
fraught adj.〔僅用作述語〕1.〔古語〕積載著…的,裝著…的。...


Professor king recognizes that , in this lengthy revolution spanning three centuries , the path of modernization has been enormously difficult and fraught with danger , but the way ahead is growing brighter 在這橫跨三個世紀的漫長革命中,金教授承認現代化的路途十分艱危崎嶇,但是前景卻是越來越清亮。

Negotiations between steelmakers and the world ' s three main iron - ore producers ( bhp , rio and vale ) to set annual benchmark prices for ore , which are under way , are said to be particularly fraught this year 據說今年正在舉行的,鋼鐵生產企業和三大鐵礦石企業為鐵礦石定價舉行的年度談判非常僵持。

A comfortable victory looked on the cards after robert pires and dennis bergkamp had given the gunners a 2 - 0 lead at highbury , but ivan campo struck to set up a fraught finale 在皮雷和博格坎普的進球使阿森納在海布里以2 : 0領先后,似乎勝利已經到手了,但是坎波的進球使比賽充滿了懸念。

I am just a young economic researcher , yet our economic research is rather distinct from the traditional economic theories because it is fraught with innovation and theoretical breakthroughs 我是一位年青的個人經濟研究者,我們的經濟研究較傳統經濟理論有較大的不同、創新和突破。

E - newsletter on “ constructive use of it in ethical management “ information technology ( it ) is a double - edged sword . it offers benefits , but it is also fraught with vulnerabilities 資訊科技可被比喻為一把雙刃刀,因為它既有很多好處,但亦可能為我們帶來一些問題。

Constructive use of it in ethical management information technology ( it ) is a double - edged sword . it offers benefits , but it is also fraught with vulnerabilities 資訊科技可被比喻為一把雙刃刀,因為它既有很多好處,但亦可能為我們帶來一些問題。

In the following games , players need to control the characters over three successive you fraught with dangerous rapids , and the river opposite the mm meet 在下面的游戲中,玩家需要控制小人,接連游過三個充滿各種危險的激流,與河對面的mm見面。

For the 71 - year - old psychotherapist , searching for a donor over the internet is a new experience , and one she acknowledges is fraught with risk 對于這位71歲的心理治療學家來說,借助互聯網尋找捐贈者還是頭一遭,而且她認為這種做法也風險重重。

Yet , the implementation of daylight saving time has been fraught with controversy since benjamin franklin first conceived of the idea 然而,自從本杰明富蘭克林最初構思出這個想法以來,對夏令時的使用問題就一直充滿了爭論。

The trip is fraught with many technical challenges , many of which are outranked by the question of keeping the crew healthy and sane 旅行中充滿了許多技術挑戰,其中許多都不如如何讓船員保持身心健康這個問題重要性更高。

They also said they hoped to help others negotiate what many said were unequal and often fraught relationships with psychiatrists 他們也說,他們希望幫助其他人商議,許多人說的話是不同的,并且他們與精神科醫生有關系。

Let ' s face it : human life has always been fraught with danger , and human minds have always been fraught with the fear that comes from knowing it 面對現實吧:人的一生一只貫穿著危險;人的大腦一只會有危險產生的恐懼。

Yet the road to the commercialization of this technology is fraught with challenges . one of the biggest is consumer acceptance 然而,在這項技術的商業化進程中還存在不少挑戰,其中最大的問題之一就是消費者的認可。

Determining europe ' s best economic interest is already a fraught [ 4 ] business in a union of 25 members ( soon to be 27 ) 在一個由25個成員國(即將達到27國)組成的聯盟中最大程度的顧及各國經濟利益已然令人煩心不已。

The primary universe is fraught with great peril . war , plague , famine and natural disaster are common . death comes to us all 源宇宙充滿了大量的危險。戰爭、瘟疫、饑荒和自然災害十分常見。所有的人都要面對死亡。

The slowed look it offered was also a means of meditation on the fraught relationship between the appearance of the world and its meanings 緩慢的表象提供了一種沉思的方法,去思考關于世界的表象和它的涵義。

The divorce showed how choosing the right wedding gifts for the new in - laws is fraught with pitfalls in south korea 這一離婚事件顯示了,在韓國,為自己的岳父岳母選擇一份合適的禮物這一過程存有怎樣的弊端。

Information technology ( it ) is a double - edged sword . it offers benefits , but it is also fraught with vulnerabilities 資訊科技可被比喻為一把雙刃刀,因為它既有很多好處,但亦可能為我們帶來一些問題。

It is ironic that despite his semi - divine origins and his powerful connection to the force , he is fraught with vulnerabilities 諷刺的是,除開他那近乎神話的出生和他與原力的強大聯系,他身上充滿了弱點。