
frank n.弗蘭克〔男子名〕。


With a sinking heart alexandra saw frank led away down the corridor . 亞歷山德拉懷著沉重的心情目送富蘭克被帶著向長廊那頭走去。

He had learned from that scene in the presbytery with frank long ago . 他從很久以前與弗蘭克在神父私邸發生的爭吵中吸取了教訓。

Frank stuck by me through thick and thin, so i know he is a loyal friend . 法蘭克同我甘苦與共,所以我知道他是個忠誠的朋友。

The only ones who have maintained some contact with me were evans and frank . 現在還和我有聯系的,只剩下埃文斯和弗蘭克了。

She was not afraid to show a frank pleasure in her great possessions . 她對自己的巨大財富毫不掩飾地流露出沾沾自喜的心情。

Frank johnson, in the daily telegraph's sketch, said this . 弗蘭克約翰遜在《每日電訊報》的簡報中評論過此事。

Frank was holding onto the gutter and slowly exercising his bad leg . 弗蘭克把著水槽正在慢慢地活動著他的病腿。

Frank kept a straight face when kate made a ridiculous mistake . 當凱德犯了可笑的錯誤時,富蘭克忍住不笑出來。

Frank jerked a dirty blue handkerchief from his trousers pocket . 富蘭克慌亂地從褲兜里拉出一條骯臟的藍手帕。

There is something frank and joyous and young in the area . 這個地區處處給人以豪放,樂觀和蒸蒸日上的感覺。

She had been frank in her questions. and polly had been frank in her answers . 她問得坦率,波莉答得明白。

Thank you, too, for being so frank about your financial position . 還要謝謝你如此坦率地說明你的經濟狀況。

The occasional patient will develop a frank postoperative psychosis . 偶爾病人發展成明顯的術后精神病。

During the war frank used to make spare parts for airplanes . 在戰爭期間,弗蘭克曾生產飛機用的零部件。

Frank soon picked up all of the technicalities of the situation . 法蘭克立即精通了這種場所的全部術語。

Frank sat slumped tiredly, sipping cup after cup of tea . 弗蘭克疲乏不堪地低著頭在那里一杯一杯地飲茶。

Better would it be if our men were as honest and frank . 要是咱們的人也那么老實安分,事情就好辦了。

The frank exchange of views contributed to better understanding . 坦率交換意見有助于增進互相了解。

Her expression was so savage that i am afraid for frank . 她的表情是那么粗野,我在替法蘭克擔心呢。