
frau n.(pl. Fraus, 〔德語〕 Frauen ) ...


This chapter focuses on the nature , elements , imputation , plaintiff , damage for recover , suit procedure of civil liability for misrepresentation . in this chapter , the author gives his following views of points : ( 1 ) misrepresentation in periodic financial reporting is a tort ; ( 2 ) “ frau 本文是對我國上市公司定期財務報告法律責任的系統研究,其主要創新之處是: 1 .從誠信義務出發,對財務報告法律責任的不同主體從理論上分別加以分析,尤其是對獨立董事以及控股股東對上市公司財務報告的法律責任進行了探索性的研究。

Just as some fashion - industry firms have improved their prospects by going upmarket , so poltrona frau intends to bring glamour to its customers ' living rooms through co - branding initiatives with ferrari ( that should be easy to arrange ) , lvmh and dior 如同一些時尚企業開拓高端市場以增強前景一樣,波爾托那?弗勞意欲通過與法拉利(這應該不難) 、 lvmh以及迪奧等企業的品牌合作計劃讓消費者的客廳蓬蓽生輝。

Before poltrona frau went public last week , it issued a prospectus containing seven pages of risk factors , including warnings about potential difficulties in enforcing intellectual - property rights and the highly competitive nature of the industry 波爾托那?弗勞本周上市前發布了一份內含七頁風險指數的招股說明書,對知識產權權利的加強和本行業存在的高競爭性等潛在困難提出預先警告。

September : heinrich hoffmann wird in f rth als einziges kind des photographen robert hoffmann und dessen frau maria ( geb . kargl ) geboren 9月12日,海因里希?霍夫曼生于富爾特。他是攝影師羅伯特?霍夫曼及其妻瑪利亞夫人(卡爾格)的獨子。

. . . darien frau who will beget him all the towheaded brats he can afford . . .然后和有錢的女人結婚供他來誘騙像你這樣的單純女孩

Darien frau who will beget him all the towheaded brats he can afford .然后和有錢的女人結婚供他來誘騙像你這樣的單純女孩

Frau christian and me 克里斯琴夫人和我

Frau christian and me . . 克里斯琴夫人和我. .

“ frau junge , my family will now be moving into the f ' uhrer ' s bunker “榮格夫人,我們一家人要搬到元首的掩體里來。

Guten abend , frau schulze 晚上好,舒爾茨女士!

After hitler ' s death , frau junge managed to escape from his bunker 在希特勒死后,榮格夫人終于逃出了他的掩體。

And of course frau goebbels .當然還有戈培爾夫人。

Not long afterwards frau goebbels came along with the six children 沒過多久戈培爾夫人就和六個孩子一起來了。

Frau christian and i took advantage of the weather that morning . . 克里斯琴夫人和我在那天上午乘天氣晴朗. .

. . . and of course frau goebbels . .當然還有戈培爾夫人。

Was macht frau meier beruflich 邁耶爾女士是干什么的?

Bohr i remember frau schumacher 波爾舒馬赫太太我記得。

Frau christian and i took advantage of the weather that morning 克里斯琴夫人和我在那天上午乘天氣晴朗

Herr und frau wu kommen aus china 吳先生和夫人是中國人。