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foster parents 養父母。

foster son

On that day , i chose to become a one - day foster parent of a fourteen - year - old boy who looked seven or eight years younger than his real age . he is both deaf and mute , and could not move his limbs with agility . he is also autistically inclined , so he could only communicate with me through his soul 當天我認養一位十四歲的男童,但是乍看之下竟像一位七八歲的小男孩,而且是聾啞兼四肢不靈活,又有自閉癥,他完全用心靈來跟我溝通,其中的奧妙了然于心,讓我有更多不一樣的心靈啟思與心靈的回蕩。

She later obtained a law degree from peking university in 1994 . after graduation , she worked for foster parents plan , inc . , the society for the aid and rehabilitation of drug abusers , and the department of social work of cuhk 一九六八年,陳女士于香港中文大學社會工作學系畢業后,曾任職于國際培幼會、香港戒毒會及香港中文大學社會工作學系。

On sunday 16th september 2001 wwf hong kong dolphin foster parents witnessed a rare event - during a dolphin watching tour a baby chinese white or pink dolphin was born before our very eyes 二一年九月十六日星期日,參與世界自然基金會中華白海豚助養計劃的助養父母出海觀賞海豚時,罕有目睹一條中華白海豚誕生!

I remembered the very day i became a foster parent for spca tuesday , june 6 , 2001 . i fostered two little kittens with cat flu but they were not too difficult to take care of 零一年六月初的一個星期二,第一次成為愛護動物協會的代母,暫時性收養了兩頭小貓,小貓雖有點感冒,但不太難照顧。

Please help us save these kittens by offering your help as foster parents . their survival depends on your kindness . please call spca now on 2232 5524 or 2232 5553 請加入成為暫養父母,拯救這些可憐的小貓。 ?們的存活,有賴你的仁愛。請即與spca聯絡: 22325524或22325553 。

9 . as a foster parent , you are requested to assist in finding suitable homes for the foster animal . however , an adoption interview will have to be done by lawc 9 .暫養家庭有義務協助暫養動物尋找合適的領養家庭,但所有領養家庭都必先與本組織見面。

He was adopted by foster parents at the age of four months , taken to hong kong at 4 , and started to work around the factory floor at 5 他在四個月大時被養父母收養,四歲時被帶到香港。五歲就開始在工廠打工。

An individual , such as a parent , foster parent , or head of a household , who attends to the needs of a child or dependent adult 關心者,操心者具有照料小孩或未獨立成人的需要的個人,如家長,養父(母)或戶主

Since mother is not here , my foster parents give me a hot water bottle and feed me by hand to keep me strong and growing 媽媽不在,所以托養家庭給我一個暖水袋和用貓奶粉喂我,讓我成長茁壯。

A fisherman was invited to join the dinner and talked with the foster parents on his opinion of the project 一名魚塘漁民應邀出席并與我們魚塘的助養父母傾談關于他對計劃的意見。

Every new foster family means another animal rescued from lamma . what do you need to become a foster parent 每一個新的暫養家庭代表多一名南丫島上的動物被救。

You can directly save the life of a cat or dog , kitten or puppy by becoming a foster parent 成為暫養家庭,您可以直接拯救貓貓或狗狗。

Florida officials want the child to stay with her american foster parents 佛羅里達官方想要這個女孩和她的美國養父母生活在一起

We were foster parents , and we just fell in love with all of them . . 我們是領養父母后來我們愛上了他們每一個… …

Carolyn and bob are andy ' s foster parents . they hope to adopt him 卡洛琳和巴伯是安迪的養父母。他們希望收養他。

We were foster parents , and we just fell in love with all of them 我們是領養父母后來我們愛上了他們每一個

What did your character ' s parents and / or foster parents do for a living 你的父母/養父母是做哪一行的?

They ' re like foster parents at school 他們在學校里就像父母。

I think her foster parents are both doctors 我想她的養父母都是醫生