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four horsemen 【圣經】(指戰爭、饑饉、瘟疫、死亡四大害的)四騎士。

four hundred

But i do not want to see the republican party ride to political victory on the four horsemen of calumny fear , ignorance , bigotry , and smear 但是我不想看見共和黨依靠誣蔑他人的四騎士恐懼、無知、偏執和誹謗去贏得政治上的勝利。

. . . because the worid around me is shrinking , and the four horsemen of the apocaiypse . . . . .因為我周圍的世界在不斷收縮啟示錄里面的四個騎士來看我. .

Because the worid around me is shrinking , and the four horsemen of the apocaiypse .因為我周圍的世界在不斷收縮啟示錄里面的四個騎士來看我

The four horsemen of the apocalypse were war , plague , famine and death 圣經啟示錄中的四個牧馬人是戰爭、瘟疫、饑荒和死亡。