporary western art , including works by charles russell , frederic remington , and the famous 18 - foot sculpture , the end of the trail 其實在西部大開發的過程中處處彌漫著羅曼蒂克的風情。這里收集了大量歷史和現代西部文化藝術品。

Don ' t forget to forgive yourself . “ for some people , forgiving themselves is the biggest challenge , “ frederic says . “ but it can rob you of your self - confidence if you don ' t do it . 不要忘了寬恕自己。弗雷德里克說: “對于有些人來說,寬恕自己才是最大的挑戰。但是如果你不寬恕自己,你會失去自信。 ”

El panteron , who has always scored decisive goals this year when fielded by didier deschamps , is a reported target for sevilla , who could include striker frederic kanout in a swap deal 今年在德尚手上常常攻入制勝球的大慢猴,據報道已經被塞維利亞盯上,而他可能會被用來作為與卡努特交易的添頭。

Mr . dan choi , assistant postmaster general , business development ( left ) and mr . frederic de bure , managing director , ebay hk & singapore ( right ) officiated at the ceremony 在儀式上,香港郵政助理署長(業務發展)蔡永祥先生左及ebay香港及新加坡執行董事穆莆理先生右,一同主持儀式。

Their daughter irene joliot - curie shared the 1935 chemistry prize with her husband , frederic joliot , making them the only family to have won husband - wife awards through two generations 他們的女兒艾琳約里奧居禮也和她丈夫佛烈德瑞克約里奧共得化學獎,使他們成為唯一兩代夫婦都得獎的家族。

Martell extra was first mentioned in a letter or 1819 from theodore martell to his brother frederic . it is a particularly elegant blend of extremely rare cognacs 在1819年由西奧多& # 8226馬爹利給其兄弟弗雷德里克& # 8226馬爹利的信中首次提及。由極品干邑精心調制而成,完美詮釋了高貴、優雅的含義。

Rita roberts , of the national center for atmospheric research , in colorado , and frederic fabry , of mcgill university in canada , think they have found out how to do this 來自科羅拉多的國家大氣研究中心的麗塔?羅伯茨,和來自加拿大的麥基爾大學的弗雷德里克?法布里認為他們找到了解決辦法。

But he had scarcely left before danglars , with an energy of action those can alone understand who have seen robert macaire represented by frederic , 1 exclaimed , - “ fool ! 只有看過弗列德里克扮演羅伯馬克羅伯馬克是一八三四年前后在巴黎流行的一個喜劇。

( the artist who captures the cowboy , captures the american soul . once it was frederic remington . now it is william matthews 藝術家記錄著牛仔,也在記錄著美國心靈。那個藝術家曾經是弗雷德里克?雷明頓( 1861 - 1909 ,美國藝術家) ,現在是威廉?馬修斯。

“ take a couple of breaths and think of something that gives you pleasure : a beautiful scene in nature , someone you love , “ frederic says 弗雷德里克建議: “做幾次深呼吸,然后想想那些令你快樂的事情,比如自然界的美麗景色,或者你愛的人。 ”

“ people who forgive show less depression , anger and stress and more hopefulness , “ says frederic , ph . d . , author of forgive for good 寬恕的好處一書的作者弗雷德里克博士說。 “懂得寬恕的人不會感到那么沮喪憤怒和緊張,他們總是充滿希望。

This thesis discusses burrhus frederic skinner ' s theory of action operating condition with motivating state - owned enterprise manager 本篇論文是關于斯金納的行為操作條件作用理論及其在國企經營者激勵中的應用問題的研究。

The body of the 1 ) brilliant pianist and 2 ) composer frederic chopin , who died on october 17 , 1849 , can be found in a paris 3 ) cemetery 才華揚溢的鋼琴家暨作曲家肖邦逝于1849年10月17日,他被葬在法國的一處公墓。

“ people chucking money away in the street for everyone to see ! “ said frederic , a resident quoted by the newspaper “為了讓大家都看見,參加婚禮的人將碎紙幣拋灑在街道上! ” 《解放報》援引當地居民的一段話說。

“ eople chucking money away in the street for everyone to see ! “ said frederic , a resident quoted by the newspaper “為了讓大家都看見,參加婚禮的人將碎紙幣拋灑在街道上! ” 《解放報》援引當地居民的一段話說。