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fraternal twins 【生物學】異卵雙生。


Moreover , investigators have found greater lupus concordance ? either shared lupus or a shared absence of it ? in sets of identical twins ( who are genetically indistinguishable ) than in sets of fraternal twins ( whose genes generally are no more alike than those of other pairs of siblings ) 此外,科學家還發現同卵雙胞胎(有相同的遺傳)同時罹患狼瘡或兩人皆無狼瘡的情況,要高過異卵雙胞胎(遺傳上的差異和一般兄弟姊妹相同) 。

The twins were dining in san telmo , buenos aires ' s picturesque arts and dining neighborhood . abc reported that the theft was not the only difficulty the secret service faced during the fraternal twins “ two - week visit 芭芭拉被搶時正和妹妹詹娜在布宜諾斯艾利斯南部的圣特爾莫區吃飯,那里以獨特的藝術和餐飲而著稱。

The twins were dining in san telmo , buenos aires ' s arts and dining neighborhood . abc reported that the theft was not the only difficulty the secret service faced during the fraternal twins “ two - week visit 芭芭拉被搶時正和妹妹詹娜在布宜諾斯艾利斯南部的圣特爾莫區吃飯,那里以獨特的藝術和餐飲而著稱。