
fractious adj.1.倔強的。2.易怒的;脾氣不好的。3.任性的。...


Introduction : key figures in the direction of movement control , z key light foot , x - key heavy legs , c bond qingquan , v key made 313 , key to surpass space depending on the upper left corner of the blue - after a fractious only resorted to surpass 方向鍵控制人物移動, z鍵輕腳, x鍵重腳, c鍵輕拳, v鍵發鏢,空格鍵為絕招需要等左上角的藍色條塊滿了以后才會使出絕招。

Key figures in the direction of movement control , z key light foot , x - key heavy legs , c bond qingquan , v key made 313 , key to surpass space depending on the upper left corner of the blue - after a fractious only resorted to surpass 方向鍵控制人物移動, z鍵輕腳, x鍵重腳, c鍵輕拳, v鍵發鏢,空格鍵為絕招需要等左上角的藍色條塊滿了以后才會使出絕招。

The population in the segments upstream of dam no . 3 , one of the major habitats of previous years has decreased sharply to small fractious groups and has been facing severe crisis ever since the catastrophe brought by the herber typhoon 原本亦為重要分布溪段的七家灣溪三號壩以上地區,在1996年賀伯臺風之后族群數量銳減,面臨小族群局部滅絕的威脅。

She then peeped round to where i sat ; so stern a neighbour was too restrictive ; to him , in his present fractious mood , she dared whisper no observations , nor ask of him any information 她隨后偷偷地朝我坐的地方掃視了一下,那么嚴肅的一位鄰座使她很拘束。他眼下性情浮躁,所以她即使看到了什么,也不敢悄聲說話,就是想要知道什么,也不敢問他。

If hizbullah is beaten , it risks losing its position as the strongest power in the fractious lebanese state , with damaging consequences in the region for its iranian sponsor and syrian ally 如果真主黨被擊敗,它將可能失去在難以駕馭的黎巴嫩政府中的最強力的地位,同時也會損害它的伊朗主子和盟友敘利亞在這一地區的重要地位。

Two things undermine the hope that the fractious caucasians have finally learned to hang together , to their own benefit and that of western energy consumers 本以為這些桀驁不馴的高加索人為了各自的利益,也為了能源消費者的利益,終于學會了聯合一致,但由于兩個問題,這個希望正在慢慢破滅。

But in the infrastructure industries such as telecommunications , electricity , there are fractious relationships between competition authority and specific sector regulators 在反壟斷法研究中,反壟斷主管機關與產業管制機構之間的關系如何處理是一個比較關鍵同時也比較復雜的問題。

It is that iraq is sliding into a sectarian war mainly because its fractious politicians have not been willing to make the concessions needed to achieve national reconciliation 伊拉克正在滑向宗教戰爭,其主要原因是那些死硬的政客不愿意做出必要讓步,以實現國內和解。

The brazilian has long had a fractious relationship with teammates , his club and coach frank rijkaard , while he has regularly hinted that milan would be a good move 足球在他的腳下是快樂的,沒有功利的色彩,羅米的足球,它讓每一個有夢的人心動。

Egypt , along with the semiautonomous government of south sudan , has tried to bring darfur ' s fractious rebels together to create a joint platform 埃及也連同南蘇丹的半自治政府一起嘗試了與狂暴的叛軍們聯盟以建立起一個互助的盟軍陣營。

We are all running faster and faster on our pointless , addictive wheels of busyness and we have become inefficient , frazzled and fractious 我們在毫無意義且讓人上癮的忙碌車輪上越來越快地運轉,變得低效率、疲憊而暴躁。

And to the relief of those weary of his predecessor ' s fractious and intimi style , he ' s not andy grove 格諾夫而言,巴雷特沒有他那么脾氣暴躁,也沒有他的那種強制性風格。

He had worked with the diverse , fractious iraqi opposition 他曾經和不同的、易怒的伊拉克反對派一起工作。

He had to run the country, too, and wrestle with a fractious congress at every point to get things done . 他還得治理這個國家,凡事都要和乖戾固執的國會斗爭一番才能辦成。

Run by fractious triumvirate, it produced some noble plays . 由獨斷專行的三人小組經營該劇團演出了一些名劇。