
frc 短語和例子FRC =1.Federal Radio Co...


Based on the recent reserch at home and abroad , the frc application in civil engineering were discussed . it included : the smart cfrc based on piezoelectricity , the temperature deformation control of synthetic frc structure , and the basic mechanical properties of frc . however , few reports concentrated on energy dissipation of flexible frc structure 這些研究涉及到各個方面,包括碳纖維混凝土壓電等機敏性的研究、合成纖維混凝土結構溫度變形控制的研究以及纖維混凝土基本力學性能和大型工程應用的研究等,而關于柔性纖維混凝土結構的能量耗散方面的研究較少。

Upon completion of an investigation , the frc may refer the case to the hkicpa , which may constitute a disciplinary committee to consider it . the frc is empowered to disclose to the hkicpa evidence obtained during its investigation and provide assistance to the hkicpa during the relevant disciplinary proceedings 該局除可向公會披露調查所得證據外,亦可在公會紀律程序中提供協助,以便該局的獨立調查工作與公會的紀律處分工作妥為銜接,避免重復調查的情況。

Frc is administered in the same manner as mpf contributions under the company s manu - lifestyle schemes and manulife global select schemes , where employees can make monthly or lump sum contributions at their own pace without having to go through their employers 自選退休供款的運作簡單易明,與宏利的宏利寫意生活強積金計劃及環球精選強積金計劃內其他供款的管理方式相同。此外,雇員可選擇每月供款或整筆供款,而且更無須經由雇主辦理。

Application of these principles leads to the employment of a strategy based on small tidal volumes ( either in a pressure or volume mode ) , extended inspiratory times , and sufficient peep to raise frc above cc without compromising cardiac output and as a consequence oxygen delivery (這些原則的應用導致戰略的就業根據小潮汐容量(或在壓力或容量方式下) ,延長的吸入的時期,和充足的窺視培養frc在cc之上沒有減弱心輸出量和結果氧氣交付。 )

Interfaces in fiber reinforced composites ( frc ) are vital because they ensure stress transfer between matrix and fibers . to characterize the interfacial properties in a fiber reinforced composites , several micromechanical experimental techniques have been developed 纖維增強復合材料中,纖維和基體在外載作用下的破壞問題一直是復合材料力學性能研究的熱點,所以纖維和基體之間的界面對復合材料的力學性能起著至關重要的作用。

Having made reference to the amount of expenditures incurred by the hkicpa in its investigation functions , we consider the proposed amount of funding adequate to meet the initial operation of the frc . this is also in line with the principle of maintaining a lean structure 我們參考過會計師公會過往在調查工作方面的支出,認為現時建議的經費金額應該足夠配合財務匯報局的早期運作,亦同時切合架構精簡的原則。

Investor groups , corporate representatives and the frc should develop good practices for shareholder engagement on auditor appointment and re - appointments and should consider the option of having a shareholder vote on audit committee reports 投資者、企業的法人代表以及英國財務報告理事會都應該在選擇或更換審計事務所方面起到典范作用,應該允許股東對審計委員會的審計報告擁有表決權。

The frc should promote wider understanding of the possible effects on audit choice of changes to audit firm ownership rules , subject to there being sufficient safeguards to protect auditor independence and audit quality 因為審計事務所隸屬關系的改變有可能會對審計選擇產生影響,所以英國財務報告理事會應加深對此類現象的理解,充分保障審計的獨立性和審計質量。

We also hope that this council can complete its scrutiny of the financial reporting council bill as soon as possible , so that we can establish the frc to strengthen the supervision of auditors of listed corporations 我們亦希望立法會能盡快完成有關財務匯報局條例草案的審議,讓我們可展開成立財務匯報局的工作,加強對上市企業核數師的監管。

With the implementation of the proposal , the frc will take over from the hkicpa the investigation of auditor irregularities in relation to listed corporations , that is , cases that generally have wider public interest 廣泛公眾利益的個案,將改由該局進行調查,而非如現時般由香港會計師公會處理。財務匯報局亦將有權公開調查結果。

Another initiative being taken forward is the establishment of an independent financial reporting council ( the frc ) , which will be mainly tasked to investigate irregularities committed by auditors of listed corporations 另一項正在推展中的建議是成立獨立的財務匯報局,主要專責調查涉及上市公司核數師不當行為的事宜。

Another initiative being taken forward is the establishment of an independent financial reporting council the frc , which will be mainly tasked to investigate irregularities committed by auditors of listed corporations 另一項正在推展中的建議是成立獨立的財務匯報局,主要專責調查涉及上市公司核數師不當行為的事宜。

The frc will possess professional expertise to investigate suspected irregularities of auditors and will , through the provision of assistance to other enforcement agencies , help to strengthen the regulatory teeth 該局具專業知識就核數師涉嫌不當行為進行調查,有助執法機構的工作,令執法老虎更為有力。

The frc should amend the section of the smith guidance dealing with communications with shareholders to include a requirement for the provision of information relevant to the auditor re - selection decision 英國財務報告理事會應該修訂《史密斯指南》中涉及如何與股東溝通的條款,特別是更換審計人員的條件。

The frc should provide independent guidance for audit committees and other market participants on considerations relevant to the use of firms from more than one audit network 英國財務報告理事會應該獨立地為審計委員會和其他的審計市場參與者提供指南,給他們提供可借鑒的信息,以便尋找到合適的審計事務所。

The establishment of the frc benefits the investing public , the accountancy profession and hong kong as a whole . we hope that legco members will support and pass the bill soon 成立財務匯報局對投資大眾、會計專業以至香港整體來說是多贏方案,我們希望立法會議員支持并早日通過這項法案。

Aiming at dispersion of impact experimental data is large , statistic analyses method is conducted , and it can reflected roundly impact properties of frc 針對沖擊試驗數據較離散的缺陷,本論文引入數理統計方法對沖擊試驗數據進行分析,統計分析結果較全面、客觀的反映了纖維混凝土動載特性。

In home and abroad , most of research works about impact performance of fiber reinforced concrete ( frc ) are under compress , but members of practical structure are under flexural 國內外大部分關于纖維混凝土抗沖擊性能研究均采用抗沖壓試驗,而實際工程中構件多處于受彎拉狀態。

The frc will be able to carry out investigations more effectively , as it will be given more comprehensive statutory investigatory powers and be independent of the accountancy profession 財務匯報局會有更廣泛的法定調查權力,又獨立于會計界之外,能更有效地展開調查工作。